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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. Anything cannot happen. Ive repeated this many times over the years. In the 39 year history of the Super Bowl no team has ever played in the game that was not within 2 wins of best record in the conference. Will it happen someday-probably only when a team with a superstar QB gets into the playoffs when said superstar QB has missed at least 4 games which were losses. Outside of that, I doubt the 0 for 78 streak will end. Anything can happen in the playoffs-HOGWASH!!!!
  2. Best mid season report on the Bills. Tells it like it is & doesn't sugar coat things. I really liked the parts where he calls out the players who don't belong in the NFL or the starting lineup.
  3. I've watched Wonderlics for years and I've come to one conclusion: You need more data to properly judge a players intelligence than just his score on the Wonderlic. Some problems that exist are that some of the real low scores are caused by players blowing off the test or some minor reading disabilty that shows up on a test like the Wonderlic, but has no effect on the player's intelligence or abilty to learn plays. An example of a guy with a false low Wonderlic is Randy thomas who had a single digit Wonderlic but was an honor student & graduated from college-he just didn't want to waste his time on the wonderlic. Also, some high scores are suspect due to training for the test. Some agents coach their guys to get them higher scores. Two examples are Akili Smith & JP. Both scored low the 1st time they took the test and then got over 30 the next time. JP made up some lame excuse that he had to pee when he took it the 1st time. So, to call Peters dumb based on his Wonderlic may be totally inaccurate.
  4. They also didn't expect their starter, Quincy Carter, to coke himself off the team.
  5. What indications do you have that Geisinger is not another Dylan McFarland-a guy who lasts 1 season because he was a draft choice & gets cut next camp? I wouldn't put Geisinger anywhere near the field from what he showed in preseason. He definitely will NOT be starting next season-he was a friggin 6th round pick who has shown less than nothing. In fact I'm shocked he's still here. Now Peters was a pleasant surprise in his 1st NFL start, but keep him at RT for now. If we're experimenting, the long overdue move of Mike Williams at LT should be tried 1st. Moving Gandy to his natural guard position makes 100 times more sense than moving Geisinger into the lineup.
  6. A few seasons ago, NE was faced with a half ending hail mary possibility. BB went to his 3rd stringer (I think it was Bishop, but I'm at work & I can't look it up) to throw the hail mary because he had the strongest arm of the QBs. I can't understand why Holcomb was in there to throw short & try laterals (which ended with a FORWARD lateral). Even if JP is benched, they needed his arm in that situation. PS: I was stuck listening to ESPN because our local Bills network station pulled the broadcast half way through the pregame show & field pass had the Patriot announcers on both team's link. Worst announcing job I've heard. Best examples: 1) Theisman rambling on about the play where Reed shuffled it back to Shaud & they got a yard or 2. Theisman criticized the play call saying it didn't get enough yardage. Mcguire let him ramble through the measurement-which Joe didn't even notice & then said-that was for a 1st down after Theisman ran out of air. 2) Willis gets tackled with a hit to his upper thigh & they call it a direct shot to his knee. There are a lot more, I'll hand it off to others.
  7. WTF, they switched to ESPN radio & field pass has the Patriots broadcast!
  8. I just tried it & it is the Patriots network on the Bills side. They're so deep into our backfield they've taken over the web broadcast. I blame Bennie Anderson!!!
  9. Philly is only down by 7 going into the 4th quarter. I won't be surprised if they win the game after being trounced in the 1st half. Edit: Since it's now 42-21, I concede defeat.
  10. I'm waiting for them to say who is inactive-I hope they don't say our O & D lines.
  11. Edited update: Between his picks & his fumbles, he gave the game to the 49ers. Anyone who ever suggested Chris Simms for the Bills should be severly slapped.
  12. Absolutely Untrue! If you'd like to back up that statement please provide a link. Here's mine refuting this statement. Neighbors and friends, although floored by her dual identity, say Plame remains the same caring friend and conscientious mother she was before her cover was blown. http://www.timesunion.com/AspStories/story...date=10/30/2005
  13. Rome is the 1st HBO show that I find unwatchable. It's horrible. Here's my review of Sideways: So, some genius in Hollywood decided to make a male version of Thelma & Louise, well the original sucked, so why do a remake. I just wish the characters had met the same fate as Thelma & Louise. How can anyone like these characters or their antics. They had more crimes on their resumes than the guys on my busted board. (I don't even remember half their names) Did anyone ever hear of the crime called drunk driving? I'm surprised MADD didn't condemn this movie, but when did MADD ever do or say anything useful anyway. These characters love to drink a lot of wine & get behind the wheel-how lovely! Sandra Oh, hey ever hear of felonious assault & battery. They arrest women who beat up guys just because they lied to get sex. Never saw the police anywhere in this movie. And speaking of lying for sex, how can anyone like a character who will **** any woman that breathes the week of his wedding, and then wreck his friend's car to cover up an assault that messes up his face. While we're on crimes-besides the drunk driving stuff & battery, what about public lewdness, running around naked to get back to the motel? Hey Giamatti, biggest drunk offender-breaking and entering ain't exactly law abiding either. Overall, his character is a downer, man. Doesn't have the guts to go to a wedding reception just because his ex is pregnant. Only good scene was when he takes the bottle of wine & runs in the fields to drink it all before the actor can stop him. Speaking of scenes, if there's going to be nudity, please make it a hot babe and not 2 whales doing it and the guy running out fully naked. They couldn't even get the nudity right! Sideways- thumbs down!
  14. To quote a former radio talk show host in the Albany area (Dan Lynch-a moderate independent) "How do you know a politician is lying-his lips are moving" The reality is that while the religious conservative base population wants to overturn Roe v Wade, the conservative politicians can't afford to have Roe v Wade overturned. It's one of their key wedge issues. As long as abortion is legal, the politicians can count on this base to come to the polls and vote for them. Take away the Roe battle and the right wing politicians are going to have to find a way to get gay marriage legalized.
  15. It's a rerun from last season, hopefully the Bills/Patriots won't be the same.
  16. Devil's Advocate here. A co-worker asked me if Ralph was in the HOF, I told him no & here's why he isn't: For years Ralph was a known cheapskate who wouldn't pay anyone their worth. He's the only owner I know of who lost the top pick in the NFL draft to the CFL. When the USFL came around, his team lost a #1 pick and the team's top RB (Joe Cribbs) to the upstart league. For years, the Bills were the laughingstock of the NFL, having the league's worst record in 1968 (AFL), 1971, 1984 and 1985. Among his more bizzare moves was the resignation of John Rauch before the 1971 season. In July 1971 Rauch criticized ex-Bills Maguire & McDole. Ralph told Rauch he was going to make a public statement defending the 2 players. Rauch resigned 5 days into camp and Ralph made Harvey Johnson, who wanted nothing to do with the head coaching job head coach. That was a 1-13 season. Currently praised for keeping the Bills in Buffalo, we older fans remember his threats to move to Seattle, among other cities. There was the dark period between the late 1960s and mid 1980s which would once in a while have some light due to fan disinterest to the point that Ralph would hire a decent coach to fix the franchise. It worked in the early 70s when Lou Saban came back before getting disgusted with Ralph & in the early 80s when Chuck Knox brought the team back to respectability before getting too upset with Ralph's stinginess. Although he lasted through the 1982, Knox was POd at Ralph from 1979 on when he lost Cousineau to the CFL. Ralph gained favor among fans after the Super Bowl years, but reverted to the old Ralph in 2001 when he fired Wade Phillips and tried to get out of paying him by saying Wade was insubordinate because he wouldn't fire Ronnie Jones. His treatment of Wade-he even cancelled Wade's family health insurance without Wade's knowledge turned off some people who were forced to remember how Ralph can act at times, possibly dooming any chance he had at the HOF. Ralph has been notorious for underpaying his coaches. Some on this board claim TD doesn't want a head coach who could threaten his power-more likely it's Ralph not wanting to pay top $ for a head coach who would demand Ralph's money. I like Ralph, but I understand that the guy's got a dark side that rears it's ugliness. It's that dark side that has kept Ralph out of the HOF, the Wade stuff possibly being the final straw at a time that Ralph's induction seemed imminent. I hope Ralph makes it to the HOF in his lifetime, but if the voters turn him down, I can understand why, better than a lot of the bandwagon folks from the 90s or the younger Bills fans who haven't seen the worst of Ralph.
  17. The last time a QB came in with a crewcut, it didn't work out so great (Drew)
  18. Please correct your typo, you seemed to have added a zero to the Bills score in your 27-3 prediction.
  19. You must have a death wish for JP? Geisinger????????? Please, the guy is so far from the starting lineup, Bob Lamb & R. Rich could do just as good a job as Geisinger. Please! If you want to put Preston at center or guard, that's ok. But just putting in guys who haven't played at all (for a valid reason) and then trying to give JP a legitimate shot at success doesn't work. A much better line is one where Bennie goes to the bench, not Williams & Villarrial. I still can't see any long term future at T for either Peters or Gandy. Next year's tackles are going to be M. Williams and a rookie. Preston will be at center. Villarrial will be 1 guard and someone else will be the other guard-but it won't be Geisinger.
  20. You might as well go out and buy more cigarettes before the game .
  21. There's a big difference between this year and last year. Last year at 1-5 when people at work were telling me the Bills would win 4 games, I could point to the schedule with confidence that they would win a lot more because we still had creampuffs like the Cardinals, Dolphins, Browns and 49ers on our schedule which I could pencil in as certain wins. I figured they had another win or 2 at least beyond those teams as the players adjusted to the new system. This year, we just got crushed by a 1-4 team after already playing 3 of the weakest NFL teams in home wins. There are no more sure wins left on the schedule. The only games we can pencil in as MIGHT win are Carolina, @Miami & @ Jets-and I can't say with any confidence that those games won't be losses as well. Overall I can't see better than 6-10, with 4-12 a real possibility.
  22. Peters isn't ready to start in the NFL, probably never will. However, if we want to see Preston get reps at center and Gandy at guard, just kick Teague out to LT and replace Bennie with Gandy. Then we draft best LT available-which at the rate we're going is going to be the best LT in the draft to replace Teague. Meanwhile, Peters sits & the QB doesn't get killed. I seriously doubt Peters will ever be a full time starter on the OL. What's wrong with him being what he is-a good roll player & special teams demon.
  23. 1st Chuck Dickerson get back on the WNY radio in both the Buffalo & Rochester markets. Now he has his own website.
  24. Take a look at what Drew did yesterday with Dallas at the end of the 2nd half. That's what MM was afraid JP would do.
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