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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. "You think you know, but you don't know. " "Playoffs? !!!"
  2. Scouting reports on Schaub said he lacked arm strength, which is the kiss of death for a QB in Buffalo late in the season. Here's some comments on Schaub's arm: PFW Nolan Nawrocki: "Lacks the arm strength to drive ball downfield. Deep balls tend to hang rather than turn over." Draft Insiders Digest Frank Coyle: " He is a fine passer with only adequate arm strength and mobility, but intangibles and accuracy to become an NFL starter."
  3. I heard Winslow was out up to 12 weeks & may even be IRd
  4. The # is jinxed! The only way to save Drew is to give him a new number. I'd take all 11s both past & present, start a bonfire & burn all them. I'd never let another player wear 11 again!
  5. I posted this on another board last night when TSW was down, I think TD was too enamored over Evans than he should have been. The way I look at it, Lee Evans better turn out to be a superstar. At the time we took pick 13, TD wanted both Evans & Losman. Of the 2 positions, QB is so much more important than WR. This was a rich WR draft while JP was the last available QB other than the day 2 guys. Also it's much easier to get a WR through other means (fa, trade) than a QB of the future unless the guy on the other side of the trade is Jerry Glanville. TD could have traded down a few notches or just drafted JP at 13. This is not 20/20 hindsight on my part because at pick 13 when the turn came I mock drafted JP, kept the other picks went D line round 2 (Starks) WR round 3 (Berrian) & kept next year's #1 when it would be high if Bledsoe was done.
  6. My next door neighbor is a high character guy and a great family man, but I don't want him playing QB for the Bills.
  7. I have Green Bay. It's 21-10 Chi & they have the ball after an int with less than 4 minutes to go-billsfanone!
  8. If you bring a Kerry sign to a Bush rally & try to get in they arrest you, I think that's worse than an overzealous supporter in the crowd with no ties to Kerry ripping up a Bush sign. PS: The kid is probably crying because she knows daddy is voting for Bush & she's going to have to pay the bill for the Bush deficits.
  9. No matter how bad the Kerry campaign has been, being anyone but Bush might be enough on election day. http://www.npr.org/features/feature.php?wfId=3922031
  10. Henry's the guy who looked over on the sidelines, saw Willis & played with a friggin broken leg last season. With Willis actually on the field this year, I think Henry will have to be placed in a heavily guarded jail cell, in Buffalo, not to make every effort to start Sunday's game in Oakland. And even if they try that he'll dig a tunnel from his cell & try to get to Oakland before 4:15 edt Sunday.
  11. Agreed. Arizona is always a threat at home if it gets hot enough. I picked Arizona in both the TBD pool & the one at work. I picked the Packers as my suicide pick, I never considered picking NE, because I might need them one of the 2 times they play the Bills-you can't let emotions rule suicide picks.
  12. Thank you for your statements. My point was just what you have said-you don't need a belief in a specific God to have high morals. I don't have anything against religion as long as the religious keep their beliefs to themselves and don't claim any moral superiority to those who don't believe exactly what they do. Unfortunately some of the most faithful think that unless you follow what they believe in you're damned. Many "religious" people are amoral too.
  13. I hope the fact that Tillman was an atheist does not diminish anyone's opinion of him. Here's something I cut & pasted from another message board since the press has mostly stayed away from that part of the story, anyone interested in doing a search can find a lot more: PAT TILLMAN WAS AN ATHEIST, so attested by his brother Rich Tillman. The younger Tillman, according to the San Francisco Chronicle 4 May 2004, asked mourners to "hold their spiritual bromides... Pat isn't with God. He's f***ing dead. He wasn't religious. But thank you for your thoughts." I might criticise Rich’s expletives but the point was made and he was angry at the loss of his brother in a war against terror and religious extremists. He and Pat Tillman show that there are Atheists in Fox Holes even in hyper religious America.
  14. Earth To Swede: The 2004 presidential election is Bush vs Kerry.
  15. I haven't found it in writing anywhere, I wouldn't be surprised if Fox sports radio got it wrong. If he's ok it's just another reason to never trust anything you hear that Fox says.
  16. It's real I heard it on Fox Sports radio on the way home. He's out at least 8 weeks.
  17. If Jennings is gone you can expect to see Teague or Price playing tackle next year. Remember Teague signed here thinking he was going to play LT.
  18. No it's not conjecture. Bush/Cheney plan to have the White House rigged to blow up on January 21st if Kerry is elected.
  19. There's a bus company that goes from Rochester to Bills games. I'm sure someone from the area knows which company it is. I type so slowly that the answer is on the board before I got finished with the message.
  20. I'll stop shopping at Walmart as soon as the drug stores lower their prices to be competitive with them. Why should I pay $2 more every time I want to buy dental or contact lense products. When the drug stores like CVS, Eckerd & Rite Aid start pricing their items fairly I'll be glad to shop there. If you want to pay more for everything and feel good, good for you-I can't afford to throw money out the window because drug stores like to gauge me.
  21. At most it's 9 of 10 because Osama Bin Laden was watching the Republican convention when Guiliani was saying he turned to the NYC police head & said "Thank God George Bush is President" Osama then turned to the person on his right and said "I've been saying the same thing for almost 4 years now" Osama then joined in with the crowd on tv & shouted "4 more years. 4 more years" At the end of the convention Osama felt snubbed. He was amazed that he was only mentioned once or twice. He turned off the sattelite & said "Remember when Bush was saying he was going to smoke me out, bla bla bla dead or alive. Well I guess the or was for alive. 4 more years, 4 more years!"
  22. Maybe Jason Peters gobbled up Lawton & that's why nobody has signed him.
  23. Gilbride must have ran into Coughlin's office with the waiver sheet in his hand yelling Marques Sullivan is available! He also did the same thing when he saw Christie was available, just like Polian did in 1992
  24. Must be the same 32 idiots just don't see the pro bowl potential, they didn't see it the day of the draft & they're still blind. The fact that he isn't even on a practice squad is proof that 32 GMs are totally incompetent.
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