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Everything posted by Dirtbag

  1. you're right. i got my booty calls confused.
  2. jarron gilbert: he can jump out of a swimming pool. or coy wire: see above.
  3. age ain't nothin' but a number, brah.
  4. his #1 receiver was the hospitality tent.
  5. this ad would be a lot better if the guy in the chair said, "dilly-dilly," then the other guy responds,"dilly-dilly," then mcbride retorts, "dilly-dilly," then jim looks into the camera and affirms, "dilly-dilly."
  6. in fairness, we all felt a little disrespected by him starting.
  7. i dunno, but oj still seems pretty frisky.
  8. the bills are hamilton and the chargers are burr.
  9. if players are allowed to destroy fans who run onto the field, fans should be allowed to smash an original pizza log into the face of any opposing player who leaps into the stands.
  10. if russ gets fired (which will never happen), my main concern is what happens to his sweet endorsement deal with napoli's men's shop. do they kick the tires on whaley as a spokesmodel? tim murray, perhaps? they could probably score both of them for the price of one russ.
  11. yes, that's why we're negative. because we want them to fail so we can say, "told you so" to other anonymous posters on a message board.
  12. "Privy & The Pee Pee Slapper."
  13. thoughts and prayers for both doug and carolina.
  14. mcd cares about two things: character and cuteness.
  15. he looks like a combination of andrew peters and pube-stache.
  16. peterman seems pretty boring, but the gruden's bewilderment over the term "mba" made me laugh.
  17. excuse me, his name is "mr. kraft."
  18. if he really loved grandma, he would continue the tribute into the season by playing every down while holding that framed photo of her.
  19. what a "catty" comment. still, it's hard to deny that male bills fans are masculine men. they lead the league in back hair grooming, hating pilates, crying at saving private ryan, and scratching themselves.
  20. on a serious note, being all loosey-goosey before a game can be a positive.
  21. come on, that woman was asking to be molested with a golf club. as for hardy, has anyone mentioned how kyle can mentor him into being a productive member of society yet?
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