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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. I didn't know Edwards was still running for President. Please tell me how he can run for both VP & President. If you vote based on VP instead I guess you never voted for Bush 41.
  2. Funniest part of Justin Smith's arrest was he said he was unemployed, rather than admit he plays for the Bengals. Imagine a Bill telling the police that in WNY. http://www.cbssortsline.com/nfl/story/7769612
  3. The report concludes that the 4 ads, 2 each by each candidate, are the most misleading about the other candidate to date. My solution : Have each candidate sign an oath that they will not put misleading data in the ads that they are required to state that they approve. If they approve a misleading ad, they are jailed, similar to contempt of court. Every day that the candidate spends in jail, is a day away from the campaign trail. If the candidate is in jail on the day of the debate, the feed shows the candidate through his prison bars, complete with the prison uniform. This may be the only way to stop the lies. We need a deterrant to keep these clowns from lying. Also if you're not in jail & make it to the debate, one misleading statement & they stop the debate, put you in a portable cell, make you change your clothes and resume the debate, with the liar talking from his cell. Then he is forced to leave the stage doing the "perp walk". There is no accountability when it comes to lying in political ads. Seriously, each lie should result in the ad being forced off the air and a heavy fine levied against the campaign which counts against the amount they are allowed to use.
  4. Almost as dumb as the boss who fired the woman who dared to park her car in the company's parking lot with a Kerry bumper sticker, or the Bush heckler who got fired when he returned to work the next day. The reality of the situation is that instead of a Kerry picture, she could have put up pictures of the other 41 men who have been president, and stuck it to them by having the current president's photo larger, as a sign he is the one in office right now. The whole censorship by bosses who don't agree with employees political views has gotten out of hand.
  5. The saddest thing about this string is that it morphed into hawk vs dove bs without ever mentioning the poor soldiers who have been wounded and will never be the same as when they left. Forget the bs for a second and give some thought to the forgotten troops who have lost body parts and/or are psychologically damaged. They number a lot higher than the dead and they will need the help of all of us in the years to come. These are the true innocent victims of this war. If you have a thriving business, try to hire some of these heroes who gave up a lot more than any of us posting our views here. They all need help in rebuilding their lives.
  6. I'll play Devil's Advocate, because I think your question and implied flat tax fly in the face of basic economics needed to effectively run a country's budget. You need enough money in your budget to fund government spending. I know that certain people don't want the government to run, but that's just not realistic. Taking your argument to it's extreme, equal treatment means everyone makes the same wage. So instead of it being equal tax rates, lets make it all money above the determined national comfort wage gets taken from you. Say it's $35,000. So if you make $35,000 or under you don't get taxed. If you make $100,000 you get taxed $65,000 etc. That's truly equal treatment, it's also communism. While we're at it I want my assessment lowered to the same as the shack down the road. I want equal treatment on my property taxes, since we both own homes. Equal treatment has nothing to do with traditional taxation. They pay a lot more in other countries and the model is that those who can afford to pay a bigger share than those who earn less. It is how federal and local taxes have always been. Why, because if you reduce revenue to the level of the flat tax advocates, you go bankrupt.
  7. What part of Bush saying in the debate I didn't want to go to war, they attacked us first, in defending the decision to go to war against Iraq don't you understand. Fortunately, in case Bush thought he could once again slip the Hussein was involved in 9/11 implication into the debate unnoticed, Kerry B word slapped him saying it was Osama Bin Laden, not Hussein who attacked on 9/11. All Bush, caught with his hands in the cookie jar again could say was I know it was Osama on 9/11.
  8. Fact check on article: 1) Compared him to Edwards: Truth-Edwards almost had to have the lrg amputated and at the time of the injury his career was just about declared over-Nobody ever compared the severity of McGahee's injury to that of Edwards. 2) No other NFL team was willing to take the gamble: BS! There was talk of teams right below us such as Oakland & Tennessee taking McGahee before the end of the 1st round. The consensus was Al Davis would have taken the gamble if McGahee was still on the board when the Raiders picked #1. Willis would have not been available much longer. 3) Buffalo had one of the better backs in the NFL-see my post above on a back that was comming off an 11 fumble season. 4) McGahee told reporters that bhe wanted to be traded-Wrong again Patriot slug, it was his agent, not Willis who said that. Find me one quote directly from McGahee asking to be traded. 5) McGahee got $2.5 million from an insurance policy. Not true, unless they settled, because as I have previously read, at the time Willis signed, the policy pays only if McGahee doesn't play in a set # of NFL games & retires due to the injury. If the policy is still in effect, to date he hasn't received his $2.5 million. Gotta love a reporter who doesn't let the facts stand in his way of a good story.
  9. So, as defined by a bunch of you, Jim Kelly was a wasted pick-He did nothing for the Bills until the 4th season after he was drafted. People are forgetting that Henry was still a huge ? at the time Willis was drafted. As a rookie Henry had been arrested and was on probation, and had missed the last 3 games of his rookie year due to injury. He followed that up with a decent 2nd season but fumbled 11 times! Off the field he was still so irresponsible financially that he had to sign an extension in order to get some much needed $. He needed a lot of growing up to do in April 2003. It wasn't until AFTER McGahee was drafted that Henry started to show he could hold on to the ball and that when injured he became the ultimate warrior, playing with rib and leg injuries that most players would have landed on IR with. Henry is probably a lot more mature than when we drafted McGahee. The McGahee pick made a lot of sense, especially if the team thought that McGahee would be a 3 year project, since most medical opinions are it takes 2 years to be fully recovered, back to top speed, from McGahee's injury. In April 2003, I viewed Henry as a potential ticking time bomb who may never grow up. Much to his credit, he has changed a lot since then & will either be our featured back for years to come, or if McGahee shows enough to anticipate his return to superstar status by next year, Henry will yield good value in a trade. Finally, show some damn patience! I'd rather have to wait 3 years & get a star in the 1st round than get another Eric Flowers. People forget that Eric Moulds was being called a "wasted pick" at the same point in his career that McGahee is at & he wasn't comming off a major knee injury. And...the writer is an idiot, lots of factually inaccurate stuff in the article.
  10. How dare you blame Donald Rumsfeld-He's just following orders from that Bush guy he's talking to on the cell phone as he drives.
  11. They got it from Jim Kelly. Look at his HOF photos, he has the thumb thing in just about every one. Kerry has been watching John Edwards too much, because Edwards can't put 2 sentences together without the thumb thing.
  12. I went to the Expos 1st game ever-1969 Opening day vs Mets @ Shea Stadium. The Expos won & I was laughing at the Mets, saying they couldn't even beat an expansion team. The rest is history (see 1969 World Series)
  13. I don't think Drew's opinions of the coach mattered in the selection. If TD wanted either of the Pats' assistants & they would have wanted Drew gone, Drew would have been gone-not the other way around. I think the bigger reason that TD hired MM over CW & RC is because the last time TD hired a coach he waited until after the Super Bowl was over & suddenly found out that the guy he was waiting for (Marvin Lewis) didn't want the job based on salary, location, maybe he thought he had the Cleveland job before Davis was hired, or whatever. He ended up with 2 guys left & picked the wrong one. I believe TD didn't want to get into another last team to hire its coach situation. Mularchy was also being pursued by the Raiders and TD didn't want to lose him waiting for someone who may not even take the job if offerred. Also I think he didn't see that Mularchy was any more a risk than either of the NE duo.
  14. My friend John Miskey, whose house I stay at when I go to Bills games, is a teacher there. He keeps me updated on the team. We went to the game in East Rochester before the home opener. Joe DeLamielleure was at the game & addressed the team in the locker room before the game. Worthington may be the headliner but Kedron is a great High School RB.
  15. Can we advance pick? I'm going away Thankgiving week after I get home from the Bills game. If I can't pick I'm toast because I got shutout this week when my cable & internet went down Friday because of a car accident a few miles down the road & I was gone the rest of the weekend. I haven't been able to play this week yet so it's looking bleak for Thanksgiving week-any suggestions for that week, like a contest moderator at the game I can give my picks to
  16. Looks like this is my week that gets dropped. My cable, which means my internet was out on Friday & I went away for the weekend = no picks got in. I thought I was billsfanone until I realized one week gets dropped, Whew!
  17. If we waive him because there will be no trade-New York Giants. Kurt Warner has a one & out deal with NYG, they'll need a veteran backup. Gilbride is QB coach and they did get along when Drew 1st came here.
  18. The reason they are and should be available is because to understand how f'd up these Islamic fundamentalists are some have to see them in action. It's similar to seeing the atrocities of the Nazi's in WWII. If everyone had access to the Nazi atrocities, maybe we wouldn't have the holocaust denial by some idiots. I wish every adult could watch these because they would have a better understanding of the barbarians that live in the Middle East. I'm sure there are people all over the world who think we are making this stuff up and no innocents are being slaughtered in this manner. The videos are actually defeating the purposes of their makers because what the videos do is show the world what these people truly are. I hope these videos never get censored because they are evidence of the truth.
  19. The Giants did this throughout Super Bowl XXV to slow down the no huddle. When I read this I went ballistic. It would have been worth 15 yards for Marv to have gone out on the field did it to the Giants & have told the refs to have the Giants knock it off. Unless the refs stop this, it's a common practice used to slow an offense down. When it's done to your team you rarely know it, when the refs crack down on your team you get POd at the player. It's the leagues fault for shoddy enforcement of NFL rules.
  20. You can try 610, the Canadian station. The only problem is if you don't get there very early it doesn't let you on. So in order to be safe you would have to put it on a couple of hours before the game starts. If you're willing, here's the link. http://www.610cktb.com/
  21. This was my draft the 2 days back in 2002, some good some bad (Bills pick): 1) Bryant McKinnie OT (Mike Williams OT) 2) Anthony Weaver DT (Josh Reed WR/ Ryan Denney DE) 3) Saleem Rasheed LB (traded) 3) Kevin Curtis S (Coy Wire S) 4) Ron Johnson WR (traded) 5) Jeremy Allen FB (Justin Bannan DT) 6) Eric Heitman G (Kevin Thomas CB) 7) Akbar Gbaja-Biamila-DE-I later found out he returned to college after getting another year of eligibility (Mike Pucillo G) 7) Casey Roussel P (Rodney Wright WR) 7) Chad Hayes TE (Jarrett Ferguson RB) 7) Emmett Johnson WR (Dominique Stevenson LB) In addition I recommended getting Jason Ball C as a UFA, he's on SD started last 2 seasons, held out training camp this year. The only UFA still on the Bills that TD signed is Joe Burns
  22. Here are the rankings of senior QBs by My Sports Daily (CBS Sports Xchange). Rix is 18th, Berlin 23rd. The top QB prospect is USC's Leinart. 1 White, Jason Oklahoma 6-3 221 4.95 2 Frye, Charlie Akron 6-3 227 4.80 3 Orlovsky, Dan Connecticut 6-5 232 4.89 4 Greene, David Georgia 6-3 228 4.85 5 Walter, Andrew Arizona State 6-5 232 4.90 6 Orton, Kyle Purdue 6-4 217 4.96 7 Fitzpatrick, Ryan Harvard 6-2 221 4.89 8 Hill, Stan Marshall 6-2 208 4.78 9 Anderson, Derek Oregon State 6-6 239 4.88 10 Fields, Josh Oklahoma State 6-1 210 4.85 11 Durant, Darian North Carolina 5-11 222 4.64 12 Kilian, James Tulsa 6-3 215 4.80 13 Jones, Matt Arkansas 6-5 225 4.65 14 Ochs, Craig Montana 6-2 207 4.68 15 Allen, Jared Florida Atlantic 6-2 211 4.85 16 Chang, Timmy Hawaii 6-2 205 4.86 17 Randall, Bryan Virginia Tech 6-0 222 4.68 18 Rix, Chris Florida State 6-2 208 4.66 19 Long, Dustin Sam Houston State 6-2 208 4.78 20 Petrie, Tom Northern Iowa 6-3 222 4.94 21 Boyd, Shane Kentucky 6-1 234 4.55 22 Leadingham, Ryan Cal State-Sacramento 6-2 210 4.90 23 Berlin, Brock Miami (FL) 6-1 215 4.89 24 Cribbs, Josh Kent State 6-1 192 4.60 25 Littlejohn, Bradshaw Morgan State 6-2 236 4.62 26 Samples, Luke Catawba 6-2 220 5.00 27 Guidugli, Gino Cincinnati 6-3 225 4.90 28 Haldi, Josh Northern Illinois 6-2 209 4.77 29 Radlinski, Mark Saginaw Valley State 6-1 225 5.00 30 Campbell, Jason Auburn 6-4 221 4.69 31 Eugene, Bruce Grambling State 6-1 255 5.23 32 Beutjer, Jon Illinois 6-4 211 4.65 33 Marshall, Rasheed West Virginia 6-0 188 4.50 34 Pinkins, Dondrial South Carolina 6-1 245 4.78 35 Campbell, Lang William & Mary 6-2 205 4.75 36 Clark, Zak Central Arkansas 6-2 205 4.90 37 Leonard, Dontrell Norfolk State 6-1 234 4.98 38 Wrobel, Brian Winona State 6-2 188 4.59 39 Wimprine, Danny Memphis 6-0 225 4.93 40 Nesbitt, Darrell St. Augustine 6-2 210 4.93 41 Colston, Tony Tusculum 6-3 203 4.90 42 Guice, Matt Eastern Kentucky 6-0 210 4.94 43 Wiser, Joe Portland State 6-2 212 4.85 44 Porter, Quinton Boston College 6-5 230 4.59 45 Dapolito, Chris Duke 6-2 215 4.77 46 Watkins, Orrick North Carolina AT 6-5 218 4.83 47 Walker, Fabian Valdosta State 6-1 215 4.85 48 Leak, C.J. Tennessee 6-3 220 4.90 49 LoVecchio, Matt Indiana 6-3 216 4.81 50 Goodenough, Andrew SE Missouri State 6-4 220 5.10 99 Eddy, Mark Bentley 6-2 215 5.08 99 Connor, Mike Lehigh 6-4 218 5.10 99 Craft, Robert Tennessee Tech 6-4 238 5.10 99 Dougherty, Ben Florida A&M 6-3 212 5.10 99 Eastman, Caleb Idaho State 6-2 215 4.97 99 Cassidy, Sean Northeastern 6-4 222 5.01 99 Howell, Steve Massachusetts 6-5 220 5.30 99 Pierce, Buck New Mexico State 6-0 210 4.90 99 Judge, Joe Mississippi State 6-2 230 4.95 99 Randall, Marcus LSU 6-2 223 99 Arnoldink, Grant Central Michigan 6-4 233 5.13 99 Rivera, Jon Central Florida 6-2 190 4.80 99 Eklund, Ryan Stanford 6-7 215 5.00 99 Robertson, Reggie California 6-1 190 4.93 99 Nantkes, Kurt UNLV 6-3 225 4.95 99 Ena, Tali New Mexico 6-4 245 5.09 99 Mortensen, Todd BYU 6-4 225 4.85 99 LeFors, Stefan Louisville 6-0 200 4.62 99 Schabert, Matt Wisconsin 6-1 202 5.03 99 Mills, Zack Penn State 6-2 212 4.75 99 Long, Kevin Kansas 6-4 225 5.00 99 Love Jr., Cris Iowa State 6-5 225 5.15 99 Crudup, Derrick Miami (FL) 6-0 212 4.68 99 Dowdell, Damon Michigan State 6-1 225 4.80 99 Brinton, Spencer Michigan 6-4 225 5.00 99 McGann, Mike Temple 6-5 225 5.03 99 Cumbie, Sonny Texas Tech 6-3 214 5.32 99 Mock, Chance Texas 6-1 220 5.00
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