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Everything posted by Dirtbag

  1. yelling is wonderfully inspirational.
  2. i didn't say he was lazy or a criminal. actually, i like him quite a bit. and, yes, you can make the nfl if you're lazy but that's another argument entirely. just because marcell smokes weed doesn't mean he needs a drill sergeant to suddenly be set straight. nor does it make him immature. the best motivators understand that different people need to be treated differently (i think we agree here). lombardi coached this way, which probably contributed to his success. i have no idea if waffle works that way. i just know - based on these clips -- that he seems like a boorish caricature of a football coach. it's entirely possible that this dude might elevate marcell's performance (he's already ahead of the game since there's no suspension next year). i just prefer people who treat adults as adults as opposed to treating them as children.
  3. the best thing to happen to marcell was that $100 mil contract. this could get ugly. i know that when my boss yells at me constantly, hitting up a fatty boom batty of the sticky icky icky at the end of the day is the only thing that keeps me going.
  4. i saw him praying before pounding 50 wings at the local hooters.
  5. ralph used to make the gm keep his depth chart on a scratch pad.
  6. risky hire given the abundance of beach chairs in la.
  7. i've officially reached my doug whaley limit. i couldn't make it past the first ten seconds when he thanks chris brown for having him on. or maybe i've reached my chris brown limit.
  8. what do the pergula's think?
  9. i wonder if we'll finally have flying cars by the time sean mcvay is as old as pete carroll currently is.
  10. it has nothing to do with graham. he just doesn't like questions.
  11. the cia ain't got nothing on pegs. can wikileaks get on this: What traits were most important? TP: We are not going to disclose any of the things we used to pick our coach because, again, this business is so competitive, I'm not going to tell the world, the rest of the league what we look for in a coach. That's our business. Why was the search so narrow this time in terms of the four candidates you interviewed and that they all were coordinators who'd never been head coaches? TP: The search may appear to be narrow to you. Again, in our own private business, there was a lot more work done ... I assume what you're referring to is that we interviewed four candidates. Yes. TP: It was broader than you think. But I'm not going to get into that.
  12. pegs would have made mcdermott team president if he was able to jump out of a swimming pool and land on his feet.
  13. i can't read through 24 pages of comments. did he say who the coach was? or just hint that he knew who it was?
  14. impossible. that sort of stuff only happens in buffalo. are you sure it wasn't sully going after obj?
  15. is passing game coordinator ranked above or below quarterback whisperer?
  16. you should check out some of my posts. they're pretty good.
  17. murph has always been a boring sycophant with zero charisma. he makes chris brown look like a combination of upton sinclair and george clooney. his show was always a challenge to listen to -- it's only slightly more interesting than white noise, but puts you to sleep twice as fast. it has the quality of melting vanilla ice cream but none of the flavor. that said, he inadvertently stepped into radio gold when he started yelling at tweeners last week. honestly, that was the first time i even thought about murph in over a year. they really need to take the show on the road to area middle schools, where murph browbeats and abuses little kids for their anti-bills takes. i would definitely listen to that as long as they promise not to have coach sal on talking about his son max or what's going on on twitter.
  18. i wonder if he's transferred the assistant rolodex into an excel spreadsheet by now.
  19. the policy was all about limiting media access. if you don't care about the media, you don't create a policies limiting access.
  20. just found out that trey is available for speaking engagements if anyone is interested. maybe he can be the guest speaker at the next tbd garbage plate get together thingy! http://www.athletespeakers.com/speaker/trey-wingo/
  21. i've already provided evidence that he does care about the media. if you need more evidence, refer to that ridiculous media policy the bills implemented this year. i think it's pretty clear that they really dislike the press and spend considerable time thinking about way to limit access. i wouldn't be surprised if pegs hate-reads timmy and sully on the reg.
  22. if i'm a candidate, i'm definitely going to ask why the the head coach wasn't involved in discussions regarding the starting quarterback's status. i can only imagine what kind of fumbling answer whaley and pegs gave to that one. i'm guessing they need to get this remorse story out to change the "narrative" (as whaley might say). now they can tell candidates it was all a horrible mistake that won't happen again.
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