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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. Look for someone who is stuck with an extra ticket holding up one near the entrances to the stadium. Most of the time it's a middle aged guy with kids or family near by just trying to get his money back because his brother couldn't make it. If you can't find one go to the professional scalpers who will be charging higher. If it's raining heavily the price will come down. Hunt for the bargains around 12 from the stuck guy, wait until after 12:30 to go to the pro scalpers.
  2. The Jets-Rams game will be broadcast on WHAM 1180 from Rochester. With a good radio, you can get it in at the Ralph. Does anyone know if the game will be on a Buffalo radio station?
  3. Time Warner cut off Empire yesterday, but today I was able to pull in Empire's sound. Nothing Bills' related is really left besides Eric Moulds Show & Empire Sports Report so I guess I'm not really missing much if I can still hear them. I hope that if they have draft day coverage that I can catch the stream. Eric Moulds Show is on right now.
  4. I want to re-sign Jonas for O-line continuity. Pace & Jones are too expensive.
  5. I like his take no prisoners approach to a game. If he has a chance to put the game away, he goes for it. We don't sit on a small lead, he tries to take the game over when we can, instead of having the game come to him he goes after the game. In the future, if he has a situation like the Patriots successfully did against the Rams in SB XXXVI, I don't expect to see him playing for overtime when he can win it in regulation. He is not afraid of being 2nd guessed like 3/4 of the NFL coaches are. Buddy Ryan said it years ago when named coach of Arizona, but I think it's more applicable to Mularchy : You've got a winner in town
  6. Those bastages all picked the Jets & Denver to win and said we will win but not make the playoffs. I can't wait until Sunday when the Rams are winning & they're putting the score up on the scoreboard every 10 minutes. With us winning on the field and the Jets losing on the scoreboard, the Ralph will be rocking like it was during those 3 AFC championship games in the 90s.
  7. I'd feel a lot more comfortable about advancing deep into the playoffs if we had just 1 NFL caliber TE left on the active roster. I still think we're a notch below NE, Pitts, & Indy with our available roster. If we get SD then we'd have a shot of winning one playoff game. If we had home games we might make it. We're a long shot this year & I'll be happy to win 1 playoff game this year. Next year, nothing except a Super Bowl Championship will be acceptable.
  8. When Jacksonville lost was the 1st time I thought we could actually make the playoffs. I never saw us worse than 7-9, even when we were 0-4, because the schedule still had Miami twice, Cleve, SF, Ariz, and the Rams-who are a horrible team off their ping pong table. I figured we'd pick up one more game from the rest to get to 7, but I never expected the 6 game winning streak.
  9. Long term there's nothing wrong with Pennington. He is not a head case-Parcells has treated the NY media far worse than Pennington & nobody ever called Parcells a head case. Short term, Pennington has a sore arm that needs rest. He didn't have the strongest arm to begin with & the injury negates his cerebral approach to the game because what he could get away with at full strength he just can't physically do no matter how smart he is (and whether you want to admit it or not, he's damn smart). So short term, right now I'd take Bledsoe. But if this was the offseason & both were free agents, priced the same & the same amount of years on the contract, I'd take Pennington.
  10. Same network. Bills game on in WNY. If the Rams were @ Jets it would have been FOX. VISITING team's network shows the game
  11. My birthday was on November 21st , they won that day & haven't lost since.
  12. From the NFC North: GBs Bubba Franks, Minns Jermaine Wiggins
  13. We need a #1 TE. Eventually Euhus could develop, but I want someone further along next year. Campbell is a good complimentary TE, but shouldn't be the main guy. Losing both TEs is going to hurt us against playoff caliber teams if we make it to next week. I don't think Neufeld, Peters, Trafford or Banta belong on NFL rosters as TEs. Peters will be around next year as a backup OL (or maybe even DL) & special teams monster, the rest will be gone by opening day 2005.
  14. I also remember them talking about how he totally trashed Chandler in the media, referring to Chandler as holding the team hostage because of his lousy QB play.
  15. I turned it on a little after 8 & they were in the middle of bashing Martz. They had stuff like Kyle Turley threatened to kill Martz. That Georgia Frontiere wrote a vote of confidence note for Martz & he hung it up in the locker room. Irvin said he's not an NFL head coach & the ex-players were completely trashing him. They said Martz got mad because Mort asked him a question about whether he'd be back next year, Martz said something like he can take his money & get out & Sunday Mort called him a coach on the hot seat & he went nuts. This is the coach we need to beat the Jets Did anyone else see the whole thing and can you add anything since I missed the beginning & don't have the full context of what they were saying.
  16. Everyone knows we have to dump Henry. He won't put up with being a backup going into his FA year. No responsible agent is going to let a player in Henry's position remain with his current team without some serious squaking. I wouldn't be surprised if his agent tells him not to report if he isn't traded, and they'll tell TD all about it this February. Henry has as much chance of being a Buffalo Bill next year as you or I & I know I'm not making the roster.
  17. You guys who think we'll get a 2nd are dreaming. Marshall Faulk in his prime got a 2 & 5. Henry is a good lunchpail RB who has never been considered in the same class as Dillon & Faulk, has had a history of injuries & fumbles and is one 16 year old girl from a prison cell. Please face reality, his contract is up at the end of next season. A conditional 2 for 2006, maybe, an outright 2 in the offseason NFW.
  18. It reminded me of Larry Centers play which years later in Shout! called it his most embarrassing play. Centers was on offense for the Cardinals & the Redskins, who were killing them, intercepted the ball, the guy ran about 20-30 yards and Centers leveled the guy. Centers then went into a flex a la Hardy Nickerson. The Redskins players then pointed to the scoreboard. I'm glad I was watching that game because until yesterday, it was by far the stupidest thing I've ever seen a player do. Barlow's wasn't as bad because he wasn't defending an interception, but it's a close 2nd.
  19. I haven't been this excited about football since the 1st 2 weeks of the 2003 season before we Rosened & burned under Gregg. That was probably the best thing since I don't know how anyone can really envision Gregg & the 2003 staff ever getting a team to win the Super Bowl. I think it's quite easy to see Mularkey & this staff with the offensive staff additions of Clements, McNally, Wyche, & Tolbert who is either the luckiest WR coach getting Bolden & Evans in consecutive years or a great developer of young receivers. Throw in Bobby April & GW not styming Jerry Gray and this is a great staff! No matter what happens this year, I'm going to be going wild the entire offseason with visions of the Detroit Super Bowl dancing in my head. PS: what was Danny Smith thinking when he picked Antonio Brown as his KR last year-heck he even brought him to Washington this year.
  20. Carwell Gardner must have had the worst stiff-arm, because he's the only RB I've ever seen get called for a facemask while giving the stiff-arm
  21. We'll have to get a group tailgaiting outside ALLTEL stadium banging on Cowbells before the Super Bowl, bring them into the stadium & bang them after we score
  22. I think the Eagles still make it because they're still tons better than any other NFC team, even without TO, and they've got home field. Kearse is still on the team that went to the NFC final without him last year.
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