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Everything posted by Dirtbag

  1. my advice to coach mcd: credit cards are free money!
  2. take him into the anchor bar kitchen so he can watch guys toss wings in hot sauce.
  3. i misread this thread. thought you had a hot take about poutine and football.
  4. i heard they were at the la quinta on sepulveda.
  5. maybe his car warranty was expiring?
  6. yup. also doesn't hurt that the three other teams in the division were paragons of ineptitude for 20 years.
  7. keeping this guy is pure hubris.
  8. i dont know who joe b is, but did joe b seriously qualify his comment thusly: Players who are not trending downward but need to show more and have yet to impress: i thought joe b was gonna tell us about players how were trending up and down. joe b is clearly being mealy-mouthed here. either players are trending up or they're trending down. they cant not be trending down, but need to show more to impress. come on, joe b, be better, joe b!
  9. no, thad brown is much cooler and everyone knows it. those other guys with all their x's and o's are cornering the square market. p.s. to repeat, thad is the opposite of a tool -- he could be huge on tik-tok if he wanted. he's everyone's cup of tea.
  10. whenever i'm back in wny, i have ed kilgore take me to all the new cool places his riders have been. last time, we went straight from the airport to the hooters on maple only to discover it closed!
  11. i have no idea who those three goobers are, but they ain't lil dirty.
  12. that's the dude in front of the dude.
  13. this really works if you imagine it being said by werner herzog.
  14. yeah, sure they can.
  15. dude looked high as shiz. i love him already.
  16. this young man should keep that sort of talk on the tick-tock.
  17. did he try the deep dish?
  18. any word how this will impact the "hey jack, it's a fact it's sunday night" song? especially this part: "Sunday Night Football on NBC. Al and Chris are the best on TV. Stars are wrapped, it's the place to be, cause the NFL rocks on NBC, Yeah!" will they still call al the best on tv? won't that piss off tirico?
  19. loving this move. dude runs the competition committee.
  20. i like to refer to this guy as, "lil dirty." hope it catches on!
  21. of course. i mean, they threatened his beach chairs.
  22. punching-teenagers-in-the-face game was equally impressive.
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