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Posts posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. The Presidential term limit would prohibit Bush from running in '08.


    If the Dems want to win in 2008, they need to look at a guy like Evan Bayh.  He is a moderate Dem who could deliver Midwest swing states and compete in states like TN, AR, and LA.


    I think Jeb, Rudy, and McCain are the Rep frontrunners in 2008.  I'd put my money on Jeb at this point, with Rudy or Rice as the Veep.



    Just like George W, you are in denial of reality. Presidential term limits only apply to Presidents who serve 2 terms. In 2008 Bush, like his father will be able to run. What the polls are not showing is that there have been a ton of young people registering to vote, very close to the deadline. They are registering because, true or not, 50% of people who would be drafted believe that Bush will bring back the draft. Even if he wouldn't, they believe he will. The polls of registered & likely voters have overlooked this voting block and if they were included, everyone would see Kerry is ahead by a comfortable margin.

  2. The problem I have looking forward is last year we were supposed to make the

    playoffs, and this year we were supposed to be setup to make a real run and

    make some noise.


    This is looking like bad because this team was built to be winning now and

    obviously we are a long way away from that.





    I don't agree with the above statements. This team was not built to be winning now. It was built to win last year under the premise that Bledsoe would be good. However, TD hedged his bets and actually eyed 2005 when the team collapsed last year. His original plan was for this to be the year but actions indicate this year was meant to be a throwaway rebuild year with an eye to be a major contender in 2005. Here's why I believe this


    He hired a rookie head coach from a different organization. A team planning to be a major contender does not bring in a rookie head coach. Even the great ones didn't do much in their 1st year. Look at the great coaches & most had a tough rookie year. TD knows this, the Mullarchy hire was a step backwards, preparing for 2005 & beyond.


    He drafted the QB of the future so he wouldn't have a rookie starting in 2005. If you think they thought Bledsoe was anything more than 50-50 to come back, why trade so much to get Losman. If Bledsoe could beat the odds, they would be a playoff contender, if not start Losman in the second half (plan before he broke his leg). This move screams a sacrifice of 2004.


    Figured Willis would not be 100% to start 2004 & kept Henry to carry the load. Once again, this move screams rebuild. The bounty for trading Henry will be realized in 2005, the target date of the turn around, not 2004, the rebuilding year. The plan has always been to trade Travis Henry, not Willis McGahee.


    Cut Ruben Brown. There was no way they would find a player who would be as good as Ruben this year. If they were planning on winning Ruben would have stayed. He burned his bridges with Gregg's staff, not Mullarchy's.


    Didn't add anything in free agency. Only brought in players to replace departed ones. Didn't try to upgrade the team through free agency. Wait until this offseason. I believe they'll be as aggressive as 2003.

  3. Hillary will NEVER be the Democratic Party nominee for President. Every time you hear someone metion Hillary it's either a Conservative trying to fire up the base or a Liberal with no political horse sense. Nobody who knows politics actually would believe Hillary would be nominated for anything nationally. She's too polarizing to be anything other than a regional candidate. Her act sells in NY, not the nation-why do you think she chose to run for senate in NY-it was a winnable race. Running for POTUS is not winnable, she knows it & so do the Democrats.


    As for the Republicans, everyone seems to be overlooking the obvious candidate-George W. Bush.

  4. The D in the "2 minute drill" time has been horrendous. In 3 of 4 games, late scores before the half or at the finish have killed us.


    Jacksonville-Team allows Jacksonville to march down field at the end of the game, directly resulting in a loss.


    New England-Team allows NE to score touchdown to tie the game right before halftime, giving NE momentum which results in Bills' loss in 2nd half of game.


    NY Jets: Team allows Jets to win game after they get into field goal range.


    In 75% of our games, when time came for the D to put up or shut up they allowed the other team to mount game winning or game altering drives.


    I'll say it now: At the end of the season, do not give Gray's a new contract. Make Krumrie Defensive Coordinator.

  5. You shouldn't vote for Kerry because:


    Judges such as Scalia & Thomas should have the final say in whether a woman can have an abortion. They know more than she does, so why should she have the right of choice. Only rich women who can afford to travel to Europe should have that right. The rest should risk death like the middle class & poor women had to 40 years ago. Abortion is murder, your only choice is elect Bush & hope he can nominate enough conservative judges to overturn Roe v Wade.


    A tax cut, which mostly benefits those making over $200,000 is more important than bringing down the deficit, and keeping us from increasing port inspections. You better vote for Bush, because mean John Kerry will raise those people's taxes.


    If someone can review a situation, once a decision has been made and change his mind based on the facts, it's flip flopping. John Kerry will not "stay the course" if events warrant that the course is leading to disaster. Wouldn't you rather have the steadfast, stay the course, lets drive into the brick wall no matter what mindset.


    A government must be super secretive, like we are now. The best way to keep the secrets, which is the right of the president, is to vote Bush.


    Kerry is a Catholic, he's not a born again Christian. Only someone who has seen the light and been born again should be elected president.


    Kerry might hesitate to go to war against what appears to be a power who may not have the capabilities that we all believe it has, if he gets reports from inspectors that they may not have those capabilities to harm us. Wouldn't you rather have a President who will kick out inspectors from a country because if we don't, the weather will get too hot and we'll have to wait another year. The best defense is a good offense.

  6. I was driving this am & caught an ad on our local talk radio station 590 WROW.


    The ad reads quotes from the 911 report that claim the Saudi gov't was not linked to 911, that no Saudis were given special treatment etc.


    When the ad ended the local host, Fred Dicker (Columnist for NY Post who has a radio program about NY State) was surprised that the Saudis were advertising on his program. Dicker, who is Jewish said that they advertise on his program, yet he's not allowed to visit their country.

  7. This is sickening. Every time they do something right, the wheels come off in the same series. Sacks, penalties. What the f was that snap all about. At least when I'm at the game I can enjoy the atmosphere. Watching this team on TV is unbearable. Score some f'n points you bastards!


    PS : I first heard the term Prevent Offense when the Giants really sucked & Warner Wolf would bag on them.

  8. I didn't scout him personally Albany, but a couple "draft guides" did write that about him. I don't remember which ones they were, but I did read it in a report or two. One was from Bills Daily I think if you feel like looking it up. Anyways, I only meant you have to get a little lucky there days to field a good line and Peters would definitly fit the "look what I found" profile. You can't pay all 5 linemen 5 million plus per year, you gotta hope for a few surprises here or there. I was never on the "next Eric Green" bandwagon anyways.


    Here's what I found in my draft guides:


    PFW/Nawrocki had him rated 5.30, which is the equivqlent of a 5th rounder. He was ranked 7th-8th (tie) best TE, 8 OTs had a higher # rating. His overall rank in the draft was 149, Gallery was #1 @ 7.00


    Draft Insiders Digest rated him as an 82 which is a 3rd round tag, the 9th rated TE, Gallery was a 94 and there were 4 OT higher than 82. 8 total OL higher than 82.


    Mel Kiper had him 8.0, 2-4th rounder, mock draft had him player 122 in 4th round.

    He rated him #7 TE, There were 8 OT rated above 8.0. Gallery was @ 9.5.


    I think a lot of posters fell in love with the idea of getting a projected 3rd-5th rounder as a free agent. That caused him to be overrated around here. Personally I had him as a bust, concluding: Jason Peters is getting too big to be anything other than a guy who fails at TE and the team tries to switch him to OL. He also has a questionable attitude that you don’t want with a guy whom you’ll be trying to change positions on.

  9.   Yet every time I tell my realtor I'm interested in a property, it's already been sold, sometimes in a matter of days





    Melissa, I have a question: Do you have an exclusive contract with your realtor to be your buyer's agent? The reason I'm asking is because what I've quoted you as saying indicates your realtor isn't doing a very good job. If the realtor is your buyer's agent he or she should be looking for homes for you the 1st day a home that fits your needs goes on the open market. If things are the same in Philly as they are around Albany, the agents are MLS (Multiple Listing Service) members & have access to the homes the 1st day they hit MLS.

    The rest of my recommendation assumes there's MLS in your area, if not sorry for wasting your time: The agent should be able to find houses faster than you, BEFORE they are sold. If the agent's office is actively listing the agent might get the inside track on a house going on the market before it hits MLS. If you are always the one to find the property you want to see, you need a new, more aggressive agent. If you are stuck with a contract, demand the agent notify you immediately when a house is on MLS that fits your needs, if not go to whoever runs the office & demand some quality service. Obviously somebody is getting to these homes & buying them, so their agents must be doing something right. Also if you think you are being descriminated against for any reason, threaten to report them to the board of realtors & then do it.

  10. I wonder if Jason Peters works hard enough to enter into the mix at tackle next year. It doesn't have to be LT, and he was supposedly the next best prospect after Gallery. We've all heard he is not very smart, but maybe we get lucky. It's so hard to get quality Olinemen without paying serious cash, you have to hope for a diamond in the rough or two to field a good line these days.




    Next best prospect after Gallery? What are you smoking?

    He was undrafted, cut & signed to the practice squad as a TE/OT.

    Sometimes I think half this board was screaming to take the guy at pick 13 when we took Evans.

    Peters chances of ever starting an NFL game are in the under 5% range. Are you his brother, or just the guy who lives next door to him?

  11. One of my neighbors has lawn signs for about 5 different candidates. The house across from them has a sign for the DA candidate who is opposing the one on the other lawn, so 5 sign put up a second sign against 1 sign for the DA race.


    Does anyone know what these people are trying to accomplish? I can't see what a lawn sign does for a candidate. There can't be anyone who would see a sign in a neighbor's yard & say "Joe's voting for Smith, I will too" There are no policy statements or other positions, just the name of the candidate.


    Personally, I think almost all politicians (especially at the higher federal levels) are liars & crooks and I choose the one who I agree with on more issues than the other thief. I'll never belong to either major political party for that reason. Are signs just a form of hero worship? These guys aren't worth anyone's worship.


    If you're a lawn sign person, I'd really like to know what you're thinking when you plant one in your front yard.

  12. If Dick Cheney says it's true, it's true, damnit!

    Things like reports, videotapes of him saying the things he denies saying, several years old photos of him with people he's said he's never met-all made up. If they can make up pictures with OJ in those ugly-ass shoes, plant a bloody glove at OJ's, they certainly can make up photos & videotapes of our beloved Veep.

    Cheney is an honest man who would never lie to us!

  13. The report concludes that the 4 ads, 2 each by each candidate, are the most misleading about the other candidate to date.

    My solution :w00t: : Have each candidate sign an oath that they will not put misleading data in the ads that they are required to state that they approve. If they approve a misleading ad, they are jailed, similar to contempt of court. Every day that the candidate spends in jail, is a day away from the campaign trail. If the candidate is in jail on the day of the debate, the feed shows the candidate through his prison bars, complete with the prison uniform. This may be the only way to stop the lies. We need a deterrant to keep these clowns from lying. Also if you're not in jail & make it to the debate, one misleading statement & they stop the debate, put you in a portable cell, make you change your clothes and resume the debate, with the liar talking from his cell. Then he is forced to leave the stage doing the "perp walk".

    There is no accountability when it comes to lying in political ads. Seriously, each lie should result in the ad being forced off the air and a heavy fine levied against the campaign which counts against the amount they are allowed to use.

  14. Almost as dumb as the boss who fired the woman who dared to park her car in the company's parking lot with a Kerry bumper sticker, or the Bush heckler who got fired when he returned to work the next day.


    The reality of the situation is that instead of a Kerry picture, she could have put up pictures of the other 41 men who have been president, and stuck it to them by having the current president's photo larger, as a sign he is the one in office right now.


    The whole censorship by bosses who don't agree with employees political views has gotten out of hand.

  15. The saddest thing about this string is that it morphed into hawk vs dove bs without ever mentioning the poor soldiers who have been wounded and will never be the same as when they left. Forget the bs for a second and give some thought to the forgotten troops who have lost body parts and/or are psychologically damaged. They number a lot higher than the dead and they will need the help of all of us in the years to come. These are the true innocent victims of this war. If you have a thriving business, try to hire some of these heroes who gave up a lot more than any of us posting our views here. They all need help in rebuilding their lives.

  16. I'll play Devil's Advocate, because I think your question and implied flat tax fly in the face of basic economics needed to effectively run a country's budget. You need enough money in your budget to fund government spending. I know that certain people don't want the government to run, but that's just not realistic.


    Taking your argument to it's extreme, equal treatment means everyone makes the same wage. So instead of it being equal tax rates, lets make it all money above the determined national comfort wage gets taken from you. Say it's $35,000. So if you make $35,000 or under you don't get taxed. If you make $100,000 you get taxed $65,000 etc. That's truly equal treatment, it's also communism.

    While we're at it I want my assessment lowered to the same as the shack down the road. I want equal treatment on my property taxes, since we both own homes.


    Equal treatment has nothing to do with traditional taxation. They pay a lot more in other countries and the model is that those who can afford to pay a bigger share than those who earn less. It is how federal and local taxes have always been. Why, because if you reduce revenue to the level of the flat tax advocates, you go bankrupt.

  17. Yes, between Saddam and Al Qaeda, not Saddam and 9/11.  Bush said that Hussein and his Iraqi regime have been linked to Al Qaeda in the past (which is completely true), but never said that Hussein had any involvement in 9/11.


    Think before you speak.



    What part of Bush saying in the debate I didn't want to go to war, they attacked us first, in defending the decision to go to war against Iraq don't you understand. Fortunately, in case Bush thought he could once again slip the Hussein was involved in 9/11 implication into the debate unnoticed, Kerry B word slapped him saying it was Osama Bin Laden, not Hussein who attacked on 9/11. All Bush, caught with his hands in the cookie jar again could say was I know it was Osama on 9/11.

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