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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. I had a good Thanksgiving week, two family dinners on 2 different days, Warriors & 49ers games. Then I got home & I'm Covid positive.
  2. Remember those Gatorade Be Like Mike ads with people dreaming of being like Michael Jordan? Well Baker has chosen 17 as his number with the Rams. Mayfield must be thinking: "Like Josh, If I could be like Josh"
  3. Baker probably wanted to go there but he's now singing "I Love L.A."
  4. Why are you surprised? They couldn't get him. The trade deadline is passed & they were way below the Rams on the waiver list.
  5. If you go back & look at the members of the media who trashed the Bills for taking Allen, almost all of them were those who had Rosen as the top QB of the draft. They sounded offended that the Bills had the gall to think they knew more than these media "experts" .
  6. How exactly did the Browns do him dirty? He was mediocre & they upgraded. If anything it's all on Mayfield. When the Browns got Watson, a smart player would have realized that Watson was getting suspended & his best opportunity would be to win the starting job in an offense he already knows, perform well enough to boost his market value & be a good soldier playing at least half the season. Instead Baker immediately went into child mode & demanded to be traded. Now when he loses his starting job he asks for his release. Baker was & is the problem all along. Your post is similar to the ones who claim the Bills did EJ & JP dirty when in reality these guys didn't have the talent to start in the NFL. It seems that to some of you, it's always the team's fault, never the mediocre to bad QBs fault. Until a team has the franchise QB, their current QB is always eligible to be replaced. That's the reality of the NFL. Baker, EJ, JP and the rest weren't good enough. Nobody but themselves did these players wrong.
  7. I endured watching the game on a 3" screen inches from my face & never threw the phone. For the record I signed up for the NFL+ 7 day trial with the full intention of subscribing, but the experience was so bad I immediately cancelled after the game.
  8. No more pressure to win than the opponent. Now imagine if Detroit ever gets in the pressure of being in their 1st Super Bowl in the history of the game would be an enormous weight on their shoulders-NOT. The players are thinking about the game they're playing in, not about how long it's been that the team hasn't been in the Super Bowl, which for just about everyone is throughout their lifetimes.
  9. Considering that Darnold got 3 years, I think they'll give Zach Wilson one more season after this one, but I wouldn't be surprised if they signed a veteran who has starting experience to replace Flacco.
  10. I hope he's being compensated & it's not some corporation getting all the money using his name for free. Judging from what the o-line usually gets for Christmas, I'm sure he'll get something pretty nice from Josh.
  11. The good news for Denver fans is the new ownership will clean house at the end of the season. The bad news is the current management ****** them for years with the trade & contract extension for Russell Wilson. They're stuck with him for the next 2 years & possibly the next 4 unless they want to have no $ on their cap. Because SF is going to finish too high, SF's 1st round pick for Chubb from Miami is going to make it tough for Denver to draft a franchise QB who would be on a rookie contract & just be able to bury Russ on the bench for a few seasons until his dead cap #s come down.
  12. Hackett wins in the battle for worst NFL head coach as Raiders win in OT for Coach McDaniels.
  13. I heard the same rumor but it was the coach's wife. Who really knows since most if not all of the ones who know the truth are dead.
  14. I remember back in spring 2018 some posters expecting AJ to be the Bills long term answer at QB.
  15. Why isn't McDermott the guide? Does Josh have to do everything around there?
  16. The Bills traded a player who had become useless to them for Hines. Maybe they figured they could upgrade the punt return game with Hines & really didn't ever plan to use him much at RB-sort of like another player listed as a RB who never plays RB, Taiwan Jones.
  17. Out of curiosity I have this question: How do the people in WNY who are buying tickets plan on getting to Detroit when so many roads are shut down?
  18. Make sure you know the Cleveland stations too.
  19. Here's the problem with large offensive linemen. After they decide to retire, many either lose a lot of weight because they carried too much in order to play on the line, or they put on weight once the need to train as a professional athlete ends. So, if Williams decided he's had enough, chances are pretty good he's no longer at his playing weight, one way or the other, and could not suddenly answer the phone & be anywhere close to being ready to play.
  20. Make Kevin Stefanski look like this: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Ffictionhorizon.com%2Ffrozen-jack-nicholson%2F&psig=AOvVaw2wFOuMyJKVcAIyNTGKR9QH&ust=1668803247097000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CA4QjRxqFwoTCNDzzteGtvsCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE
  21. Make Cleveland leave now & sleep in the team buses like the RV fans do.😈 Get the Bills to bunk at the players homes nearest the stadium & send emergency vehicles to get them. The Bills played in empty stadiums 2 years ago. Just give ticket holders the option to not attend & get a refund if they don't. The problem is the secondary market, but that's not the Bills ticket office's problem. The fans who bought on the secondary market will have to deal with the company that sold them the seats. PS: According to WGR the playing conditions on Sunday should be pretty good, with most if not all of the snow ending before game time.
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