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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. The main reason Flutie was so hated was because we had a great defense-one that was responsible for most of our wins-yet week after week in the national media, all you heard about was Flutie. Many fans of the team, not just Flutie, started getting PO'd that the team became Flutie in the media. Additionally, since the reality is that the defense saved the team on the field, not Flutie, fans like me would go friggin nuts every time we heard "He saved the franchise". The real guy who saved the franchise was Erkie Kailbourne, who rallied the business community to buy the club seats & boxes. Without the defense, Flutie would have lost most of the games he played in because, with the exception of 1998, the Flutie led offense put too few points on the board. In 1999, the team made the playoffs in spite of Flutie, not because of him-The result was very similar to our win strak this year with Drew Bledsoe at QB. In retrospect, nobody can deny that Flutie was the better player over Rob Johnson. Heck, AVP proved to be better than RJ, but that didn't mean we were set at QB with AVP. Flutie was better than Johnson, but once again, with the exception of 1998, both were below average NFL quarterbacks. Another aspect was that we cut Bruce, Thurman & Andre for cap relief within 1 year that Flutie got a huge raise. Here was a guy with the team two years who got rewarded while guys who got us to the Super Bowl were thrown to the curb after over a decade each of service to the Bills.
  2. We had a few good ones over that period, but we definitely bombed on: 1970: Al Cowlings 1972 : Walt Patulski (Once referred to as the worst # 1 pick in NFL post merger history) 1974: Reuben Gant 1975: Tom Ruud 1976: Mario Clark 1977: Phil Dokes -not only was he a bust, but he died at a very young age 1978 : Terry Miller -one good year & a cloud of dust 1981: Booker Moore 1982: Perry Tuttle-we even traded up for him to ace out the Eagles, who took the next available receiver, Mike Quick. I haven't included the busts in years when we had multiple 1st round picks & one busted & one was ok
  3. For a team that has picked at the top twice, and 3rd once since their rebirth, the Browns may just be setting records for draft futility. Here's the new Browns 1st rounders since they came back: 1999-Tim Couch (1st player overall in draft) -cut & out of NFL 2000-Courtney Brown (1st overall) -to be cut next week. 2001-Gerard Warren-(3rd overall)-traded for 2005 4th rounder 2002-William Green-on the trading block 2003-Jeff Faine-on the trading block 2004-Kellen Winslow Jr-injured early in rookie year-no factor yet. Instead they could have picked: 1999-Donovan McNabb or Daunte Culpepper (McNabb was #2, I would have picked Culpepper at #1) 2000-Lavar Arrington 2001-Ladainian Tomlinson or Richard Seymour 2002-Ed Reed 2003-WILLIS MCGAHEE 2004-Ben Roethlisberger (If they had taken the right QB in 1999, then-Roy Williams, Jonathan Vilma or Lee Evans) Next time you want to get on TD, just look at Cleveland. Since TD got here his 1st rounders are Clements, Williams, McGahee, Evans & Losman. All are starters.
  4. Jordan got the $ because he was a UFA. The team acquiring him wasn't giving up anything other than $. If Henry had an IQ above 50, he'd realize how stupid he is being. Take a trade, play the year and if you have a good season Travis, you get your money. Otherwise, keep all trades from happening, rush for 200 yards with the Bills and get a minimum one year contract with your next team in 2006.
  5. I guess he replaces Troy Brown on offense
  6. I took 1 class in the summer of 74 so I could graduate on time. It was "Sociology of Sports". I only got a C because the prof & I had different ideas of what sociology in sports meant. I turned in a term paper on franchise movements in baseball with the angle being that owners set up franchise movement by undermarketing a team and driving the fans away from the seats when the promise for profits are better elsewhere. The prof thought I should have emphasized the fan heartbreak over losing a franchise instead of analyzing the business reasons for franchise shifts. Looking back, my paper was probably better suited for an economics class than a sociology class. Another funny story out of that class was that one if the students had spent time in prison (I can't remember how the topic came up). When he first mentioned it for a few seconds just about every classmate got a little nervous thinking we had some hardened convict with us in class. Then he said it was for drug possession & everyone relaxed.
  7. We're not drafting any QBs this year. #3 will be a rookie or 1st year player who will never be expected to play & is really an afterthought. When you have a young #1 & a veteran #2, you don't worry about #3. It will be similar to when we picked up Travis Brown-If nobody in camp is good enough-we'll get a guy off waivers on opening week. I think that #3 will be in another team's camp until September.
  8. He's in his 40s, he lasted a year longer than RJ. He ended up in the NFL his last 7 years as a pro. Give it up already. PS: If you really hate him that much you'll have to turn down the sound because once his career is truly over, he's probably headed to the broadcast booth.
  9. I'd like to see Leelee Sobieski & Helen Hunt together because they can pass for sisters or mother/daughter. The resemblance is amazing.
  10. SUNY College at Fredonia-Class of 1975 (I can't believe it's 30 years!) That's how a guy who grew up on Long Island & now lives in the suburbs of Albany became a Bills fan.
  11. It won't be that high on draft day because of all the RBs in this year's draft. The best time to trade him is during the season, or pre-season-whenever a team loses its top back & will pay more for Henry. History is on my side look back when we got a 4th from GB for Darick Holmes when he was on the last year of his contract. Henry is a lot better than Holmes was, yet on draft day we won't be able to do much better than a late 3rd, maybe a lot worse. Patience may have to continue months after the draft, but once someone loses their #1 back, TD will get a call about Travis.
  12. Top 3 Boys: Anwar, Mario, Anthony Girls: Jessica, Nadia, Vonelle (hon mention Carrie) Must go: 1)Janay (she's got to have relatives at the phone company because she's been the worst for weeks) I liked Simon's horoscope reading for her-packing her bags & leaving. 2)Mikalah-totally outclassed by the rest of the remaining contestants. None of the boys is a must go, but Constantine & Travis are my lowest rated. Nikko & Scott are on borrowed time. So are Amanda & Lindsay.
  13. Paid in full the day the bill arrived. It helps to have only one seat (Petrino has 2 next to me)
  14. Give me a break! Stop going back in team history & digging up bad things. We had enough of this in 1998-2000. All you did was take 1998 and regurgitate it. I get it, you wanted Flutie over RJ-give it up!
  15. Even though he left on less than perfect terms, congratulations AJ! I met AJ once at a St. Francis HS game & he seems like a really nice guy. My friend who teaches there had a minor heart attack a couple of years ago & one of the 1st get well messages that he got was in an envelope with the San Diego Chargers return address-It was from AJ Smith. http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/wire?section=nfl&id=2007332
  16. Travis got a 9, not the worst, but others did better.
  17. Sorry, I couldn't figure out how to link it up.
  18. ESPN news reported Jeff Reed re-signed with Pittsburgh. Realistcally, it's Nugent or another rookie K who we can get at a more reasonable round. Otherwise it's Lindell (Please No!)
  19. He said in his media briefing today that he can play G/C. Said he's not much of a tackle.
  20. Which finger is 2nd & which is 4th? Do you do thumb or pinky 1st?
  21. TD & MM are quaking in their boots knowing how closely you'll be watching. The coaches spent every day with JP and are evaluating him based on observation. You don't have any idea what they've seen, they have & made an informed decision knowing JP & DB up close.
  22. If you watched Warner play, you'd be scared if you were his coach. Anyone who thinks Bledsoe is done, multiply that by 100 & you've got Kurt Warner. He was good for about 6 games this year & was done. The Giants lost his last 3 games before he got benched. I watched him in training camp and within minutes I said to the Giant fan next to me that when the regular season defenses kick in he's dead meat because he is slow & indecisive in the pocket....sound familiar?
  23. Here's a picture of the guy who will be starting alongside Sam Adams on opening day. http://www.buffalobills.com/team/player.jsp?player_id=122558
  24. For everyone's sake, I hope he doesn't stay here a long time-here's why. When Bills get Super, JG gets a head coaching job & TK moves up to DC. When Bills stay Super, TK gets a head coaching job. If Bills are that good, MM is a God and TK can't be HC unless Ralph or whoever is being a cheapskate & MM leaves. Tim Krumrie will be a head coach in the NFL within 7 years, maybe a lot sooner.
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