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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. Eli Manning was in head to head competition in Giants' camp, got beat out by Warner & has remained healthy & practiced every week of the season-getting better and better as the season went on. JP was never given an equal opportunity to be the opening day starter, broke his leg in camp, has just started to practice at full speed and was obviously very rusty when he entered the game against NE. To compare the two and desire to throw JP to the wolves is unfair to JP at this point. Let the guy get the rust off, get more comfortable with the pro game in practice and when he is ready, start him-not before. Eli is ready to start this week, JP is not. When JP is ready in another week, two weeks or a month from now he'll be out there. Mularchy knows that Bledsoe is done, he just isn't going to sacrifice JP because the fans are tired of Drew. He saw JP's two series on Sunday and giving him another week or more before starting him makes the most sense because when the dust settles, Mularchy's job depends on how well JP does. Mularchy has a free ride this year & he's not going to throw JP in too soon & throw away his & JP's career.
  2. For the record: Petrino sent this message at lunchtime & couldn't get back because he had to work the rest of the day. When I went downstairs to the 3rd floor his boss was at his desk, so he wasn't about to say to his boss "Sorry-I have to reply to the gang at Two Bills Drive" His cat bit through his phone wire that attaches the computer to the internet & he won't have home internet until tommorrow.
  3. He will never be in the Hall of Fame. Not 1st ballot, not any ballot.
  4. Ravens take opening drive to 1st & goal & can't punch it in on 4 downs, Jets are stalled around midfield but Baltimore mufs the punt & Jets end up scoring TD. Jets are driving to put game away at the end of the 1st half & Lamont Jordan throws an option pass right to Ed Reed who runs it back for a td but one of his mates holds Quincy Carter so the ball ends up around the 40-Ravens score TD before half anyway. Memories of Travis Henry in Miami. Ravens punter Zastodil gets hurt & Kordell Stewart gets his 1st field time of the season -As the punter! Ravens have another 1st & goal -if the Jets lose this game it's because of Jordan's pass. Update 14-10 Jets as Ravens kick a FG
  5. Good chance he'll be inactive & bring everyone who thinks he's so great back to reality. This is a guy who was an undrafted free agent who has spent 1/2 the season on the practice squad with no other teams wanting to sign him off the PS the entire time.
  6. The Pats are on offense-Touchdown-just give it to them-who cares if they are on their own 20, just give it to them dammit! Pass interference in the end zone-just give it to them, Jo Jo White will shoot the free throw, er kick the extra point, just give it to them.
  7. Enjoy your last season on top of the AFC East because next season is the beginning of a decade of Buffalo Bills dominance of the AFC East, AFC & the Super Bowl. JP & company will be turning Brady & NE into what Jim Kelly did to Marino every year. Dan would open that Super Bowl door & Kelly, Thurman & Andre would slam the door in his face every time! It will soon be JP, Willis & Lee Evans stomping on the Brady Bunch. I can wait one more year for the glory days, so good luck in this year's Super Bowl-it's the last one you'll ever see.
  8. Not very long, I only found out 40 minutes ago that censorship has hit our local TV station, & I heard about Kelsay at 6:30 on the Empire Sports Report.
  9. They must be afraid that Michael Powell will use the complaints to fine them.
  10. They demoted Private Ryan, just like Ch 10 in Albany did tonight
  11. I let about 2-3 inches of dust accumulate on it & then I throw it out & replace it
  12. Someone signed a name of someone who didn't sign or wasn't there & Glenn refused to sign it because of that. After he left someone signed his name to the wall.
  13. After I'm done with mortgage, car payment, utilities, state & fed income tax, sales tax, gasoline, food and of course-Bills Season Tickets, I have no money left for charities. I gave $10 to a group that sent me return address labels & I've gotten flooded with junk mail from all over sending me more labels, calanders, note pads etc hoping for a contribution. I contributed to a political campaign & they kept e-mailing me begging for more. I'd be homeless if I answered all their pleas.
  14. I saw a post of his on Bills Zone today. That signing the wall thing at the tailgate might have him POd
  15. He hasn't been on yet, keep listening-the show only has 45 minutes left.
  16. On Inside the NFL Peter King said the Chargers have enough cap room to franchise Brees & deal him.
  17. You're about a year away. We'll take care of the missing pieces in the offseason & be a winning machine next year with either Drew or JP. We're going to have a better OL & a better TE either because Euhus will have another year of seasoning or we'll draft or FA a good one. Mark Campbell is not the starting TE of a Super Bowl Champion.
  18. Next they'll be fining stations for broadcasting violent hits & hockey fights (maybe that's the real reason the NHL is not playing) http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?...2054EST0808.DTL
  19. You obviously haven't seen him play or noticed the impact he has on games-grabbing the game by the throatlatch whenever the key moment is. Miami-helping the team hold the ball against the wind for 13+ minutes of the 4th quarter. Arizona-2 TDs could have been 3 if not for holding call on Euhus -who scored the Td instead. Jets-rushing for 4.27 yds per carry before the Bills were running out the clock where his ave fell to the mid 3's because time was more important than yardage plus getting the 1st down to end the game. Finally, for the 1st time since early 2002 the team is exciting to watch again.
  20. Peter King 4/26/03 2. I think Buffalo's pick of Willis McGahee, unless there's something I really don't know, is the first decision made by the Tom Donahoe/Gregg Williams regime that I absolutely disagree with. The Bills need a pass-rusher. Badly. They have one of the top six or seven backs in football, Travis Henry. They acquired an excellent relief pitcher in Olandis Gary earlier this week. This is their position of lowest need. What in the world are the Bills doing? The Sports Illustrated NFL preview issue wasn’t high on Buffalo’s selection of McGahee in the first round of the 2003 NFL draft, describing it as an “ arrogant pick” that Super Bowl-caliber teams make for the future. (Peter King) Mel Kiper Jr: I think the Buffalo Bills also made a huge reach with Willis McGahee. Instead of addressing needs at defensive line and in their secondary, they took the Miami Hurricane running back that may have rushed back too quickly from torn knee ligaments. By Adam Jacobi - The Daily Iowan Published: Wednesday, April 30, 2003 THE BAD: Buffalo: O.J. Simpson. Thurman Thomas. Willis McKneeInjury. The Bills extended their pantheon of great running backs by inexplicably using a first-round pick on tailback Willis McGahee, who suffered a horrifying knee injury not five months ago. While his recovery has been faster than expected, nobody comes back 100 percent from a surgically reconstructed knee, ever. Buffalo ignored running backs Travis Henry, an All-Pro, and pre-draft acquisition Olandis Gary, just to use their first draft pick on a guy who can't walk correctly yet. NFL officials are debating putting a Breathalyzer in the draft rooms next year. NFL Draft Blitz 6/18/04 Luke Irwin: And Kris Wilson this year in the second round. A Panther rotting away on the bench makes me want to watch Boondock Saints again. I'll always think the Willis McGahee pick was the worst in my lifetime thus far. But we'll see how that turns out. If you'll excuse me for a second, I just remembered Willis's knee...I think I need a minute. Matt Miller: I downloaded that and watched it in amazement for hours. But, I got the Todd Bertuzzi hit too. I might want to get that checked out. I don't know about Willis being the worst pick ever, your boy Ryan Leaf did go #2 overall. Luke Irwin: The difference is that he was expected to go #2 and it was a good pick at the time. Nothing beat being in the room with a Bills fan after One-Knee Willis was taken. My friend Hutch just slowly shook his head and walked into the other room with a look on his face like he had a vasectomy appointment after the round. NFL Draft: Buffalo Bills 2003 Bills Drop Ball With First Round Draft Pick courtesy of Steve Zukiel /Gridironpics.com I must admit, I was left scratching my head after watching the Bills first round draft pick last weekend. Is it just me, or does anybody reading this also think Buffalo really dropped the ball? …I can see a team drafting a long term investment-type player like McGahee if your top back is getting on in years, or you know that he is becoming a free agent and is going to bolt in a year or so. That would make sense to me. But again, you are talking about a team that has a 24 year old running back, coming off his best year of his career and was given a contract extension rewarding such performance. That is what makes this pick absolutely mind-boggling and makes me believe the Bills really dropped the ball on this one.
  21. Here's a good pro choice opinion that appeared in today's Newsday http://www.newsday.com/news/columnists/ny-...news-columnists
  22. I'm pro-choice for 1 main reason: I'm old enough to remember when women were dying because they couldn't find safe abortions and they were going to get them no matter what. It was impossible to stop women from getting abortions, the question was basically: Should they risk their own death based on their socio-economic status? It was common practice for those (or their daughters) who could afford it to leave the country and get a safe abortion abroad. For the women in the USA who couldn't afford it it was a period of desperation, followed by a backalley illegal and dangerous abortion. Since the poorer were the ones dying, it made sense at the time abortion became legal to save the lives of the living, not the potential living. If making abortion illegal would have stopped all abortions, which in the "pro-life" mindset (or should I say -let the mother die mindset) is the goal, the case for outlawing it would have made a lot more sense. The reality of dead daughters, mothers, wives etc made the choice to make it legal much more supportable than to continue the practice of only the rich getting safe abortions.
  23. Frist v Bayh All the NY candidates are pipe dreams of the opposition. Hillary-unelectable to any position outside of the most liberal blue states. Would never get the nomination going through primaries in Iowa & New Hampshire. Guiliani-on his 3rd marriage, had 2 mistresses while married to Donna Hanover, left 2nd wife after she threw him out & moved in with a gay couple-I can really see the bible belters accepting this guy once they hear of his personal life. Pataki-the Republicans have had enough of him in NY because he's not fiscially or socially conservative-nationwide-forgettaboutit.
  24. Ken Lay voted for Kerry hoping for a last day pardon
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