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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. I'm listening to the pre-game until around 12:20-12:30, before I head out to watch it, if they announce them on the radio, I'll try to get them all & post it.
  2. Thanks to our local TV station not seeing the light & televising all the road games, I cannot have a ritual. My only ritual on those days is to curse out the decision makers at WRGB, Ch 6, and try to figure out where we'll watch the game.
  3. Thanks for the link, Here is the complaint I sent them, titled "Show In Decline" The show is in serious decline since the days of Len & Nick. You have turned an informative hour into a comedy. In the place of "Where are they now" we are now subject to bad stand up comics making bad jokes. Worse than your new "NFL Comedy Hour" format is the lack of highlights. It seems every time the Buffalo Bills play a good game, you eliminate them from the highlights. I don't understand the producers of the show's decision to show some games and not others. If I'm watching a show called "Inside The NFL" I expect to see a review of EVERY GAME, not just the ones that feature large market teams or fodder for the comedy. Some of us take our football seriously. Your Inside the NFL producers obviously don't. The show has declined to a bad joke. If you want to present a comedy, please rename the show to "Curb Your Enthusiasm About Seeing The NFL Taken Seriously", with permission from Larry David, of course.
  4. I have no problems with predictions for or against the Bills. What I do have a problem with is when, in explaining the reasoning, the person making the prediction states something that is obviously not true, or makes an assumption that is totally without merit. For example, when Mike Francessa was making his NFL season predictions and had the Bills something like 6-10 and stated that JP will cost the Bills 5-6 games, that is a prediction without merit. When was the last time any QB who was not some guy off the bench pressed into service because of an injury, been the main reason a 6-10 team, which had a winning record the prior year with a more experienced QB, lost half of those 10 games? A QB could cost a team a game or 2, but no QB is singlehandedly going to cost his team 1/3 of their scheduled games, unless he's playing very badly. If JP were ever to approach that level of play, week after week to singlehandedly cost us 1 of every 3 games, Mularkey would have no choice but to replace him with Holcomb. Look at the Ravens, even Kyle Boller has never been responsible for 5-6 losses out of 10 overall losses. In fact, the Ravens have won plenty of times in spite of Boller's weak play. One can get mad at predictions based on just plain stupid assumptions, like Francessa's but to get mad just because someone predicted a loss one week is absurd. Edit-I just re-read my post & realized that the Flutoians will soon be replying, showing the Rob-Flutie W/L record as evidence. I still stand by my statement that Francessa was an American Idiot by stating JP would cost us 5-6 games.
  5. They did play the Shout song. In Atlanta the 1st time the Bills scored, they played the one that was used in preseason that everyone hated & got replaced by opening day with the old (& present) one. I started screaming thaty they're playing the wrong song & I had all these corporate types looking at me like I was nuts. After that they played the right song the rest of the game.
  6. Marino must still hold a grudge for us beating him in every important game from the time Kelly arrived until he left. He must have told HBO that there will be no Bills highlights on Inside The NFL. I can't wait until Super Bowl week when if they continue to ignore us, they'll have an hour of NFC highlights & will be picking the NFC team to lose without mentioning who will beat them in the pick segment.
  7. Just about any sports bar with a dish. Just look up taverns in the yellow pages & call the closest ones to you & ask if they show all the NFL games.
  8. At the game. I went to the 4 losses & I have to go to the winning game.
  9. Great analysis, I thought I was reading something professionally written. One minor correction, Josh Bidwell is their punter, Josh Miller is on the Patriots.
  10. That's great. I checked out Stubhub & I'm not sure if they're a licensed broker or just a trading site similar to e-bay. Personally, I'd rather go to a licensed broker since some of Stubhub's policies can cause one to lose money on tickets priced higher than face if they adhere strictly to the stated policy. I think the typical licensed brokers may cost more but they seem to offer more protections than Stubhub.
  11. Petrino & I are probably going to the Teletheatre because we're going to the Stones concert the night before with the 3rd Bills fan & since some of us are unsure how we'll feel on Sunday (I'll be fine because I don't drink) we'll be going to a place where we don't need reservations or a minimum # for a table-meaning if only one shows he doesn't need a table at the Teletheatre sportsbar. Usually we go to The Arc or Smokey Bones.
  12. Your problem is not with the Saints. They are not responsible for the tickets you bought from a broker. On the other hand if you got the tickets from a licenced broker, then your refund should come from them. Instead of e-mailing the Saints, contact the broker and get your refund. I doubt they'll do anything but be courteous & refund your money. 3 years ago I bought tickets to game 5 of the NBA finals through a broker (Razor Gator in California), the series ended in 4 and I got a full refund-which was a lot higher than face, by returning the tickets (minus the postage fees). A licensed broker has to refund your money in full if the event doesn't take place in the city that it was sold for.
  13. Ch 6 is covering NE-Car instead of the Bills @ Tampa Bay. I can't remember the last time NE got picked over the Bills around here, including the NBC years (I've been around Albany since 1988). It's always been either Bills or Jets, talk about bandwagons
  14. You should be able to say the same thing about Martz, who, outside of Mike Tice, is a slam dunk for NFL's worst head coach.
  15. The plan was to replace him with Roscoe Parrish. So, in another month Clements won't be returning punts anymore.
  16. The thing I like best is JP's quick release. Saves a lot of sacks over the course of a career.
  17. No wonder Vermeil is always crying, he's already had to bail out half his roster.
  18. I found this site on Jan Smithers, someone is following her way too closely, even plays the song "Tiny Dancer" http://www.clothmonkey.com/smithers.htm
  19. Or...Too much time on the computer & not enough in front of the TV
  20. Current: 1) Curb Your Enthusiasm 2) Desperate Housewives 3) Lost 4) Deadwood 5) Boston Legal Past 1) Get Real (best show nobody ever saw) 2) Homicide, Life on the Streets 3) Paper Chase 4) Seinfeld 5) Mission Impossible Honorable Mention (added when I edited a typo): Quantum Leap
  21. Cardinals | Run Game Horrible Mon, 12 Sep 2005 17:54:55 -0700 Darren Urban, of the East Valley Tribune, reports the Arizona Cardinals running game was so bad Sunday, Sept. 11, that QB Kurt Warner was the leading rusher with 11 yards.
  22. The way Vick is playing, I hope our D is together watching this somewhere because if they are all their mouths are watering just waiting for him to come to the Ralph in less than 2 weeks.
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