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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. Next week's game, Friday against the Bears should be available on the radio to a lot of us. The Bears flagship station is WBBM 780, which can be heard all over the east coast. It comes in in Albany so I guess it should come in anywhere between Chicago & here & probably a lot farther in both directions. Bad news is I tried the stream & the radio has the Bears-Colts, but the stream is news.
  2. Next week's game, Friday against the Bears should be available on the radio to a lot of us. The Bears flagship station is WBBM 780, which can be heard all over the east coast. It comes in in Albany so I guess it should come in anywhere between Chicago & here & probably a lot farther in both directions. Bad news is the stream doesn't have the games.
  3. I think you're on the right track, but you have it a little backwards. I see the 3rd party as viable when the sitting president is very unpopular, yet because of his power as an incumbent has been able to secure his party's nomination. Couple that with the other party choosing a candidate who is considered too far right or left. Then, the most likely 3rd party winner would be the candidate who lost his party's nomination to the sitting president, yet is considered middle of the road. Another possibility would be if there was a viable candidate who launched a 3rd party run and a candidate from one the major parties was way ahead, his opponent in the other party was considered a nut by many (Think of Howard Dean getting the nomination & then doing the scream at his acceptance speech). The candidate who is way ahead suddenly dies. The 3rd party candidate becomes the favorite. The major problem with most 3rd party runs are they either come from a fringe that is basically unelectable. Ross Perot may not have been a fringe candidate, but he had no experience holding public office. Buchanan & Nader were too far out there to be taken seriously, although they did get enough votes to affect elections.
  4. I don't worry about things like terrorism at the stadium, I'm more worried about injuries on the field than in the stands. In 2001 I was able to go to the World Series at Yankee Stadium due to the irrational fears of others. A bus company in the Albany area used to get series tickets when the Yankees made it in. In prior years they used to have drawings for the coveted tickets. Because so many people around here were afraid of the terrorists & going to NYC, the demand was down & it was 1st come, 1st served. A group of 4 of us went there at 10 am for the noon ticket sales. We got our seats & saw game 3. Ironically, it was the game Bush attended & was probably the safest place in the nation. You're much more likely to get blown up attending the opening day of Iraqui futball than Bills football.
  5. Q: How can you but tickets from someone, safely!! A: Wear a condom.
  6. If Travis Henry has a big year odds are Drew will introduce himself and at some point tell Henry what a s**t contract extension he signed. Travis & Drew will be on sportscenter together and we'll all be laughing as Drew does all the talking & Travis plays Charlie McCarthy.
  7. Ritzman & Gause have both looked good this preseason. Josh Reed has looked bad. For different reasons I can see the Bills cutting both Denney & Reed. Denney: Kelsey has taken over as the starter at the previously shared DE spot. This makes Denney a reserve. I don't know his contract status, but he's either a year or 2 away from free agency. With 2 cheaper DEs with possibly more upside and probably more long term future due to free agency rules, why would the team keep Denney around? A surprise cut to some, but a very logical cut if Ritzman & Gause continue to play well. Reed: Unless he really pick it up in camp, I think it's a slam dunk he gets cut. He's definitely gone after this year, the last year on his contract, so why keep him around? Wilson, Haddad, and especially with clone Parrish's injury, F.Smith all give the team a better option for this year & the future than Reed. We keep 5 healthy receivers + Parrish: Moulds, Evans, Aiken, are locks, Smith stays at least until Parrish returns and Wilson probably beats out Haddad. Unless Woodbury can play receiver & takes Smith's job the receivers are Moulds, Evans, Aiken, Smith, Wilson & Parrish. There's no need for Reed.
  8. Since this thread started as (a very poor) attempt at satire, I'd like to get serious for a few seconds. It's not the Bills, but the greatest group of QBs assembled in 1 camp had to be the 1994 Packers. The starter was future hall of famer Brett Favre who won 1 Super Bowl & started in another, the backups were Mark Brunell who was a solid starter for years with Jacksonville, the weakest link, former Heisman winner Ty Detmer & a guy who got cut early by the name of Kurt Warner who also who won 1 Super Bowl & started in another. Considering this was post free agency/salary cap this group was very impressive.
  9. The game is on 1300 WTMM in Albany. The pregame show started at 6:30,
  10. At 6:30 the pregame show just started. The game is on tonight on the radio in the Capital Region. Thankfully, the Yankees played this afternoon
  11. Ever since Bush choked on that pretzel, the snack food insurance policies have skyrocketed & it gets passed on to the consumer.
  12. From KFFL: Titans | Henry Dinged Fri, 12 Aug 2005 23:27:26 -0700 Teresa M. Walker, of the Associated Press, reports Tennessee Titans RB Travis Henry (turf toe) is battling a mild case of turf toe after the team's preseason game Friday, August 12.
  13. Your mailman must be a Bills' fan When the media guides arrive, some of us will be posting it here. If you don't get one contact the Bills & ask them where your media guide is.
  14. I jusr remembered-wasn't Boy George there last year. Forget my Couch prediction, their opening day QB is Jeff George.
  15. I'm surprised that there haven't been any Rex Grossman really does = RJ. The guy may get injured more than RJ. Speaking of RJ, maybe the Bears are calling him right now, why have a copy when you can have the original? Seriously, I expect to see Tim Couch in Chicago by next week...and Matt Leinart there a year from now.
  16. They haven't mailed them yet. Last year they came right before opening day. One year we got them in November or December.
  17. He wants a lot of money. He spent over $400,000 to get out of Cleveland & then, according to ESPN radio he blew $500,000 in Vegas partying. He wants a multi-year deal with a big signing bonus & is willing to sit out the year if necessary. With Tucker back practicing, if Gandy doesn't cut it Teague will play LT this year & we'll draft a LT with our #1 pick next year-it's a tackle rich draft. One of the reasons TD was so adamant about getting a 1st day pick for Henry is he knows he might have to move up in the 1st to get a starting LT in the draft. Unless Verba changes his demands or Gandy AND Teague bomb, Verba is not going to be signed.
  18. Jeanine Ferris Pirro has kicked off her impossible campaign with two premises: 1) The NYS voters will vote for her because they know she'll stick around and not run for President. 2) Husband, what (convict) husband. Great for a DA who will run as tough on crime as long as it excludes her own family. I'm just waiting for the candidate to start calling herself Jeanine Ferris. Hillary Rodham Clinton will eventually kick off her Presidential candidacy thinking she can actually be elected in a national election that includes states outside the northeast & far west. She can easily destroy JFP's 1st premise by promising to stay her full term in the senate. Even if she were to bamboozle the Democrats into nominating her, a promise that she'll serve her full term should be easy to keep. Jeanine Pirro will never be elected Senator in 2006 & Hillary Clinton will never be elected President in 2008.
  19. http://www.nfl.com/players/playerpage/395923 Since every teams' cuts get placed on TSW, I figured I'd put this on before someone who seriously wants us to look at him does.
  20. If CKTB is still on the Bills radio network, they usually have the games. However, they have a limited capacity & you have to get in early, otherwise you can't get in. http://www.610cktb.com/
  21. I've seen some people panicking already after feeling JP was outplayed by Holcomb. They're waiting to see how JP does in the rest of the preseason-I'm not! Keep in mind one thing when evaluating any QB performance-they do not use game plans like they do in the regular season. A young QB can look bad in the mini game plan scenario of preseason and really turn it on in the structured regular season game plan games. How soon people forget Frank Reich's preseason performances. To put it kindly, Reich sucked in preseason, especially before he was called on to play in 1989. If there had been a Stadium Wall in the late 1980s the crowd would have been all over Reich after eachj preseason game & would have said we were doomed when Reich had to take over for an injured Kelly in 1989. I'll wait until the regular season to evaluate JP. A preseason opinion is a premature evaluation. Anyone thinking that if Holcomb and/or Matthews outplays JP that JP should be demoted is really pushing things considering the lack of a structured offensive game plan and the fact the backups will be playing against guys who will be delivering your UPS packages by opening day.
  22. I've always said the teams that either leave their starters in longer or have better backup QBs win exhibition games. Considering we have Holcomb to light it up against defensive 2nd stringers & Shane to pick apart the guys who will soon be sending out their resumes, we should be able to sweep the exhibitions. We may not know how JP will do, but we've got one of the best 2-3 QB combos in the NFL.
  23. It was announced a month or 2 ago that Dickerson would be on on Mondays. Doesn't do us much good once you get a little past Syracuse. Too bad he won't be on after the games for the ride home.
  24. The only problem is that with the red jersey, nobody is supposed to touch him. So if he takes off, shouldn't every run result in a TD?
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