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Everything posted by Reed83HOF

  1. How much did the apple watches help them in 2017 as well? Apple watches went on sale in April 2015 - when did they start using them? Everything becomes sketchy
  2. yum, I need to go there again soon with the wife Also have them in Irvine, LA & Vegas, damn it's so good
  3. I'm not being an As$hole intentionally with this question, but how do you balance out this with the Sox and the Pats? I read a few Boston papers who said they should fire Cora, don't recall seeing the same outrage with the Pats.....
  4. I agree that Oliver will have more swagger next year and the year after - he has the personality for it. I mean I would keep Shaq over Murphy, but I would rather upgrade over both of them. We do have the space to sign Shaq and big DE and use Shaq over the next 4-5 years to transition Jerry out and bring in a younger replacement. The roster construction this offseason will start to further color in the big pieces on D that fit into McD's idea of importance for his scheme. Do you spend on another impact and sacrifice a little depth or is what you have good enough (if you will)? Do you fill Zo's role completely or just look for a 2 down LB and give more to Edmunds/Milano? On the offensive side, I am curious to see what Beane does in regards giving Josh more weapons and helping him be successful as well - he says not enough. How do you balance that out and be smart with the cap and retain our own guys? None of this is for you to answer, but I am anxious to see how this offseason turns out.
  5. When I say Core I as referring a bit more to what Beane said in his presser they want to sign their core guys. Maybe an easier way to explain/state this would be the NY Yankees of the 96-2006 or so Core: Jeter Marino Pettitte Jorge The rest are role players (some being great players in fact), but can be replaced. You build your rosters out around those 4 players and they are the leadership core; they are the players you ride and die with. The Bills have Core: Allen - QB Edmunds - LB Oliver - DT Tre - CB and I think: Dawkins _ LT Singletary - RB Hyde - S Notable positions missing core guys = WR & DE
  6. Nope. Last year and the previous year was about filling out the roster; this year is about targeting specific upgrades at weak positions throughout the roster, with special care being dedicated to the positions that are very important top the defenses scheme and to helping Josh as much as possible. I gather many fans are use to trying to resign every guy so we don't create another hole that we have to fill through the draft - it isn't like that anymore boys 7 girls. As beane has said a few times, you fill holes on FA and hit BPA in the draft. He also said that you lean on the strengths in the draft class as well.... When you say this, I certainly don't disagree, but if you want to talk about edge and energy that screams more Phillips and he is by far the least likely one we sign.
  7. And invite Patrick Chung over so they can do lines off of the masseuses
  8. We have $198 million next year and $394 million the following year in cap space due to a ton of expiring contracts....can't say we don't have the $$$$ Also over drafting a position of need is the worst thing you can do - if you want an example - look at the past 20 years of the Bills offseason approaches to the draft...
  9. a whole lot of meh - none of these guys really fit a core player definition - some nice players, but nothing I am building a team around
  10. Well here is some new news.... https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/28477741/why-anger-boiling-scenes-houston-astros-sign-stealing-punishments Multiple ownership-level sources told ESPN that dissatisfaction with the penalties had emerged following a conference call with Manfred, in which he explained how the Astros would be disciplined, then told teams to keep their thoughts to themselves. "The impression," one person familiar with the call told ESPN, "was that the penalty for complaining would be more than Houston got." "All clubs have been asked by Major League Baseball not to comment on today's punishment of the Houston Astros as it's inappropriate to comment on discipline imposed on another club. The Dodgers have also been asked not to comment on any wrongdoing during the 2017 World Series and will have no further comment at this time." "Crane won," he said. "The entire thing was programmed to protect the future of the franchise. He got his championship. He keeps his team. His fine is nothing. The sport lost, but Crane won." . Crane said he saw details of the league's punishment over the weekend. It allowed him to introduce himself as a do-something organizational shepherd. He announced the firings of Luhnow and Hinch on live TV, generating maximum effect. "It will scare employees of MLB teams from cheating, at least for a while," one high-ranking executive said, "and the man who owns the team gets to enjoy his ring. He gets off lightly and can start with a clean slate." This refrain was common inside the game, and it came with a question that was rhetorical-but-not-really, one that illustrated how Jim Crane won the day that his franchise lost. How many owners in baseball would trade $5 million, four high draft picks and the firing of their GM and manager in exchange for a World Series title? Twenty-five? Twenty-eight? All 30? "I don't know that I would," one team president said, "but I don't know that I wouldn't."
  11. It's awful Even with steroids and HGH you still have to play the game. A hitter knowing if it is a fastball or offspeed before it is even thrown is an enormous advantage.
  12. You forgot about Patrick Queen from LSU dude was all over the place last night
  13. Jesus both of them looked good - we should find a really friggen good RB in this draft he is a beast, not to mention he was very heads up on not running out of bounds and draining the clock last night - can always use smart players like that as well
  14. Baines is a stain on the HOF in my opinion, there are a lot of good players who aren't in and for the most part everyone gets it; this starts the banging of the drum for some of those other guys, naturally....
  15. Yeah the sherrif ran his mouth too much, got in a fight, hurt his shoulder and had to retire
  16. The quality of the players are certainly better better for Burrow - Although Stanford did have Jonathan Martin
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