i agree that that the overlap between whaley and nix makes attributing responsibility a bit murky (which may or may not have been intended). as i mentioned earlier, i believe that whaley was in total agreement with the pick. but let's assume he wasn't. if the bills allowed a retiring gm to make a pick on his own -- or force the new gm to make it -- then it points to major organizational incompetence far worse than just making a bad pick. and if whaley made the pick just because nix sent out a directive, then that's on him. if i'm a new gm, i'm not about to waste a first round pick and two years of development on a qb who i know isn't good enough.
but like i said, i tend to believe whaley's comments in that video where he lauds ej. he liked ej's "presence" and thought he looked the part.