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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. The Vikings named Culpepper the starter well before his 2nd season-he had a similar rookie year as JP-minus the injury. Culpepper's Vikings went deep into the NFC playoffs (lost NFC Championship game -fell apart). Well everyone thought Denny Green was crazy because they didn't see Daunte every day like Denny did. The same people who haven't seen what JP's done the other 6 days of the week, don't know what JP has. If the coaching staff, who saw JP every day, decide he's ready to be named the starter, it's good enough for me! Moulds has already stated for the record how good JP looked in practice late into the season-but nobody appears to be listening to a guy who was on the field with JP when none of us saw him.
  2. I think the doofus is the guy who wrote the column. Talk about revisionist history! Belichick spent 5 years as HC of the Cleveland Browns .He took a team that went 3-13 and improved them to 6-10, followed by two 7-9 seasons. In his 4th year he finished 11-5 and won a playoff game before bowing out of the playoffs. The next year, Modell destroyed the team when he announced on 11/6 that he was moving the team to Baltimore. The team was 4-5, 1 game out of 1st place and after the announcement went 1-6 the rest of the way, finishing 5-11. After the season Modell wanted someone with ties to Baltimore & fired BB, hiring ex-Colts (and Bills OC) Ted Marchibroda. The next season, minus the genius the Ravens went 4-12 showing it wasn't Belichick's fault. In addition, after being fired by the Ravens, Belichick rejoined Parcells in NE and helped get NE into the Super Bowl with Drew as QB-quite a feat. He then came to NY with Parcells with the stipulation that he would be HC of the Jets when Parcells stepped down-quite a lofty promise for a "failure". When Belichick wanted to move on to NE, Parcells stepped down & named Belichick HC-NY Jets. Since he didn't want Parcells shopping for his groceries, he resigned & waited out the process until NE gave the Jets a #1 pick in order to get BB to NE. Ever heard of a #1 in exchange for a failure? Neither have I! Belichick was a victim of Modell's move in Cleveland & both the NY Jets & NE Patriots didn't view him as a failure. So BB didn't get along that well with the press, so what! Ever listen to Parcells press conferences when things don't go right-I've never heard a more abraisive, sarcastic press conference than Parcells after a loss & noone ever called him a failure.
  3. It's within walking distance of the Rockpile. It's basically in the ghetto.
  4. If you play the Stones record Sympathy For The Devilback backwards at slow speeds, after Jagger sings ..."I shouted out, who killed the Kennedys", it says GHW Bush, not "When after all it was you and me."
  5. I checked with realtor.com and it is NOT listed in the listings. This means as of a couple of days ago it is not on MLS. If you want to check yourself here is some data you can look for: His house is a mansion built in 1936 with 5975 square feet of living area on 32.80 acres in the Town of Aurora, East Aurora school district. I'm not going to list his address because I don't want any Bledsoe haters annoying him or whoever the caretaker is. Edit: Also checked Buffaloniagarahomes.com & it's not there either. It's not on the MLS.
  6. The meaning of the post is that a smart gambler picks his spots. I can understand betting on key games during the season, but when you've only got one game, unless you see something special in the one game it's called unbettable. Just because it's the Super Bowl doesn't mean that you have to bet on it.
  7. Who the hell is stupid enough to bet on the Super Bowl?
  8. The problem is that Drew does not want competition or being a backup. Therefore, he will let the Bills know if he's not the starter he's gone. What would you rather have us do, give Drew the bonus $ due him on 3/1 & have him quit just before opening day if JP is named the starter. Or- prepare ahead by letting Drew go before we give him any more $, and get a veteran backup (who you would call washed up). It's Drew's attitude that's made this situation. If he said something like "I'll be on this team & be supportive whether I'm the starter or backup, but I plan on being the starter" instead of "It's my team" I'd be in favor of bringing him back. Otherwise, lets get a cheaper statue.
  9. Mort just said something about Carter being bipolar & the rehab is tied to depression. Here's a link http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=1985703
  10. If I had a choice, if Brad Johnson is available he'd be a good backup-assuming Drew leaves. Matthews has already said 2004 was his last season.
  11. Actually, George has had a much better career than Carter. George has never been associated with illegal drugs in any manner, had a great year with the Vikings a few years ago-better than Carter ever has. George has a reputation as a jerk, but he's done a heck of a lot more than Carter. Here's the facts George 1st then Carter on the links http://www.nfl.com/players/playerpage/1049 http://www.nfl.com/players/playerpage/235201
  12. Schonert was one of the worst coaches in Bills' history! No matter where you stood on the whole Flutie-Johnson thing, in the aftermath it was revealed somewhere (no, I don't have a link-it was years ago I read this) that Turk took the Flutie side & would not do anything to help Rob Johnson. In other words, the QB coach refused to coach one of his quarterbacks. In simple terms-he wasn't doing his f'n job! Haslett must have a coaching death wish to have these two losers running his offense. If Turk gets the idea that one of his QB's isn't worth coaching he just won't coach him.
  13. They learned that the neighbor is a paranoid nutcase. Reminds me of when I was a kid & we just moved into a new house. One of my father's relatives, who I didn't know, rings the bell, says "give this to your mother" & leaves me with a little package. I give it to my mother & she asks who the man was. I said I didn't know. My mother ends up calling the police & the bomb squad came over to open up the present. All had a good laugh, and nobody needed medical assistance. My mother overreacted, but did the rational thing & called the police. Why didn't this nutcase call the police if she was so worried? She sounds like someone who should get new "neighbors", all in padded cells.
  14. At the game with Petrino. When Tasker blocked the punt I tackled Petrino & thought we were going to win the game. It was all downhill after that. The next morning I get the paper & realize the impact of the score on us back at work. During those years John was working in the sales unit where they processed the sales reporting documents, called EA 5217. They really gave it to John when he got back, they scanned his photo from personnel & made a mock a coffin with his face on it. On the way home I called my friend in Depew who is a teacher at St. Francis where Polian used to send his kids. I got one of the all time scoops when he told me that Polian had been fired. It wasn't announced until 3 days later. If there was a TBD back then I could have posted it when I got home.
  15. I used to love listening to him after a bad loss. All the anger & venom really would make the drive back to Albany easier. Best ones were when we lost to the Giants & some caller called a dumb play "4th & stupid" Coach adopted it like it was his own. When Todd Collins started the last game of the season in his rookie year (1995) & really sucked, Coach was all over his case bagging on our QB of the future, laughing at him. He was the 1st one in town to decide Gregg was a dud, naming him "the mouth that roared" before he even coached his 1st game.
  16. Ok, add me to the jerk list: The woman was 94 years old. Most times when someone that age dies the family does not have much to grieve about. Instead, they are more likely to think back and be extremely grateful that she lived a long, full life. In no way does this compare with Brett Favre's father's death. He died relatively young. 94 years is a celebration of life, not a tragedy. (I guess I'm trying to add to my worst post list)
  17. Here are my best: 1) Topic-"Rob Johnson the sacked man" -I wrote this one the week when the trade was done but not official yet. I had looked up Rob's stats & noticed the disturbing ratio of times sacked to plays. At that point I was against the trade. I remember talking with Petrino & he agreed & stated that that 4th round pick was "piling on". Unfortunately, after the trade was completed I listened to Butler & Wade & got brainwashed. 2) The case for Willis McGahee for #1 pick. Written a few weeks before the draft & before we signed Olandis Gary. I stated that because of the Price trade it was a freebee & we should gamble on greatness. I also did a little Travis Henry bashing in the post. It resulted in several flames, including some saying they wouldn't waste a pick on him. 3) The case for JP Losman as our #1 pick. Written the morning of the draft last year. Flames included things like coach killer etc. Ice's response: Fugg no! The worst: 1) In numerous posts, supporting Rob Johnson as our future & stating that he must be given the chance because he's so much younger than Flutie. 2) 3 games into Wade's coaching career, I called for his firing and declared-"Haslett 99". (If Haslett ever ends up coach of the Bills, we're dooomed) 3) In different years I declared that Donavan McNabb would be a bust because he played too much like Flutie and no Syracuse QB coming out of the Flex offense had ever succeeded in the NFL & I declared Roethlisberger a likely bust because he came out a year too early and would meet the same fate as the Leafs, Schulers & Couchs who were all high picks as underclassmen leaving early.
  18. I'd even vote for the Dolphins over an NFC team. We lost 4 friggin Super Bowls to the NFC! What's so hard to understand that the AFC, especially an old AFL franchise ALWAYS comes 1st.
  19. I almost always root for the AFC. The only exception is the Raiders. So it would be J-E-T-S, Jets, Jets, Jets.
  20. I checked Clumpy's chart & Lindell has $575,000 in bonus money left. He's due to be paid $825,000 this year. He also has a $200,000 bonus due. If we keep him his cap $ is $1,312,500. If we cut him before 6/1 we get a $575,000 cap hit which saves us $737,500 on the cap. Say we draft Nugent & give him a 5 year contract with a $2 million bonus & a $305,000 salary. His cap hit is $705,000, so we actually save $32,500 on the cap. Outside of cap #s, realistically it's not likely that we'll get a rookie starter out of our 1st (2nd round) pick. Unless we get extremely lucky, the 2nd rounder will be average to below average (See Josh Reed, Ryan Denney). Instead we can lock up the kicker spot for the next 5 years at a minimum & possibly a decade or more. Anyone who doesn't think a kicker is one of the most important positions doesn't remember Super Bowl XXV or the Jets-Pittsburgh game this year. Kickers win championships & a good kicker might be the biggest bargain in the NFL salary structure-especially on his 1st contract.
  21. Did Rich Campbell, the 6th pick in the 1981 draft ever start a game for GB? He was a 3rd stringer most of his career. I did some research on recent picks & the closest I came was Jim Druckenmiller, who started 1 game as a rookie for SF & never started again
  22. I still get e-mails from Kerry because I supported him in the election. The guy thinks he's still running! Personally, I never want to see the guy again. He ran a horrible campaign and talks as if he wants to run for President again. I wish someone would just tell him that he's never going to be President & he should just shut up.
  23. Culpepper started in his 2nd season, a move that Denny Green was widely criticized for when he announced it before pre-season began. He was a fantasy player's dream & the Vikings made it to the NFC championship game. Nobody (in the media etc), except the team-which saw him in practice the year before, thought he could step right in after not playing much his rookie year. Brady won the Super Bowl his second season. Roethlisberger made it to the AFC championship as a rookie from the MAC. That old thinking that all QBs stuggle their 1st year as a starter or that the vet is better than the 2nd year QB is no longer applicable. Just as I've learned that underclassman QB does not always = bust, like it did just a few years ago. The QB position & its learning curve has recently changed. I don't know if its the extra camps, more hands on QB coaching, or something else. JP is comming back to Buffalo to learn from Wyche & Clements, while Drew sits on his @ss out West. I expect JP to start on opening day & on Super Bowl Sunday in Detroit. There are no reasons for diminished expectations with JP at QB.
  24. Please explain any logical reason why the Bills would go through the trouble of re-signing M.Price, who is a valuable backup & is worth a heck of a lot more to US than the Redskins 6th, then trade him for a pick that traditionally makes the NFL 10% of the time. While you're at it, please tell us why the Redskins wouldn't just sign Price if they have any interest in him & simply outbid us since their owner is one of the biggest overbidders in the league. Why would they give us a 6th when they can get him without surrendering a pick?
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