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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. Nobody knows yet. Either way when I bought my ticket to the game I wasn't guaranteed who would play & who wouldn't. The Bills fans in Jacksonville today saw a shell of this team that will get better as long as we don't lose any more key players & the missing guys come back at some point before the season goes down the drain.
  2. The O-line was down to Ford starting. I don't know what everyone expected, but you can't run an offense with no running backs & no O-line. Also no #1 TE who helps with both receiving & blocking. Once S. Brown comes back & Ford is on the bench & Knox returns, you'll see an entirely different offense. Just remember-Tampa lost 3 games last November, were 7-5 after 12 games & won the Super Bowl. It's all about getting this team healthy for the playoff push. Also, sorry Virgil, but the cost of your ticket doesn't guarantee that the Bills won't have key players injured. I'm going to NJ next week to see what might be a shell of the Bills team if they don't get Brown & Knox back.
  3. Dustin Hopkins for the LA Chargers win!
  4. You're right, the 1st eligible team would claim him off waivers & none of the other 30 teams would have a shot at him. So only 1 team, the team with the league's worst record. I stand corrected.
  5. So you would waive Davis? Do you even know how a guy gets on the practice squad?
  6. Cousins must be a magician then. He somehow found a way to throw passes at the Vikings Diggs when he was playing for Washington. They only played together for TWO YEARS!
  7. Isn't that the same Cousins that Stefon Diggs couldn't wait to get away from?
  8. We used to have 2 kickers. Why not 2 punters? One to punt & 1 to hold on kicks. 😄
  9. I don't think that many of us did ridicule the Bills after opening day 2018. Yes, on a message board the negative commentators are louder than the general fan base & love to complain, but most fans realized 2018 was a tear down year and the main focus was to develop our new QB, regardless of the record. I'm pretty sure that with the exception of those in the media who were against the Allen pick, there was a wait & see attitude. Except for the most extreme fans & critics, there was never the perception of incompetence about Beane and/or McDermott. I think most of us thought 2018 would be a horrible season going in & the opening day trouncing & Peterman's performance confirmed our original opinion. But I don't think we were ready to go on another coach/GM search in September 2018.
  10. Let's revisit things: The Bills had lost 2 straight games that they were basically trounced when McDermott tried to shake things up with Peterman. They were 5-4 and going in the wrong direction. The offense did virtually nothing vs the Jets & Saints. The Jets game looked closer than it was because the Bills scored 2 meaningless TDs at the end including the 2nd after recovering an onside kick late in the 4th quarter. Many Bills fans thought the move was needed (for the record I wasn't one of them, taking the be careful what you wish for approach & nicknaming Perterman "Nathan Marangi"), Go back & look at the many pro Peterman posts the time McDermott announced the change before the LA game. McCarron recovered in time to play the preseason finale & actually led the team to a comeback victory, but he was disgruntled that he wasn't going to play & didn't want to be a backup, basically forcing his way off the roster. Peterman had actually looked good that preseason, a lot better than McCarron pre & post injury. I saw nothing wrong with putting in Josh ASAP . The Bills traded for Benjamin in 2017, not 2018. In the long run it was a mistake, no worse than missing on a 3rd rounder, but they may have lost the Indy game in 2017 without him & missed the playoffs. McCarron's bad play & bad attitude led to the Bills not having a veteran backup-he's the one who messed up their plan. In the end, Josh gave a lot of credit to Anderson for teaching him how to be a better NFL QB in his rookie year. The Bills management was never over their heads. They had a plan that included a roster purge & stuck to it. Never a dumpster fire, never a train wreck. Just a tear down & rebuild with 1 year of expected growing pains. Nobody who was in over their heads puts a plan together while picking 21 & 22 in the 1st round & getting up to 7 without trading both picks and ends up with the best QB of the draft & sets their franchise up for the next decade or longer.
  11. The Tweeter better be careful he didn't break the Fitzpatrick Cycle copyright when changing it to fit OBJ. The problem is this isn't the 1st time with OBJ. He was a head case with the Giants too & even after they re-signed him they decided he wasn't worth all the drama & took a big cap hit to rid themselves of him.
  12. Yes, but Peterman's wife got tired of him playing football instead of moving on & getting a real job so she released them knowing once Gruden was done Nate could go to an employment agency & get on with the rest of his life.
  13. I expect to see Jets fans fed up with Wilson to be wearing this shirt when I go down to Met-Life in 2 weeks:
  14. I'm comparing Barkley's availability to Merriman's, which like Barkley was usually Un.
  15. I believe you can get the game on WGR's website on a real computer like a desktop or laptop, but if you are using a phone or notepad it's blacked out.
  16. If the Bills play the Rams in the Super Bowl the Bills are at a huge disadvantage playing a home team in the Super Bowl. Just look at last season. For the record I said that Tampa had a huge advantage being a home Super Bowl team & I believe the Rams would be unbeatable if they reach the Super Bowl.
  17. He's only a missing piece if he's on the field. He's missing another game tonight. Remember what a great acquisition Sean Merriman was?
  18. He won't be on until the 3rd quarter so nobody should be throwing things at their set in the 1st half waiting for him.
  19. My (sarcastic) answer is applicable at malls & supermarkets as well as Bills games. Also for old guys like me it's easier not to have turn our heads & look behind us pulling out of a parking space.
  20. Too many people walking behind your car on the way out. Much easier to pull forward & judge exactly where they are so you can come within an inch without hitting them & make them think twice before walking in front of a moving vehicle.
  21. The map is now up to date: UPDATES: Albany NY: CIN-NYJ to MIA-BUF (Fri)
  22. I hear there's going to be plenty of coke in the Dolphins hotel Saturday night.
  23. No, but I'm not touching a 14 point spread.
  24. Without Elvis the ad was incomplete.
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