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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. We now know how this turned out-It was always Dorsey as the choice & the others were just window dressing. So in the end they were just wasting guys like Tee Martin's time. Maybe they can get Tee to lateral to QB coach if Tierney goes to NYG.
  2. I think Webb will be an assistant QB coach either here or NYG. He won't step in as the QB coach in the beginning. I'd like to see Shea Tierney as the Bills QB coach, but I know he's a Daboll guy, so we'll see.
  3. Here's my take: While there may be better choices than Dorsey, based on experience, Dorsey is at the head of the list for 1 main reason-Josh Allen, the most important player on the team, already has a relationship with Dorsey and Dorsey is Josh's top choice. So, whether you like it or not, a franchise QB has a lot of power in today's NFL. Just look at the messes in Houston & Green Bay because management did something the QB didn't like. So, the key is, does Dorsey want to stay with the Bills, or is he closer with Daboll and wants to go to the NYG? If he wants to be OC in Buffalo, the job is his. Bringing in other candidates is just a charade to comply with a rule. We've seen this before. Daboll was going to be the Giants HC as soon as Schoen was hired. The other candidates interviewed were never going to get the job. The rule would be better if it could be applied to teams that don't already have their guy picked out and are truly looking at all candidates fairly. So, if a team has only 1 coach who is going to be their choice no matter what, let them hire him and not waste other people's time. However, if a team feels the need to interview more than just their guy, then apply the Rooney Rule. Here's an example from before the Rooney Rule existed: From the time Bill Polian was named GM, one of his goals was to bring his mentor Marv Levy in to coach the Bills. It didn't take very long, and he didn't have to conduct any other interviews. In today's NFL Levy would have had to come in as only an interim coach during the season & then the Bills would have had to conduct some sham interviews before naming Marv the full time head coach. In that case Levy would have been the 1 & only serious candidate due to the close relationship between Polian & Levy from past teams where they worked together. The fact Marv was going to be Polian's coach ASAP can be seen in the 1986 Bills Media Guide under Polian's bio where there was an entire paragraph on the Levy/Polian football relationship while Hank Bullough was still the coach. In fact, in the 1987 media guide, they only changed a few words in that paragraph to reflect that Marv was now the Bills HC.
  4. The only 1 of the 3 QBs mentioned whose reps were diminished was Rosen. Most 1st round busts played their way down the depth chart, they got plenty of reps until the team could see they were busts. They failed the organiztion, not the other way. As far as Rosen goes, he claims to have seen the error of his ways, but he was really bad when the Falcons put him in at garbage time. An example of someone who never got a chance was 2nd rounder Christian Hackenberg. He was so bad in practice & preseason games that he never played a down in his 2 years with the Jets. It was as if the Jets were afraid to put him in a game. He then ended up in the short-lived AAF and was as bad as his preseason Jets games & got benched before the league folded. Here's a good article from last November on Rosen. I actually had hopes he makes it after reading the article, but he almost certainly has no chance of ever fulfilling the promise that made him the 10th pick of the 2018 draft .https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/32706881/josh-rosen-finds-peace-perspective-atlanta-mentor-rich-gannon This is the part that stands out why Rosen failed prior organizations: That Rosen is figuring this out now is also an admission of what he failed to do early in his career. Since he has been in Atlanta, he has said there are things he wishes he had done differently in his earlier stops. Some of that went into how he did -- and didn't -- prepare. Too often, he was concerned about what the other team might try to do -- sacrificing the time he needed to make sure he knew his team's own game plan well enough to be able to then use the nuances within it to solve what defenses might throw at him. The last two seasons, watching Tom Brady and then Ryan, helped show him the value in approaching that first. "I wasn't studying our game plan enough," Rosen said. "And here I've been doing that a bunch more and it just allows you to play really quick and operate and know your progression in your sleep. Like dream about those pass pictures.
  5. The Bills are interviewing Tee Martin to comply with the Rooney rule. I'd ask him "Why were you drafted before Tom Brady?" and see how he responds under pressure.
  6. Kingsbury talked up Rosen & Saleh talked up Darnold when they were introduced. Once they got in the building & reviewed the tapes & talked with people they sent these guys packing. Daboll will keep Jones around but I'd be shocked if he didn't bring in some competition for the starting job before camp.
  7. He said it depends. My guess is if he gets Dorsey or someone else he knows & trusts, he'll let that OC call the plays. If he settles for someone else, it will probably be based on how comfortable he is with the guy.
  8. I'm in the you can't ruin a QB group. So far, the only thing Jones & Darnold have been are coach killers, not the other way around. Darnold has ruined 2 coaches as has Jones, if Rhule didn't have such a long term expensive contract Darnold might already have another notch on his belt. Josh Rosen was never going to succeed. He himself admits that he didn't work hard enough early in his career. He mishandled himself, not the teams he was on who saw what they had in him quickly & bounced him. If by some miracle Rosen turns things around it will be because he now realizes he needs to apply himself, not because a coach came around who fixed him. Josh Allen on the other hand was the exact opposite of Rosen when he came into the NFL, working his butt off to get better. He would have succeeded with any team because he would have done what he has been doing, working with his own QB coach every offseason, along with the team's coaching staff. Now it's 6 coaches between Jones & Darnold and you're blaming the teams that drafted them. All 3 QBs you mentioned got their coach fired their rookie year. Thatis not a coincidence-it's on them, the coach killing trio.
  9. I'm sure there are KC fans overracting too & are calling for the firing of Reid & all his assistants today. If you think the Bills coaches blew it, imagine if we had blown an 18 point lead including letting the clock run out at the end of the 1st half without putting any points on the board. I've already heard someone on WFAN say KC's 2nd half was the worst coaching he's ever seen. Imagine what they're saying on KC sports radio.
  10. Daboll said in his press conference that if Graham doesn't get a head coaching job, he will be the Giants DC.
  11. Chiefs & Rams to win & cover because I bet them.
  12. Mark: Make sure he signs his contract and shows up for the press conference.
  13. Do you think golfers get tackled and hit hard after shots? They don't.
  14. Kirk Cousins got the 2018 equivalent of Josh Allen money getting what at the time was a top 2-3 QB salary compared with the rest of what the QBs were making then. I remember cringing every time I read a post advocating the Bills sign Cousins as a free agent back then. I was really hoping the Jets would sign him, but drafting Darnold was even better in ruining the Jets.
  15. Shea Tierney https://buffalonews.com/sports/bills/inside-the-bills-why-josh-allen-thinks-shea-tierney-is-the-franchises-most-underpaid-employee/article_9cc56888-012c-11ec-b64c-bf2821537654.html
  16. The problem is that of the 5 QBs you mention, only Wilson is worth the money. Goff & Wentz are grossly overpaid & the teams that signed them to the deals were glad to get rid of them & put the rest of the contract on another team's payroll. Cousins has always looked better on a stat sheet than on the field, he's just an average QB if you watch him instead of looking at a piece of paper, Ryan is overpaid based on past accomplishments and is too old & worn down to be a top 10 salaried player. The big problem is teams are paying non-superstars superstar money. Of the current group of young QBs, Mahomes, Allen, Burrow & possibly Herbert are worth paying. Anyone else will be overpaid. Just look at Baltimore & Cleveland who enter this offseason with young QBs on their 5th year option. Cleveland has no idea what to do with Baker Mayfield who so far has had an up & down career. If 2022 is up, they have to pay him. If 2022 is down they have a giant hole at QB if they decide to move on. Baltimore is in an even worse spot. Lamar Jackson is good enough that they have to pay him eventually. The problem is he has regressed since his outstanding sophomore season. Because he is so popular among certain media & fans, it would be a PR nightmare not to pay him big bucks. He's worth it if you get the 2019 version of Lamar. If you get the injured & sick 2021 version you're throwing big bucks down the drain while killing your salary cap at the same time.
  17. No, the Bills need to draft 2 RBs. Definitely 1 early on & another mid round RB later. Singletary is on the last year of his contract next year and unless he comes back on the cheap, he's gone after 2022. There are no other NFL RBs on the roster, so almost a total revamp needs to be done ASAP. One of the main reasons the Bills lost 6 regular season games was because there wasn't much threat of RB production. The only real threat was Josh. That is not sustainable for winning a championship. The Bills may have been within 13 seconds of advancing last week, but the seeds were planted earlier by the lack of a balanced attack that cost us home field advantage.
  18. Davis Webb should be offended they didn't call him in for an interview. How do you even compare the two? McCown: I helped Sam Darnold develop into the QB he is today. Webb: I helped Josh Allen develop into the QB he is today. Slam dunk winner & next Texans head coach should be Davis Webb!😜
  19. Dak Prescott is much more deserving of it than Joe Burrow. Burrow played twice as many games as Prescott in 2020 and had no body of work to come back to prior to his 10 game rookie year. A 2nd year player should never get the comeback award.
  20. No way! WR isn't the problem on this team. We have much more pressing needs & to trade our #1 (and a 4th that is just piling on) for another WR is foolish. Plus Metcalf is going to want a pretty big extension or you lose him in 1 year. Horrible draft capital value.
  21. I'm bitter that I won't be going to the Super Bowl, I had everything planned if the Bills won the AFC, but I'll still watch this weekend and the Super Bowl on TV.
  22. I don't drink, fool. NJ is considered part of the NY metro area and nothing you say or think will change that. Of course NJ isn't part of the city, but you are seriously being obtuse.
  23. I thought he was one of the worst head coaches ever in Denver. I'd rather have Dick Jauron.
  24. Is your name Abdiell Suero? You sure sound like him: Although the both teams operate in and represent the greater New York metropolitan area, the fact that the New York Giants and New York Jets have played in East Rutherford, N.J. for decades has been a point of contention for those whose pride resides on a certain side of the Hudson River. https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/fan-sues-giants-jets-for-6-billion-demanding-both-teams-leave-new-jersey-and-play-home-games-in-new-york/
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