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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. It's after 7 and they're doing the news. When does it start?
  2. That was me, I wasn't auto logged in.
  3. Thanks for the answer I really hope the kid gets treated right. I can only guess from your answer that the family wants a non military supplied specialist. Here's some of the story. http://www.zwire.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=...t_id=7021&rfi=6
  4. This is a non-partisan post, let's keep it that way. I was watching the local news a couple of nights ago & if what they said is true, it is absolutely disgraceful. The newscast was about Ken Comstock, a soldier who was injured in Iraq breaking numerous (est 500) facial bones. They have set up a fund to contribute to help him pay his medical bills. In the newscast they said that after he is removed from critical condition, he is responsible for his bills. Is this correct? Obviously he will be responsible for his medical bills at some point, otherwise the fund wouldn't be set up. How can anyone justify making a soldier pay medical bills when he got injured in service to this country. Why doesn't the government pay all his bills until he is rehabilitated to the best extent that he can be rehabilitated. Do they consider plastic surgery on a guy whose face has been disfigured a luxury or elective surgery? Anything less than paying 100% is an absolute disgrace!
  5. The 1st Bush was as prepared as anyone for the Presidency when elected. He had a solid background and had served 8 years as VP. I voted for him thinking he'd be a great President, but he lost me when he got in bed with the religious right.
  6. Any company that raised a janitor's salary twice the going rate is run by incompetents. It's Bush's fault because it's probably Haliburton & is passing on the bill to us via the Iraq billings. Just because you think George W. Bush is an incompetent idealogue, it doesn't make you a lefty.
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