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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. I've never understood the fascination with Bocce's pizza. I've always thought their pizza was below average. I think it's more homesickness of those who moved away than the taste, because it ain't that good. Personally, I liked the old Picos in Tonawanda a lot better than Bocce. They closed around 1990 and someone else moved in & changed the name. Back when I was living in Kenmore, a Bills road game always started with a Pico's pizza, never a Bocce.
  2. We need more endings like Alex Mengel's. The link talks about his crimes, pretty sick, if you don't remember them. What the story doesn't say is that after he was returned from Canada, he "tried to escape" in the police car and had to be shot to death. No court costs, no muss, no fuss. These child killers need to be "trying to escape" a little more often. http://www.time.com/time/archive/preview/0...,964094,00.html
  3. Maybe not. His improvement means he's a solid K, but he's still inconsistent on kickoffs. Pochman (for KOs) & Rheem combined cost less than Lindell if Rian is released after 6/1.
  4. How about: Flutie has signed to be the backup to a great quarterback, who has won 3 of the last 4 Super Bowls. This thread has to be one of the all time worst in TSW history. OP comes up with an idea too stupid to even bother replying to and then gets mad at people who do and calls them morons etc. I think he should get a sideline pass at Foxboro so he can smooch Dougie's @ss, instead of wasting our time with his childish Flutie worshiping posts.
  5. Here's my final order of finish for the top 6 after mulling things over the past 2 days: Bandini Afleet Alex Wilko High Fly Bellamy Road Noble Causeway I moved Afleet Alex up because his speed #s are so much more consistent than the rest & Wilko because he ran back to his top 2 year old # in his last & horses like this can have an explosive forward move.
  6. OJ is good friends with the owner of Greeley's Galaxy. He's in Kentucky already. http://www.courier-journal.com/apps/pbcs.d...RTS08/505050464
  7. Two reasons I have Bellamy Road so low are 1) That race at Keenland last October really makes me wonder what he can do with horses near him. 2) The Wood produced not one Derby horse other than him. The major preps including the winner produced the following # of Derby horses: Blue Grass 5, Arkansas 4, Santa Anita 4, Florida 2, Illinois 1, Wood 1. On all figures, Bellamy Road ran the fastest of all these, he also has a top trainer, but he is not battle tested and will either win by the length of the stretch or not hit the board. I'm guessing the latter-we'll know on Saturday.
  8. Someone once posted that Pochman got hurt & was sent home, but other than his post I've heard nothing on Pochman.
  9. The Giants had him in camp last year & he was going to be their kicker until Coughlin decided he wanted someone with more experience & cut him days before the season started & signed Christie. He did well last preseason but missed a kick that Mularkey wouldn't have let Lindell try & it cost him his roster spot. I think he's got an NFL leg & all he needs is a chance.
  10. Here are my selections The Contenders: 15 Bandini Pletcher/Velasquez duo is set to win the Derby by sitting slightly off a hot pace up front and firing as he did in the Blue Grass. The Blue Grass is a hidden good race as both Ragozin and Thorograph sheet #s are higher relative to the Beyers than other races. Bandini’s Blue Grass got a 1.1 lower Thorograph than Afleet Alex’s Arkansas Derby #. While some feel he will bounce, since he had a 6.4 forward move from a prior top of 3.3, he has never regressed in any of his 5 starts. Even though the Blue Grass looks slow, it not only was fast, but it was the race that drew the toughest field of the final preps, 4 of the 6 horses that Bandini beat were winners of graded stakes in their race prior to the Blue Grass. Also, he is one of only one of 3 horses in this race with 3 1 1/8th races-a solid foundation leading up to this race. As solid a horse as one can find in this field of 20, and my top selection. 11 High Fly 5 for 6 lifetime, including a victory over my top choice. Bailey rides in what might be his last Derby. He’s the best of the Zito horses, although he doesn’t have the lofty figures of Bellamy Road. Should sit a good trip with a running style similar to Bandini’s. Another with a good foundation of 3 straight 1 1/8th races. 12 Afleet Alex At one point he was my first choice until I found out Bandini had a higher sheet #. Looked impressive in the Arkansas Derby, but who did he beat? The 2nd and 3rd horses are 20/1 & 50/1 ML here. He has a solid foundation with a 6 race 2yo season and 3 preps this year. However, his 1st prep was only a 6f sprint and his 2nd prep was a poor race when he had a lung infection. Biggest negative is his jockey, Jeremy Rose, who was responsible for his Breeder’s Cup defeat by Wilko last year and almost blew the Hopeful with a bad ride last summer. There’s no room for error in the Derby, where Afleet Alex will have to negotiate a come from behind trip. You can expect Rose to cost this horse at least a length or 2 somewhere in this race. Any comparison to last year’s winning rider, Stew Elliott, is unfounded, since Rose has had at least 2 bad rides on this horse already. Still, he’s one of the best horses in the race and if Rose rides the race of his life, he could make it to the top. 4 Noble Causeway Another Zito horse who ran 2nd to stablemate High Fly in the Florida Derby. Only horses to beat him this year are Bandini & High Fly. Nothing to really knock him. He’s the 3rd horse with the last 3 races at 1 1/8th. He has a decent shot to run in the superfecta and might even run 2nd or 3rd. It’s tough to see him winning this but he could be a Travers horse. 16 Bellamy Road He’s the favorite off his Wood Memorial blowout, earning a lofty 120 Beyer and a negative 5 on the Thorograph Sheets. I’m not concerned about a bounce-his –0.1 going into the Wood shows he has developed into a fast horse since Zito took over, but his running style is why I can’t put him any better than 4th. With the exception of his 1st race, a 6f sprint, he has always gone right to the lead. This year he’s gotten loose on the lead in both his races and ran like a wild horse. Well this time he will be getting pressured every step of the way, and I doubt he can handle it. If he doesn’t go for the lead, he may get totally discouraged running behind horses in a huge field. His two distance races as a 2 yo send the alarms ringing on this one. In the MGD Cradle he lost 3 ¼ lengths in the stretch of a 1 1/16th race. Worse was his Breeder’s Futurity at Keenland last October, where he went for the lead, weakened, and finished 7th, 12 lengths behind. After that race George Steinbrenner fired Michael Dickenson and replaced him with Nick Zito, who is 2/2 with him-both blow out victories. Another negative is he only has 2 races this year, something that hasn’t worked well for past Derby entrants. 9 Greeley’s Galaxy Tomlinson indicates he’s bred for it, waiting for a OTB Channel Breeding # on Saturday. Jumped up from a prior top of 4.3 to a –2 Thorograph sheet # in blowout win in the Illinois Derby. Another one who hasn’t beaten anyone of consequence, but he’s one of only 4 with a negative sheet #. He might be the toughest horse in this race for me to figure. Best of the rest, could be in the superfecta: 7 Flower Alley Tomlinson breeding figure is really different than OTB Channel Breeding here. Finished way behind Afleet Alex in the Arkansas Derby, and really hasn’t beaten anything of quality. If you trust the OTB Channel Breeding #, he could make it up for 4th. 14 Wilko Tomlinson & doseage say no, OTB Channel Breeding says he has the best distance pedigree in the race. Here’s a horse who, off his Beyers looks like he’s failed to progress as a 3yo. Has only 2 races this year & may still not be ready to fire his best race. He’s a total unknown on the surface, since he has trained at Hollywood for this. Could finish as high as 3rd, could finish last. 2 Andromeda’s Hero If the front runners all collapse, he could suck up for 3rd or 4th. More likely to finish 9th, where I have him. Forget about them (in no particular order): 13 Spanish Chestnut Best pick for last place. He’ll be 1st early, last late. 1 Sort It Out Too slow & outclassed 17 Don’t Get Mad no comment . 19 Going Wild–recent form bad 2 Closing Argument Too slow. 10 Giacomo–Breeding says no, eligible for nw1 other than 5 Coin Silver Probably the 2nd best of this no chance bunch. 8 Greater Good Beyers say he’s way too slow. 6 High Limit–Pace says no, better than most of these losers 20 Buzzards Bay– Worst post, bad 1 ¼ breeding. 2nd last to SC 3 Sun King– Best form of this bunch, OTB Channel Breeding # says no way.
  11. I view the wonderlics every year & unless you're a QB or OL the Wonderlic test is basically meaningless. Plenty of WRs, RBs & CBs score around 10 and most have no problems if they have ability. Playing WR is more about understanding route running and getting separation than whether you can perform well on written tests, CB is basically the same as WR reversed. RBs either have vision & insticts or they don't. You can be a successful RB like Travis Henry by taking the ball & acting like a battering ram or you can be successful like Willis McGahee-who possesses great vision and running instincts. Of the 2, Willis also reads his blockers like few do. Travis henry scored a 9, Willis Mcgahee scored a 12.
  12. Make Travis Henry a TE and put him back in the starting lineup.
  13. I don't believe in religion. I don't know whether there is a God or not, but I can't imagine a diety micromanaging everyone's life. I think people feel more important if they believe that God is watching over them, I don't believe God does, if he exists. I believe there is an afterlife, and it is only slightly different than life. I believe when you die that you do not join any diety of your choice and you do not learn whether or not God exists, because if he does, he doesn't mingle with people-alive or dead. Since I believe in an afterlife, which is close to but different than life, it is your dead friends and relatives who work to answer your prayers, not any diety. So in effect, prayer does work, the dead acting as the angels who answer those prayers. I believe that most of religion as it currently exists on Earth is the result of alien visits and the misinterpretation of those aliens as divine figures. I don't believe in Heaven or Hell. While there may be a God, the idea of Satan's existance (other than the hockey player) is absurd to me. Basically someone looked up in the sky to devise their idea of heaven, and hell comes from the heat that you get from going towards the center of the earth, hitting lava etc.
  14. Brien has the same problems that Lindell has. He looks good on paper, has good %, but is painful to watch-missing key kicks at the wrong time. what people who see him play often enough have always known, was exposed in the playoffs to the general public. He's iffy any time an important kick is needed. Always has been, always will. No matter how bad Lindell is, Brien is even worse.
  15. Rheem, Pochman, Vanderjagt, Gramatica or someone other than Lindell will be our kicker. We can't afford a mediocre kicker with a high cap #. No way do we have Lindell & a $1.3 million cap hit he causes on our 2005 roster.
  16. Ryan Denney's brother John signed with Miami as an undrafted free agent. http://www.miamidolphins.com/pressbox/pres...?contentID=3840
  17. Draft Board & Bust Board Results: Player/team/round 10 on draft board & 2 on bust board not in NFL camps As of 4/30/05 The Draft Board QB: Alex Smith SF 1, Andrew Walter Oak 3, Stefan LeFors Car 4, Adrian McPherson NO 5, Chad Friehauf Den FA, Ben Dougherty FA, Jason White KC-tryout FA, Lang Campbell Cle FA, Matt Cassel NE 7 OT: Adam Terry Balt 2, Michael Roos Ten 2, Adam Kieft Cin 5, Chris Colmer TB 3,Frank Omiyale Atl 5, Ray Willis Sea 4, Todd Herremans Phil 5, Calvin Armstrong Phil 6,Geir Gudmundsen BILLS FA G: David Bass SF 2, Marcus Johnson Min 2, Logan Mankins NE 1, Dan Buenning TB 4Claude Terrell Stl 4, Dan Connolly Jack FA, C.J.Brooks Oak FA, Brian Kovolisky FA,Uriah Moenoa FA C: Jason Brown Balt 4, Ben Wilkerson Cin FA, Eric Ghiaciuc Cin 4, Matt Katula LS Bal FA, Kyle Andrews LS Chi-tryout FA, L.P. LaDouceur LS NO FA. RB: Ryan Moats Phil 3, Frank Gore SF 3, Maurice Clarett Den 3, Deandra Cobb (KR) Atl 6, Brandon Jacobs NYG 4, Jesse Lumsden Sea FA, Seymour Shaw FA FB: Will Matthews Det FA, Madison Hedgecock Stl 7, Jon Goldsberry BILLS FA WR: Braylon Edwards Cle1, Mike Williams Det 1, Mark Clayton Balt 1, Mark Bradley Chi 2, Airese Currie Chi 5, Jamaica Rector Dal FA, Geoff McArthur FA, Dan Sheldon Ariz FA,Keron Henry NO FA TE: Heath Miller Pit 1, Cody McCarty SD FA, Bo Scaife Ten 6, Billy Bajema SF 7 DE: Shawne Merriman SD 1, Justin Tuck NYG 3, Derreck Robinson SD FA, Phillip Alexander FA DT: Ronald Fields SF 5, Keyonta Marshall Phil 7, Andrew Hoffman Cle 6 LB: Derrick Johnson KC 1, Barrett Ruud TB 2, Lofa Tatupu Sea 2, Ryan Wallace Pit 5 Ryan Claridge NE 5, Matt McCoy Phil 2, Lance Mitchell Ariz 5, Russ Rabe NO FA,Nigel Eldridge Ten FA, Derek Wake NYG FA, Roger Cooper Dal FA, Boomer Grigsby KC 5, Wendell Hunter BILLS FA, Liam Ezekial BILLS FA, James Kinney Jack FA , Ronald Stanley Pit FA CB: Carlos Rogers Wash 1, Eric Green Ariz 3, Corey Webster NYG 2, Darrent Williams Den 3, Antonio Perkins Cle 4, Scott Starks Jax 3, Eric King BILLS 5, Ronald Bartell Stl 2, Stanford Routt Oak 2, Kelvin Hayden Ind 2, Aric Williams Phil FA, Sidney Haugabrook Ten FA, S: Thomas Davis Car 1, Josh Bullocks NE 4, Oshiomogho Alogwe Stl 3, Sean Considine Phil 4, James Sanders NE 4, Jim Leonhard BILLS FA, Matt Grootegard TB FA,Mitch Meeuwsen Mia FA, Jason Leach SD FA, Ryan Guitierrez FA,Josh Dean FA, James King Cle FA K: Mike Nugent NYJ 2, Tyler Jones CHI FA, Chris Onorato FA, John Marino FA P: Dustin Colquitt KC 3, Cole Farden SF FA The Bust Board QB: Dan Orlovsky Det 5, Chris Rix FA, Timmy Chang Ariz FA, Brock Berlin Mia FA, Dustin Long Dal tryout FA OT: Jeremy Parquet KC 7 C: Richie Incognito Stl 3 G: Chris Kemoeatu Pit 6, Elton Brown Ariz 4, Sam Wilder Dal FA RB: Cedrick Benson Chi 1, Kay Jay Harris Mia FA, Verand Morency Hou 3, T.J. McLendon Atl FA FB: Zack Tuiasopopo Pit FA, Brandon Joe FA WR: Chris Henry Cin 3, Fred Gibson Pit 4, Larry Brackins TB 5 TE: Kevin Everett BILLS 3, Tony Curtis Dal FA DE: Trent Cole Phil 5, George Gause BILLS FA, Mike Montgomery GB 6, David McMillan Cle 5 DT:Anttaj Hawthorne Oak 6, Anthony Bryant TB 6 LB: Odell Thurman Cin 2, Channing Crowder Mia 3, Michael Boley Atl 5 CB: Marlin Jackson Ind 1, Alphonso Hodge KC 5 S: Brodney Pool Cle 2, Gerald Sensabaugh Jax 5, Dante Nicholson TB 5
  18. #3 QBs are usually inactive. It opens a spot on the gameday roster for a real wr/st player. There's no reason to have a #3 QB who can play on special teams.
  19. He'd be hanging around Albany in August if the Giants signed him. I could watch him in Giants camp & beg his forgiveness for choosing Rob over him.
  20. Giant Flutie, an oxymoron? Giants | Looking At Flutie - from www.KFFL.com Thu, 28 Apr 2005 21:54:19 -0700 The New York Times reports free agent QB Doug Flutie (Chargers) visited with the New York Giants on Thursday. He also took a physical for the team. Giants GM Ernie Accorsi described the visit as a routine part of the team's evaluation of available players. It is unclear if negotiations between the Giants and Flutie's agent, Kristen Kuliga, were underway.
  21. If we need an African American QB, tell the Eagles to send us McNabb or the Vikings to send us Culpepper. I'd trade JP for either one. But to suggest Woodbury make the team because of the color of his skin is absurd. For the record the Bills were one of the 1st teams ever to have an African American QB. He played with the Bills from 1969-1971 and had some good years with the LA Rams. His name is James Harris, he is now VP of player personnel in Jacksonville. We also had Willie Totten on the strike team.
  22. Here's the story from NFL Draft Scout: Liam is generally a good person, a very hard worker, extemely competitive and a leader by example. He is respected by players and coaches and can take to hard coaching. He is compliant, responsible and until November 2004, had no known off-field trouble. Liam was suspended for the Hofstra contest in 2004 following an incident in practice Thursday, November 11, the Athletics Department announced. The incident culminated when Ezekiel allegedly blindsided kicker Miro Kesic after practice in the locker room, causing him to hit his head on a sharp object, knocking him unconscious. According to reports, this wasn't just a spur of the moment explosion of rage. Liam had time to think about his assault before he went through with it (in a court of law that could be considered premeditated). Kesic was then taken to the hospital where he received thirteen staples to the head. An official from the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center confirmed Kesic was admitted to the emergency room Thursday. Also, a Department of Public Safety report said a 22-year-old reported being attacked by Ezekiel at Parsons Field. According to reports, during practice NU head coach Rocky Hager was forced to intervene in an on-field argument between Ezekiel and Kesic after the two began to banter back and forth. Ezekiel allegedly commented on the fact that Kesic has blown two games for the team this year by missing field goals. Kesic responded with an expletive and told Ezekiel to stop missing tackles. "It was an on-field scuffle that spilled over into the locker room," Hager said. Hager began working with Ezekiel when he took the helm of the Huskies in February, and said the incident was "totally out of character" for the linebacker. Hager announced Ezekiel, who has since spoken to his teammates, had been stripped of his captaincy. The coach allowed Ezekiel to see action in the season finale against Rhode Island. ``He deserves to be part of his final day,'' Hager said. I liken taken on a kicker to beating up your kid sister. Let’s pray this kid does not ever play on a team with Martin Gramatica!
  23. Henry (+ late pick )for Simon would be one of the greatest heists of all time. I can't imagine Philly willingly making a trade like this unless TD had some very compromising photos of Lurie or Reid. Deal is done if he has them with each other.
  24. That doesn't mean they're $5 million over at this time. It means that they're barely below the cap right now, but that in order to give their draft choices the slotted contracts, they will have to free up money. You misinterpreted that they're currently $5million over-they're not. The paper is correct, but the original heading of "TB 5 million over cap" isn't. Thanks for the quotation, it cleared things up.
  25. TB couldn't be $5 million over the cap, because on draft day they don't let you draft unless you have enough cap room. I could be wrong on the #, but you have to have enough room to pay each of your draft choices at least the minimum-it could be higher (Clumpy, help). Therefore, TB being $5 mil over is total BS.
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