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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. I think Everett has a much better shot than Thomas. Unless we get some DB injuries, Thomas will never play in a Bills uniform again. If Everett is ready, they'll carry 4 TE's before they finish the season with 7 WRs.
  2. Welcome back, everyone's glad you're ok. Ice even came back asking about you.
  3. Although the ESPN guys didn't see it & are defending Trotter, I thought I saw Trotter jab Mathis in the chest or stomach before Mathis threw a punch. Any TIVO people out there who can confirm or reject my view?
  4. Carr made RJ look good by comparison. It was more like Carr was the guy starting his 1st NFL game. I hope it was our defense that did this, but Carr has been sacked repeatedly throughout his career. Since being the #1 pick in the 2002 draft, Carr has been outplayed by guys in subsequent drafts like Palmer, Leftwich, Roethlisberger, and so far this year, J.P. Losman. The only reason it's not more noticeable is because the 2002 QB draft was so bad (so far, depending on how Harrington does) with recently benched Patrick Ramsey being the 3rd 1st rounder and a bunch of guys who are burried on the bench or have been waived out of the league (with the possible exception of Arizona 3rd rounder Josh McCown-who could regain the starting job in a Denny Green minute if Warner struggles much longer). After Leftwich & Palmer, 2003 ain't much better, with 1st round bust Boller and Rex Grossman , whois starting to make RJ look durable, the only other possible success is Chris Simms, who is still riding the pines in TB. If the classes of 2004 & 2005 produce some quality starters, the Carr pick will look even worse, especially considering that the guy I would have picked in that spot, Julius Peppers has been all world in Carolina.
  5. Sort of what Billick is doing a little north of DC with Boller & Wright? If Baltimore wins next week, I think Boller could be all done as the starter in Baltimore.
  6. Yesterday on WHAM he was complaining about the salary distribution on the OL and that if MW is the highest paid, he should be at LT, not RT. He was complaining too much about TD for my tastes, but he was the best of the 3 post games, as I was switching back & forth on the way home, settled on Dickerson after the Losman & Mularkey podium talks. The pregame on WGR was bad when Sullivan was on between 8-10AM. He & his partner were all over JP, saying he was the same as Rob on the field and predicting that Holcomb would replace him in the 3rd quarter of opening day & by game 4. They also criticized R.Rich's wardrobe twice while I was listening, saying they didn't even know Flowers jerseys existed.
  7. Reed went the wrong way & JP started yelling at him as they walked back to the sideline together. Then he handed Reed off to Tom Clements for more punishment. From what others have said, they made up later & everything is fine. I got a good laugh when it was happening because it was very Kelly-like and definitely not something RJ would ever have done.
  8. 7:04 PM is Monday evening. It was announced around dinner time, ie evening. I believe Gibbs' plan all along was to to get Campbell in there as soon as he feels he's ready & that Brunell is just a short term gap until Campbell is ready, like by mid-season.
  9. He's been benched and Sportscenter says Mort says he's already requested to be traded-What for? A donut? Because both = zero. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/columns/stor..._len&id=2159642
  10. I was on Gandy from the moment he signed & was named starting LT. So far I've been proven wrong & I'd like nothing better to continue to be proven wrong. Most of the game JP had as much time as he needed. That's all the O line's job is, and they were good in pass protection yesterday. If Bennie Anderson does not play at a high level, he'll be benched, because Preston is breathing down everyone's neck with the exception of M. Williams & Villarial (when healthy). If Gandy messes up Teague will be shifted to LT & Preston will be C, If Teague messes up, Preston will replace him, if Villarial is injured , Preston will replace him. Right now, it looks like TD has struck 4th round gold for the 2nd time in 3 years. Preston will be a fixture on this line for years (or until he's too expensive & leaves as an UFA)
  11. Once Parrish is ready, Reed is either 1 injury or at most 5-6 weeks from now from being gone, because Everett & Thomas will be eligible to come off PUP. Reed wouldn't be in so much danger if he wasn't in the last year of his contract, but because he won't be back next year, the younger WRs with more time left before FA will get the benefit of the doubt over him. ...and...when he does get cut, it will shut up all the ones who have been saying "TD's too arrogant to cut a 2nd rounder" . They'll probably say "TD's too arrogant to keep a player he knows won't re-sign."
  12. Maybe it depends on the gate. I went in at gate 8 @ 12:15 or so & it was 1 per line. You missed the photos by leaving the party so early. Petrino showed up around 11:15.
  13. Then they should have 2 lines just for the people like you, at 1 point in the stadium & you can get in at halftime. There was no excessive touching or anything. Do you feel the same way about airports too? What do you want them to do, make it impossible to get into the games in a reasonable timeframe. If you must be patted down by someone of the same sex, my advice is take 2 seconds to look at the person doing the patdowns BEFORE you get on line-not very difficult.
  14. There was 1 pat down person per line. If you wanted to choose the sex of the person patting you down, you could look to see who was doing the patdowns & choose.
  15. One thing I didn't like about The Coach's post game was he had nobody on the field to bag on, so he started saying TD didn't handle trading Henry well because a good GM would have kept Henry & made him play because there's nobody behind Willis. Funniest part was when a caller phoned in and Dickerson said he was calm after a win but wait and see him riled up when they lose.
  16. If you don't like the Buffalo post game shows tune in The Coach on 1180 WHAM. I had it on my car radio on the way home once they were finished with the Losman & Mularkey comments on the official post game show. The funny part about The Coach's post game was early on nobody was calling in, leaving Dickerson & his co-host to talk without the calls.
  17. They may have seen enough of Rodgers to not pass the oppportunity of taking Leinart
  18. You might add GB to the mix. Rodgers may not end up being the guy who replaces Favre.
  19. He claimed Sadam had weapons of mass destruction
  20. and not the Buffalo Bills? The Ravens as Super Bowl contenders folks are saying the Ravens have a superb defense & a top running back and that Kyle Boller (who is a proven inconsistent QB & a probable bust) just has to play caretaker for them to succeed. 1st off, Boller has never shown he can even be a caretaker-he's very mistake prone & is about 2 bad games away from being replaced by Anthony Wright (who was injured last year, otherwise he might have replaced Boller last season). If the Ravens can win it all with either Boller or Wright, how can these same people be so Ravenhappy that they cannot conclude the same thing for the Bills. The last time I looked, the Ravens won the same # of games last year that the Bills won. The assumption that JP will make many more mistakes than Bledsoe, yet Boller can get Baltimore from 9-7 to the Super Bowl are beyond maddening. I don't know what FF Francessa said about the Ravens, but he had the audacity to say Losman will blow 5-6 games. Now that doesn't mean the Bills will win 10 or 11 games, he meant the Bills will lose around 10 games and at least half those losses will be directly related to JP's inexperience. These so called experts are so damn inconsistent & know absolutely nothing.
  21. HenryFumbles: Why don't you come to the tailgate with a fist full of $. A lot of us would be willing to bet you that Willis will outgain JP. There are only 2 scenarios JP outruns Willis. 1) Willis gets hurt & doesn't play much. 2) JP takes off from his endzone & runs 100 yds for a TD, padding stats enough to gain more yds than Willis. If they both make it through the game, Willis will outgain JP. I'll even go out on a limb and say that Willis will outgain JP in all 16 games and the three postseason games too.
  22. Here are mine: Here are my predictions for 2005: AFC NFC East East BILLS 12-4 GIANTS 12-4 NE 10-6 PHIL 8-8 JETS 9-7 DAL 8-8 MIA 2-14 WASH 7-9 North North PIT 9-7 MIN 9-7 CIN 9-7 DET 9-7 BAL 9-7 GB 7-9 CLE 5-11 CHI 5-11 South South IND 13-3 CAR 11-5 HOU 10-6 ATL 11-5 JAC 7-9 TB 7-9 TEN 4-12 NO(?) 4-12 West West DEN 9-7 SEA 9-7 KC 8-8 STL 9-7 SD 7-9 ARIZ 8-8 OAK 7-9 SF 2-14 PLAYOFFS: CIN over HOU SEA over DET NE over DEN ATL over MIN IND over NE NYG over ATL BUF over CIN CAR over SEA IND over BUF NYG over CAR SUPER BOWL -Peyton over Eli Indianapolis Colts Super Bowl Champions Spacing got weird when I cut & pasted it
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