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Everything posted by Reed83HOF

  1. Red Sox got slapped in 2017 for using Apple watches to relay signals and it was met with a milder penalty, but everyone was put on notice: "Taking all of these factors as well as past precedent into account, I have decided to fine the Red Sox an undisclosed amount which in turn will be donated by my office to hurricane relief efforts in Florida. Moreover, all 30 Clubs have been notified that future violations of this type will be subject to more serious sanctions, including the possible loss of draft picks." If you watched the world series video from the 2017 Astros, you can clearly see the set up and where the set up was located - there is no way this was not known at the highest levels of the organization - it was in their championship video...
  2. I'm too lazy and not vested in this argument to look it up, but IIRC Cover1 and others were showing this on twitter over the past few weeks and throughout the season
  3. Also the Red Sux Maganer Cora is in deeeeep crapola So compare Manfred to Goddell and how MLB vs the NFL handle cheating scandals? Edit:
  4. Can't argue with much of this and it is true we are very poor talent wise at WR and DE - both need to be addressed urgently this offseason
  5. The real question is - how would he get along with Ed Oliver & would Ed say he sucks too?
  6. I like him as a player - the juice he brings to the team, but he will be overpaid
  7. Guess Marrone's offense still isn't right
  8. That should naturally take the pressure away from Hughes in that regards - unless they try to 1 up each other
  9. Th absolute worst - they are still going to be a dumpster fire. Poor Browns fans Edit - it is even worse https://www.cantonrep.com/sports/20200112/steve-doerschuk-josh-mcdaniels-wouldnrsquot-back-down-browns-owner-backed-away
  10. Not sure - seems weird that they let both Coordinators go - they actually did a good job....Unless they are gonna try to tank next year properly?
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