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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. Jordan Love hasn't shown enough for any team to be interested in trading for him. GB doesn't have to do anything with him until the 2023 season. Right now, their best option is to keep him for another season & figure a way, either in preseason or a season finale with a locked in playoff spot, to increase his market value because right now it isn't much. Plus they would have to find a new backup QB. No matter how bad this year's class is, none of them has played as poorly in the NFL as Love has.
  2. Love must have scared the daylights out of GB's management between his practices & in game experience. They're lucky they didn't get rid of Rodgers. When Favre kept them hanging, they said go away and went with Rodgers. Obviously young Rodgers showed a lot more than young Love. 😀 As I stated above, I don't think it's courage-I think Rodgers showed a lot more when Favre was there than Love has shown with Rodgers there.
  3. The drum beat reached it's highest level in winter 2018 when we were sitting at 21 & 22 and they thought we should sign Cousins for mega bucks & use our draft picks on other positions. Every time I'd see a sign Cousins thread I'd scream NO multiple times at the computer. Cousins has always looked better on paper than on the field. That's why he never wins enough games.
  4. What if a player's wife bets on the games instead of the player? Father, mother, brother, sister, etc. A player can have others place his bets & say he knows nothing about it. How would they prove anything? Smart players who want to put bets in will have others making their bets for them.
  5. Isn't every mock draft before late April nothing more than a click-bait article? There are plenty of mock drafts before free agency, trades, etc. Without knowing who is on the roster close to the draft, a mock draft is as worthless as any other wild rumor. So, every time someone responds to a mock draft this time of year, they are bamboozled into responding to nonsense. So if Harry moves he's taking his radiators with him?
  6. There's no talk in the NY media about Trubisky. Meanwhile the talk is centered around getting an experienced BACKUP for Jones who can come in & win games if he's out, not a replacement. The Trubisky to Giants is just speculation by some guy who needs to put something out there to get paid with no idea what he's talking about. If Trubisky is going to get over $10 million, it will be from a team where he would immediately be #1 on their depth chart. Teams like Pittsburgh, New Orleans, Denver, Tampa Bay & Carolina make a lot more sense than the NYG. Unless the Giants new management has reviewed all the film & decided it's time for Jones to go, they are not signing Mitch.
  7. Here's what some of you are missing. IF there's any truth to the OP, it might have nothing to do with tampering. Say you're working in a city far from home & you just want to get closer to home. So you're thinking, if I can get a job closer to home, I'm moving. Also, maybe he really likes another city even if he's never lived there & is hoping to get an offer from a team there. He may even be willing to go for less money, regardless of what the Bills have offered. Phillips may have a location in mind with no idea whether any team near there will want him or not. Robert Woods wanted to go home & there was no way he was coming back if he could play in LA. Nobody ever accused the Rams of tampering when Woods signed with them. Maybe Harry wants to play in NY & thinks Daboll will want him. Nobody knows yet and that may include Harry himself.
  8. I saw that in today's papers. More confirmation that they won't be trading Murray for picks IMO.
  9. Here's why that's tough to do: If they trade him they don't have a QB. If they have to start a rookie or a Tyrod type, they are going to be bad in 2022 & Kingsbury is going to be fired. So if Kingsbury has any say, out of self preservation, he's going to lobby to keep Murray. If things go really bad, Keim might be joining Kingsbury out the door. Most in management aren't going to do what's in the long term interests of the team if it will cost them their jobs & they won't be there to enjoy the benefits of all those picks they traded for.
  10. No rule change will help Haack or the ST players after one of his shanks. I don't know what the Bills are waiting for, he should have been cut last month.
  11. Nobody who has seen Rosen play in the NFL can justify any team sticking with Rosen. Arizona did one right thing with Rosen-they dumped him before his value went down to nothing and got some picks back, better than most teams have done with their 1st round QB busts. I'll always give Keim credit for seeing the mistake he made in trading up & drafting Rosen after 1 season. Most GMs wouldn't have the guts to admit a QB mistake after 1 year. Edit: Teams should always be willing to upgrade the QB if they like another QB in the draft. Look at the 2 NY/NJ teams: The Jets saw enough of Darnold to dump him after 3 seasons-it turned out to be a good move even if Zach Wilson doesn't pan out. I read a story a few months ago that the Giants loved Herbert, but because they drafted Jones the prior draft they passed on Herbert. I think if they knew then what they know now, Herbert would have been a Giant-no guts, no glory. I still remember some around here who wanted to keep Tyrod rather than trade a whole bunch of picks. players for Josh.
  12. The top QBs in each of the 3 drafts before him got big $ extentions after 3 years. Kyler is the best QB of 2019 and just wants the trend to continue. I'm sure after next season Burrow & Herbert will get extensions. Kyler's problem is he's the best of a bad QB class but still wants to be treated as the other bests in class have been. I can understand his view even if I don't necessarily think he deserves to be treated like Goff, Wentz (two disasters), Mahomes, Watson & Josh. I don't think he's being an egomaniac any more than any other QB whose team improved after he got there.
  13. With the possible exception of GB, if Rodgers stays, all the other teams going to Europe look like they're all headed to pretty lousy seasons. So much for the theory that the NFL is going to send premium games to Europe to build up the market of NFL goods. Arizona is a natural for Mexico due to its close proximity. Notice that Jacksonville is the only AFC team. That's probably because the NFC gets the extra home game this season, so each NFC team will still have the normal 8 home games like in previous seasons.
  14. I liked OJ Simpson pre 1994. I don't remember if I ever said "We want Marangi", but I might have. I wanted Steve Spurrier to replace Hank Bullough, not Marv. I wanted Johnson over Flutie. I predicted JP Losman would lead us to a 12 win season his 1st year as a starter-Woops! Once I jumped off the JP bandwagon, I predicted Trent Edwards would be a HOF QB. (I think that's my greatest mistake) Now for a couple of good takes: With all those overly optimistic QB thoughts, I only questioned 1 QB, EJ Manuel. Before the draft I was against drafting a QB, especially in the 1st round because It was obvious to most people not named Buddy Nix that it was a bad QB class. I even posted on another board comparing that class to another one that produced no quality NFL QBs. After EJ said he was offering stock in his career I asked the question "How can I short the stock?" When we drafted Josh, I went back to optimist mode. Now these 2 things haven't happened yet, but I believe they will someday in the future. The day Josh signed his rookie contract I posted on Facebook "Bills sign future Super Bowl MVP" and on opening day 2019 I responded to a Jets fan in front of me on the bus to the game who was criticizing Josh & his accuracy by telling him Josh will end up in the Hall of Fame.
  15. He signed a 1 year deal with Atlanta & because he was only on a roster for a short time in 2020 (when he spent most of the season on TB's practice squad before signing with SF) I believe he's a restricted free agent because he doesn't have 4 years in.
  16. Rosen was playing for league minimum last year (after getting paid his guarantees by a team he wasn't on). He got benched in garbage time & you want to hand him $3-5 million. What are you thinking wanting to sign Rosen for $3+ million?
  17. Offer him a contract now before the price goes up is NOT fair market value. Any agent knows not to sign a contract unless it is anticipated value, not the current value which is a LOWBALL as presented in the post I comment on. I'm laughing at anyone who says sign him now before his price goes up & claims that's fair market value. Common sense says it isn't. You're right, it's not the same front office. That's why neither party is interested in signing a deal which "would probably" need renegotiation. They signed Josh to one of the biggest contracts in the NFL. The only thing they would want to do is restructure for cap relief, not renegotiate.
  18. Every time I see a post like this I laugh. Don't you think Knox is thinking the same thing & for that reason the only way he's signing is if he gets big $? It's as if some people think that players don't consult their agents and the team can get away with a lowball offer. Even if the player does sign, a low contract will cause problems if the player and his agent think they've exceeded his contract. Remember, the Bills & Jason Peters reached an impasse that resulted in him being traded away just as he was approaching his prime years because they got away with a low contract-until they didn't.
  19. I always projected EJ to go into broadcasting. I just don't see that for Darnold.
  20. When olympics are held in a city for the1st time, new stadiums & arenas are built with government funding, often at a loss since there are no permanent tenants. Real Sports once did a segment on this. There are a lot of private buildings built after tax breaks have been granted so that a building can be built in a specific municipality. Many times with the promise of bringing hundreds of jobs into the area. If the Bills were to leave, there would immediately be fewer jobs from people directly employed by the Bills all the way to restaurants and motels in the area that gain customers on football weekends.
  21. When the county stops owning stadiums, then you can say you don't want taxpayer funded stadiums, but the bottom line is Erie County is the owner of the stadium & the land & it wouldn't make a lot of sense for the Bills to pay everything for something they don't own. When municipalities stop building stadiums on municipally owned land, the taxpayers will be able to stop funding stadiums. Until that actually happens there is no reason to expect the Pegulas to foot the entire bill to build a stadium on Erie County's land. Every time the state, county, town or city builds a new building on land they own, from a tiny garage to an office building to a stadium, the taxpayers pay for it. What you really want are private stadiums on private land owned by private individuals-Good luck with that. It's really a local/state's rights issue that the federal government shouldn't come anywhere near.
  22. The XFL isn't playing until 2023, so this year only the USFL will be playing. Even though the USFL has team names & cities, all the regular season games will be played in Birmingham Alabama in 2 different stadiums. The playoffs will be in Canton Ohio.
  23. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/33341262/xfl-petri-dish-football-innovation-prospect-development-part-partnership-agreement-nfl The NFL-XFL agreement will give the NFL a "petri dish" to experiment with proposed rules, test new equipment and develop prospective officials and coaches, XFL president Russ Brandon told ESPN. A Buffalo Bills executive for two decades, Brandon said NFL officials routinely discussed the need for such an outlet after NFL Europe shuttered in 2007. "People would ask, 'What are the opportunities to look at the game through a different lens from a player development standpoint?'" Brandon told ESPN. "'How can you be an incubator or an accelerant in many different verticals, from officiating to rules innovations to playing surfaces, to player development?' You can go on and on.
  24. The difference is the Giants & Jets could have only threatened to move back to NYC. They really couldn't come up with much of a threat like the Bills can. The fan base doesn't change just by crossing the Hudson. If the Bills move the fans are abandoned. Plus, it took 2 teams sharing a stadium to fund it and they can charge a lot more for PSLs than most other franchises.
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