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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. More kickoffs & less opponent takes the ball at the spot of the missed kick.
  2. Here's my guess: There are a lot of teams looking for kickers. TD will trade a 6th or 7th & acquire the loser of one of the stronger battles. (Example-Todd France) There is going to be too much competition for the few good available kickers out there to try signing one as a FA. I still don't believe Lindell will be there when we open next Sunday. For his ability, he carries too high a cap # & were not keeping him long enough to have his salary guaranteed for the year.
  3. Here is my guess: Lawrence (Who) Richardson Lauvale Sape Joe Burns Liam Ezekiel Wendell Hunter Jasen Esposito Justin Geisinger Dylan McFarland Kevin Thompson Jim Leonhard Brad Cieslak Rod Trafford George Wilson JOSH REED ... and later next week RIAN LINDELL
  4. The JP supporters (myself included) are answering the Holcomb supporters with just about the same lines we used to support Rob Johnson over Doug Flutie. It's getting scary. If JP flounders, were going to have to get a separate Holcomb v Losman board like the old Johnson/Flutie board. Please JP, play well, I can't take another QB controversy for the next 3 years.
  5. Never heard of the guy. Does his tirade mean he won't make the Saints 53 man roster? I'm amazed at the attitude of some "celebrities". Just about every celebrity is an unknown to at least 90% of the world's population.
  6. I found this on an old Packer board: September 1992 Brett Favre needs another year on the bench and this team needs Don Majkowski to start the entire season. I feel bad for the defense and other vetrans on this team if Brett Favre starts this season. Favre has shown nothing this whole preseason to tell me he's ready for the starting job. ZERO! Don Majkowski is the better choice at QB for Green Bay at this point in time. Favre is still very very raw. Stick that in your pipes and smoke it.
  7. Holcomb was injured and didn't play in last year's game at the Ralph. Luke McCown played most of the game, coming out briefly for Jeff Garcia who got injured in 1 series, forcing McCown back into the game. Holcomb finally returned for Cleveland's final game & they beat Houston.
  8. Because at some point I'd think he or one of his advisors would realize a great opportunity & a chance at a legacy when his presidency is over. Because unlike those trolls who can only throw stupid insults, I want to believe that he can rise up and show greatness by his actions. Every leader has a chance every now & then to face a moment that he will always be remembered and admired for. I'm not partisan between elections & I actually want the president to do great things. I'm more surprised that nobody thought of doing something symbolic of leadership before President Bush addressed the public.
  9. Lots of insults, but nothing addressing the point from the zombies. This is not about politics or policies, it's about whether the president understands a great PR opportunity & seizes the moment, energizing the American public. It doesn't matter who or what party the president is. In the same vein, there should be (the rich) senators & congresspeople doing their best to both contribute & let the public know they have. I don't know whether he contributed anything or not, that's not the point. The point is a leader contributes & announces it to get the public excited about it.
  10. Yesterday, President Bush spoke to the nation and asked citizens to contribute what they could to help the hurricane victims. He had an opportunity to show leadership and greatness but was oblivious to the situation. Imagine today's headlines if he had ended his statement with "Laura and I have pledged $xxxxxxx as private citizens to show our support for these people in their greatest time of need". Instead, he asks others to give but does nothing as a private citizen to show others that he, the leader of the free world, knows what it means to lead by example. Maybe his father or Clinton will B word slap him when they meet to coordinate the call for funds and he'll announce a major contribution. But the reality was he had a real opportunity to step up to the plate & he stayed in the dugout. Any President with the money Bush has should have known better. Heck, Jim Rome announced he's donating $25,000 at the beginning of his show today.
  11. The annual Erik Flowers just got cut again posting.
  12. You better like big city living which includes either use of mass transit or traffic jams every day. In addition the weather sucks compared to NC. Lots of big city attitude too. If you like things fast paced with a lot of things to do consider it. It all depends on your personality & how you adapt to the big city.
  13. Nobody thought for 3 years that we had a great QB. 1st half of 1st season, Drew played great; 2nd half he sucked. 2nd year he was bad enough that we traded up to get JP, hardly a ringing endorsement & proof nobody was thinking of Drew as great. 3rd year, Drew-already on double-secret probation, gets lucky when JP breaks his leg enabling Drew to have no competition through the season-yet soon after he is jettisoned. Problem is 1st year there was nobody else to acquire. Carr & Harrington were already gone by pick 4 & Ramsey would have been a reach to trade up for & was gone by the 2nd round. The truth is no matter how badly Bledsoe played, he has outperformed every QB from the class of 2002. Plus you're forgetting one other factor. TD felt he owed it to Gregg Williams to give him a fair shot at keeping his job. With only AVP at QB, the Bills would have had a season similar to 2001. In addition to not giving Gregg a fair shot, and firing him 1 year early (not necessarily bad) you can forget about Spikes, Adams & Milloy ever joining the team after the 2002 season. So now after Drew's Pro Bowl season of 2002 (even though he sucked in the 2nd half) we move on to the 2003 draft. Palmer & Leftwich are gone by the time we pick. So we could have drafted Kyle Boller if we hadn't traded for Bledsoe. Now say we had not traded for Drew & have had one of the top picks. So we pick either Palmer or Leftwich, but we don't have McGahee because Price's #s would have drawn no interest as the franchise player. Once again no QB in the 2003 draft from the time we (would have) picked, on down has done anything of note. Now we move to the 2004 draft. By now there are numerous questions about Drew's future. We draft JP Losman, which for all intents & purposes, makes Drew a lame duck QB-whether he wanted to admit it or not. The only mistake was the ridiculous renegotiation of Drew's contract. The smart move would have been to cut Drew before 2004, but once again -TD felt he owed his head coach a legitimate chance to see what he could do. Drew is not a bad QB. He's mediocre & has occasional good games. There were no other alternatives until the 2004 draft. Drew was the best we could do at the time of the trade & subsequent 3 seasons he was here.
  14. Thanks for the report. I wonder if TD was watching every move Dorenbos was making as well as Lindell. There are so many teams with kicking problems that Lindell may be the best we can do. How sad.
  15. Is Miami metro that bad that there are no good neighborhoods close by? Where do the Dolphins & rich live, there has to be some good stuff closer (or maybe not)
  16. Just remember what made the Price trade doable-Getting Drew Bledsoe. AVP or some other bum throwing to him would have made Price an unrestricted free agent who would have walked, with nothing in return. Also remember something else-Price only plays well with certain QBs. He hated RJ, couldn't get RJs passes, yet for Flutie & Bledsoe he could play at a high level. Looks like he & Vick are a bad fit. So basically the Drew trade didn't cost us anything on our roster, it did however strengthen NE.
  17. I'm not going to do anything. I did my part when I bought a house that makes my commute only 15 miles round trip. When I'm on the road I get mileage $. Aside from the waste of time every day, I don't understand why people, when given a choice, choose to commute so far away. Aside from the gas, the wear & tear on the car & the added time waste ends up more than the saving on the home's original cost over the years. (Unless you're in California where it's either move far away or rent). Worse yet are renters who live far away. Which came 1st, the chicken or egg? -If you had the job 1st, you should have bought closer (I don't buy the "country give our family a higher quality of life" stuff) If you got transferred or switched jobs & had no choice on the location after buying, it's at least understandable. People who rent have no excuse for 50+ mile one way commutes unless it is a very temporary situation. The only other excuse for a long commute is living with Mommy & Daddy and saving to get out.
  18. Don't overlook the Giants. Their 1st 2 backups have played poorly & 4th stringer Lorenzen isn't ready for a NFL roster
  19. He had Pat Robertson pray for it. In return he promised to assassinate Hugo Chavez if oil goes up another $10/barrel
  20. How come they haven't approached Josh Reed's agent about an extension. They could lose him to free agency.
  21. Maybe this shows how important it is for a young QB to have a solid game plan & structure as opposed to the vanilla pre season stuff they do.
  22. He's one of the few players still unsigned. He believes the Rams are insulting him in contract negotiations. I don't know which is funnier-the Rams wasting a 3rd rounder on him or his threats of going back into next year's draft because the Rams are offering him "4th round money"
  23. I'll take the big over-that he never ends up in prison. The only trouble he got into was due to the stupid NCAA rules & his own stupidity by filing a false police report. He has not done anything thug like like a lot of other players from draft class 2005: The Busted Board (Arrested, not necessarily convicted) QB: Adrian McPherson-Theft & Gambling, Gino Guidugli-Assault, Stan Hill-Public Intoxication, Resisting Arrest OL:Richie Incognito-Assault, Geoff Hangartrner-DWI, Elton Brown-Assault & Battery, Sam Wilder-DUI, Darren DeLone Aggravated Assault & Battery RB: Cedrick Benson-Marijuana, Criminal Trespassing, Maurice Clarett-Falsification & Failure To Aid Law Enforcement, Verand Morency-Sexual Assault, Ray Hudson-Marijuana, Lydell Ross-Theft By Deception FB:Zack Tuiasopopo-Malicious Mischief, Brandon Joe-Open Container, Paul Jefferson- Open Container WR:Jerome Mathis –Assault, Isaac West-Grand Larceny, LeRon McCoy-Assault, Harassment DT:Travis Johnson –Felony Sexual Assault, Lynn McGruder-Marijuana & Distribution, Matt McChesney-Criminal Mischief, Underage Drinking LB:Tyson Smith-Domestic Assault, Marques Harris-Delinquency of a Minor, Matt Sinclair-Aggravated Battery, Odell Thurman-numerous alcohol related fights, Channing Crowder-Criminal Mischief, Battery, Disorderly Conduct CB:Antrel Rolle-Battery, Resisting Arrest, John McPherson- Felony Drug Trafficing Marlin Jackson –Felonious Assault, Aggravated Assault. Pac Man Jones was also in trouble S:Abram Elam –Gang Rape, Diamond Ferri-Assault & Resisting Arrest Marcus Curry-Assault, Devonte Edwards-Resisting & Delaying An Officer
  24. Thomas will probably just stay on PUP until mid-season. If there are CB injuries he will be activated, assuming he's ready by then. Otherwise he'll be put on IR & not re-signed.
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