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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. English Translation: The Red King "I know nothing but continue to wear my tinfoil hat & spout conspiracy theories with no basis". There's always a hedge with you conspiracy bunch because it's all a fantasy in your deluded minds.
  2. Sure, bump this thread. But if you and the rest of the tinfoil hat brigade are so confident, why haven't you taken all your savings & bet it on that possibility? Is it because you hate money or is it because you are just making statements with no foundation?
  3. In NJ you can go next door to the Meadowlands race track (within the same general parking area) with a sportsbook inside, bet the game & then go to Met-Life and watch the game you just bet on.
  4. I can't imagine going on crutches to Highmark, where the fans stand the whole game.
  5. Or they can have players become 2 way players so they don't need that many. At the end of the year they gve out the ironman award, like they used to do in Arenaball.
  6. Sprewell was the 1st person I thought of. Why risk a suspension? I remember thinking that Barry Switzer was very lucky when he was coaching the Cowboys and he called Troy Aikman gay that Switzer didn't get punched out.
  7. Come On Man! You can't take individual game losses against a bad coach as an example of anything. I remember when the Bills won 1 game in 1968 & it was against the Super Bowl champs. Any given Sunday. You convieniently forget how banged up the Bills, especially on the O-line, when Meyer won his game vs the Bills. McDermott will be here a long time, so if the Bills win a Super Bowl with Josh at QB, McDermott will be the coach.
  8. Only to those who watch games with tinfoil hats on.
  9. He was talking about LB Reggie Ragland, a 2nd round pick who never played a down for the Bills and was traded to KC. He's currently on the Giants.
  10. There's no way Meyer gets a 2nd season. BTW If I was a kicker and someone did that to me, no matter who he is, he would have gotten an oops kick of a football right between the eyes.
  11. Enforce it like the NBA does with flagrant fouls. When there's a question whether it was egregious, just review it. If it's egregious it a spot penalty, otherwise 15 yards.
  12. The Giants & Bills are both on Fox this week, we never had a chance of seeing the Bills game at home. If the Giants were owen, they'd still get top priority in Albany. However, the local CBS station has abandoned the Jets for this season.
  13. The Bills were built to win the Super Bowl in SoFi, not in cold weather. Hey, since it look like the Bills will be playing only 1 or maybe no playoff games at home, we're right on target. 😜
  14. BTW, NE has won nothing yet, certainly not any playoff games so anyone who thinks they know NE is going to be in the Super Bowl hasn't been proven right or wrong, but I'd say the odds are they'll be proven wrong & the only way Belichick is going to the Super Bowl is with a ticket to the game. We'll see. If they lose to Indy Saturday the division is well within the Bills reach. I'd like to see a link on Tom Brady Sr.'s net worth as well as any evidence he has ever had an NFL affiliation. All I was able to find on a search is in the late 1970s he started his own insurance & estate planning company & is the CEO.
  15. Then why aren't you millionairs from betting on football if you have everything figured out? Did you bet a lot on the Patriots futures before the season since you knew they would be good? If not, why not.
  16. Absolutely. The refs can get intimidated by a home crowd, whether they are willing to admit it or not.
  17. Just keeping it real & not trying to find things that have a simpler, more realistic, explanation. I've seen plenty of games in a variety of sports where the refs are afraid to make calls in the final minutes that can win the game for the team behind. As I said, they're cowards, not game fixers.
  18. You are delusional. A more reasonable explanation is that the refs were too cowardly to make a call in the final minute that they realized could decide the winner. If the Bills kick a field goal it's still the players deciding the outcome. You see this all the time, especially in the NHL where a penalty won't be called in the final minutes. I repeat, you are delusional & have no basis for claiming that they would have thrown the flag for Tampa in that moment. I'm not awaiting any more of your deliusional replies.
  19. Deep down they know they're being delusional, but they just can't help themselves. My biggest pet peeve is conspiracy theories. I can't stand the way these people twist facts to support their wild opinions. It goes well beyond sports.
  20. They actually drafted 3 OL, but one was cut, signed to the practice squad & then went to the Eagles. Imagine if Beane had not re-signed Feliciano & Williams-the people would have really been up in arms because he would have created 2 holes in the O-line before the draft & the 3 draftees wouldn't have been anywhere near enough. At the time the re-signings made a lot of sense because without them it would have been instant whack-a-mole like prior GMs used to do with CBs-develop them and then let them go after 4-5 years & use another #1 pick on their replacement. The big mistake was not getting a RB in the 1st 2 rounds. RB is one of the few positions that you can rarely find in free agency since they're either past their prime, cost too much or both. Drafting RBs in the 3rd round is too iffy. The sweet spot is early 2nd round. If Beane could trade up for Ford in the 2nd, he could trade up for a RB. This is actually similar to how the Bills treated the QB spot before Josh. The sweet spot for QBs is the top 10. Beane came in realizing that & fixed years of cheaping out on QBs & went for a top 10 QB for the 1st time since the merger & common draft. For the record I did an analysis a while back & found the percentages for QB success drop dramatically after the top 10. It's a 53% success rate for a top 10 QB & drops to 36% for the rest of the 1st round ging down to 24% for the 2nd. For years the Bills went with either later round 1st rounders (EJ & JP) or signed late round backups to start (Fitz & Tyrod). I have not done a complete RB analysis although I looked at the top RBs & most were gone by pick 50. I would give Daboll the benefit of the doubt. He knows he doesn't have the RBs or OL for a balanced attack & is really stuck with Superman, his receivers & not much else. The only reason the running game worked in the 2nd half was it was totally unexpected & at the time with the big lead, Tampa was trying to stop the passing game & not concerned with the Bills running for a few yards. I don't know how much is on the coaches. The O-line moves re-signing 2 starters on a 13-3 team & drafting 3 O-linemen just didn't work out. Maybe Sando wouldn't have been so critical if Brown had been drafted in the 1st round, but if the 2021 O-line struggled with different moves he certainly would have blamed Beane for letting Williams & Feliciano go creating 2 giant holes on the O-line.
  21. Nobody is programming me. You're the one on the lunatic fringe with your conspiracy theories. If you are so sure everything is scripted and you know that, why aren't you making millions betting on the scripts?
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