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Everything posted by Reed83HOF

  1. At work we had a "team-building" event the past Friday, where we left work early, at a bowling alley, we bowled, ate food and drank beer - all paid for by the company. Everyone in the plant is now sick because some a-hole went bowling when they were sick and put their grubby, dirty, ball-itching, ass-scratching booger fingers in the ball holes that we also used and then promptly picked food up up with.
  2. Apparently he felt well enough to bowl a few frames on Saturday, though. Sources said he was at Boonton Lanes, which is not far from where the Jets train in New Jersey, from around 10:30 p.m. to close to 1 a.m. when the bowling alley closed. Bell was easy to spot in orange leather pants. Bell’s party had alcohol on its table, but it was unclear if Bell himself was drinking. An eyewitness said Bell seemed to be having a good time bowling and had a driver outside keeping a white Mercedes Benz warm for him. While Bell was bowling, his team was at a hotel near the Meadowlands making its final preparations for the game with the Dolphins.
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