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Everything posted by Reed83HOF

  1. Which you can deal with for a year and not have it affect your signing or resigning anyone. I can see both happening, but I lean towards more keeping him for another season
  2. I entirely agree and was/am hoping for 1-2 more years with him for Allen. It falls more on the developmental aspect of it for Allen is where my concern lies. There is also a chance that he doesn't want to place his HC career prospects with Haslam as an owner, the track record of the HCs and in abilities to get hired after, Dorsey's drafting of questionable characters, etc. Not so sure he would just jump for that. With the rep he has right now he can be a bit more selective IMO
  3. Could have had home field if we beat Balt, the Cheats and the Jests - we easily could have with a couple more plays on offense
  4. Obviously I was joking, but this is a great topic and something we entirely need to look at. I like the rapport that he and Allen have, the offseason workouts and such - I do think that counts for a lot, but it is a weak link on this team...
  5. Just do it & force a Von trade to the Bills
  6. I love the offseason and I am stoked to see what we do!
  7. Good points! I can see both Star sticking and I would not be surprised if he is cut; I'm just not sure we would eat $7.5 on a cut. Either thing happening won't be a surprise at all lol
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