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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. We're not trading Josh Allen to them 😄 Realistically, the Bills are drafting too low in this year & are projected to be drafting low in future drafts. By contrast, the main reason we were able to get Bennett for 2 #1s and Greg Bell, 3 years from when he was a number 1, and a 2nd rounder was because the Bills were drafting pretty high in the years before the trade & the parners thought the picks would be relatively high. There's no way Washington would trade Young to a team for what they view as low 1st round picks. In other words, the whole premise of this thread is nothing but an impossible fantasy.
  2. I remember him most for a weight problem. When he signed with the Bills he was over 300 lbs. https://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/fl-xpm-1997-08-14-9708130432-story.html POOH BEAR LOSES WEIGHT BATTLE, DECIDES HE'S FINISHED AS PLAYER By CRAIG BARNES Staff Writer South Florida Sun-Sentinel • Aug 14, 1997 at 12:00 am TALLAHASSEE — Pooh Bear Williams, who has battled weight since coming to Florida State, finally surrendered on Wednesday: He decided not to play. His weight was estimated at 320 pounds. "I feel bad about it," coach Bobby Bowden said. "He was one of the nicer kids we've had. I talked to him and his father, but he'd pretty much made up his mind. I imagine the weight just got to be too much of a problem. He told me he was going to stay in school."
  3. I guess you have a different Google search engine than I do: https://www.vulture.com/2021/12/travis-scott-lawsuits-victims-families.html https://abcnews.go.com/TheLaw/story?id=6498405&page=14 https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2008-dec-19-me-good-samaritan19-story.html https://www.mcdivittlaw.com/blog/can-sued-helping-accident-victim https://cmplawgroup.com/blog/californias-good-samaritan-law-in-2019-can-you-be-sued-for-helping-a-car-accident-victim-and-aggravating-their-injury/ https://lawteam.com/florida-good-samaritan-law/ I'll stop pasting, I think I've made my point with the links above.
  4. We don't know what he did or said afterwards. All we've seen is a clip when she 1st fell. I was just trying to give a reason why a rich celebrity might not want to get physically involved. Maybe his wife, a health care professional, did go down. We just don't know. If he was drunk, he might have been afraid of falling & got away from the edge of the stage to what would be considered a safer place. Unless we get the whole story, we are just speculating. The only thing we know for sure is his wife is much more qualified than him to do something after the woman fell. I also know that if I'm impaired, for whatever reason, & someone near me falls off the edge of something, I'm getting away from that edge before I become the next one to fall.
  5. Every taxpayer pays for stuff that they don't care about & will never use. In the real world, not some fantasy world, teams move if the government doesn't kick in some of the stadium costs because there will always be somewhere else where the politicians will pay to get a team to move there. Now there may be exceptions in rare cases, but even the biggest cities have experienced franchise relocations. The Giants & Jets moved to a different state even within the same metropolitan area & the Bears are threatening to move out of the city of Chicago to the 'burbs.
  6. His wife is an experienced nurse, of course she is more qualified than most of the other people on the scene. You obviously don't know that otherwise your statement makes no sense. Is your response for real? Have you never heard of lawsuits against just about anyone with money? If you have you wouldn't have no idea what I'm talking about. Go and look up how many times a celebrity has been sued just for being somewhere where something happened. Go and look up the times a person came upon a scene, tried to help a victim & got sued.
  7. Here's my take. His wife, who has experience as a nurse is right there. Why would any of you get involved when a professional is right next to you & you have no qualifications to help the person? Here's another thing, if Stafford, completely unqualified (and possibly drunk) so much as touches her & something goes wrong in the future, she'll sue him for millions. I've seen stories where someone stops to help out in an accident, moves the victim the wrong way and the good samaritan gets sued. Now imagine if you're a millionaire like Stafford. are you going to risk a future lawsuit when there are much more qualified people around to aid & assist the victim? He's probably been told before this that if something happens near him and there are more qualified people to assist someone, get as far away as you can & avoid any possible lawsuit. People like us just don't think about getting sued for being a good samaritan because we have nothing to lose. A rich and famous person is a lawsuit waiting to happen every day.
  8. I want the state to take some of the profits the gambling sites are giving to the state & use some of the state's gambling profits to go to the stadium instead of raising anyone's taxes.
  9. They play in a different state, so the Giants & Jets are irrelevant to stadium funding in NYS.
  10. The horse Ralph sold, Arazi, was stabled in France & came to the USA and won the Breeder's Cup Juvenile race as a 2 year old. He was the favorite in the Kentucky Derby as a 3 year old and finished 8th. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arazi_(horse)
  11. This has nothing to do with where the state will come up with the money they have to kick in for a new stadium.
  12. The state took in over $70 million the 1st 30 days of mobile sports betting. Since without the sports leagues there are no games to bet on, should the state be taking some of the gambling revenues to help build the Bills new stadium and also support future stadium and arena renovations and upgrades to the state's major league sports teams. One of the biggest complaints from the non sports fans is they don't want their tax dollars spent on stadiums they'll never go to. The money from gambling comes almost exclusively from the fans most interested in the teams, blunting the non sports fans argument. I say use some of the gambling profits to build our new stadium. Yes, I'm aware this would require some political maneuvering.
  13. For us older fans, what you are describing is exactly how we felt during the Kelly era. We had endured many seasons where we were not only bad, but a laughingstock. It was an incredible feeling watching the Bills of the early 1990s after all the heartbreak we had put up with for decades. I went to all 4 Super Bowls & I felt that I deserved to go for all the past suffering. If the Bills make the Super Bowl and I'm still physically able to go, I'll be there & it will be sweet, especially if on the 5th try I see them win one.
  14. Your analogy is garbage since the Steelers have won multiple Super Bowls while the Bills have won none.
  15. We need a RB that puts fear in the opponent. We're not winning the Super Bowl until we get more balanced on offense. Josh running for over 700 yards isn't sustainable.
  16. Maybe it's because I don't usually use QR codes, but I thought that was the worst Super Bowl commercial I'd ever seen. I was literally yelling at the TV for it to stop.
  17. I'm guessing a rematch of the NFC championship game, but what would the nation want? Josh Allen or Trey Lance? The nation wants Josh!
  18. Considering I'm not 10 years old, I'd rather be the Steelers fan (not the Steelers since most of them weren't with the team for 10 years) because I know I'm not on the team. So, responding as a fan, I would have memories of multiple Super Bowl wins going back to the Bradshaw era as well as the Roethlisberger era. Meanwhile, as an Eagle fan, I'd only have 1 Super Bowl season. Anyone who picks the Eagles is either 10 years old or is thinking like one. PS: I'm a Yankees fan & even though the Yankees haven't won a World Series since 2009, I have a lot of great memories of many world championships. So because I'm not 10 years old I'd rather be a Yankee fan than of any other team.
  19. Staley drove me crazy this season with what were statistically based decisions that logically made no sense, like going for it on 4th down deep in his own territory. I think he lost more games than he won with what appeared to be blindly following percentages without regard to the downside. If stats say you have a 70% chance of success, but if it doesn't work that 30% costs you the game, you eschew the 70% & live to play for another possession.
  20. So glad that when I opened this link it wasn't Darryl. 😃
  21. Get real. Moss won't be on the team next year & Singletary is on the last year of his rookie contract. RB is a HUGE issue.
  22. He was in the front row, reserved for the NFL elites.
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