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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. The problem is you really can't fire Mularkey without firing Donahoe, because it can't be 3 strikes you're out on a GM who has bombed on 2 coaches in 2 tries. So. I'd fire Donahoe. Then I'd let the new GM fire Mularkey. I can't believe that I'm sick of both of them. Mularkey is turning on the players like he doesn't need them when he does. He has PO'd Adams, Moulds and JP. Holcomb's probably not too fond of him either.
  2. Thanks for clearing it up & being on top of things on the board. I wish you'd start streaming again so I can listen more often than just home game weekends.
  3. I received an e-mail from a friend in Depew who says that WGR is reporting that an unnamed source at OBD tells them Moulds is suspended. I'm not looking for the typical heresay jokes, I'm trying to confirm if anyone heard this on WGR.
  4. The 1985 team had some pretty good players too & they were the worst team in the league. A year later the franchise QB arrived & we doubled our victory total to 4. I looked at an old program I have from the 1985 season and compiled this list The 1985 Bills included: Jerry Butler, Jim Ritcher, Joe Devlin, Andre Reed, Chris Burkett, Greg Bell, Joe Cribbs, Robb Riddick (IR),Pete Metzelaars, Frank Reich (IR) Fred Smerlas, Bruce Smith, Martin Bayless, Darryl Talley, Derrick Burroughs, That was 15 solid players, some before their peak years. They also had some players who were on the downside of good careers: Steve Freeman, Charles Romes, Will Grant, Eugene Marve, Jim Haslett, Lucious Sanford, Joe DeLamielleure, Ken Jones, Ben Williams. That's 24 decent players. Among them, there are 4 current Wall of Famers and at least 2 more. I'd say the team is in similar shape to the 1985 team-the big difference being that there's free agency today & you can fix a team a lot quicker.
  5. He lost me at Jerry Gray deserving a head coaching job. I hope he gets the head coaching job he deserves-at an all girl high school.
  6. Actually, his draft day maneuvers have not been a complete success. He would have been better off trading Manning before the Giants picked & trading the 4th pick down. If he had done it correctly, he'd have a guy who is contributing rather than a guy who is sitting on the bench waiting to be traded.
  7. I still would have preferred that instead of Roscoe, TD had taken Adam Terry. He started at LT for Baltimore yesterday & had only 1 penalty & recovered a Boller fumble. Did anyone watch Hou/Balt who could give more info on how Terry looked?
  8. The firings will happen after 1/1/2006 Hopefully after we lose to the Jets, improve our draft position and destroy their hopes of getting Bush, Leinart or Young. If you think Ralph is mad now, imagine what a run for the bus game at the Jets will do. The waterboy may even get fired.
  9. I don't like your offensive line. Williams is too expensive to be on the team. Every year something happens to him-he's the rich man's Jonas Jennings. Gandy is strictly a backup player-get a decent guard to play LG and put Gandy in the old Price role. Leave Peters at RT, let him develop-he may have practiced at LT, but that doesn't mean he's good enough to play there-I'd leave that decision to McNally (or whoever is OL coach if the staff gets canned). Draft the best LT in the 1st round and plug him in from day 1. Villarial is reaching the end of the road, I might want his replacement if we have to Tucker him next camp. The only one I agree with is Preston, and depending on other things, he could be playing guard next season. I'm not comfortable relying on Everett to start. We need at least 1 proven NFL starting TE, and that doesn't include Campbell. Vincent stays, not Clements. Our 2nd rounder has to be DT, not SS. Ron Edwards is a FA who should be brought back cheaply but for a backup role only. Tim Anderson or the UFA is a better option.
  10. Just about every great coach in the NFL was a coordinator who got promoted. Maybe TD just doesn't know what he's doing when he interviews a HC candidate. I see no problems with the coaching of John Fox, Lovie Smith or Marvin Lewis, all promoted coordinators who were available during TD's coaching decisions. Although it works for some teams, maybe the Bills just will never get it right. All of the Bills decent to good coaches have head coached elsewhere first (Saban, Knox, Levy, and yes even Wade Phillips). However, so did John Rauch. Usually a coach with prior experience has been fired from his last job, so you're getting a recycled reject. Just imagine if TD had hired Dom Capers, the tone would be Stop Hiring Retreads. To suggest one way over another is not the answer. The answer lies in the one doing the hiring and at this point, TD's record is unacceptable.
  11. I still hate the Clippers for leaving Buffalo and believe that if they want to wear the Braves' uniforms, the game has to be played at HSBC
  12. Long term, even back then, Henry was a timebomb about to go off. The bomb exploded this year with his suspension & poor play. Henry already had aforementioned fumble problems, a police record and probably already was a toke away from a suspension when TD drafted Willis.
  13. If you want to hear Bills talk, here it is. Tune in weekdays at 7. Go to listen http://www.wham1180.com/main.html
  14. All I can say is the Bills brought this on themselves. If I was in charge at Ch 6, I'd have to choose Cincinnati/Pittsburgh. I'll be watching the game away from home again. Sunday, December 4, 2005 1:00 PM NFL Football Cincinnati @ Pittsburgh 4:00 PM NFL Football NY Jets @ New England
  15. Campbell was always a lunch pail #2 TE that we've used at #1 (Cleveland let him go for a 6th to us because they didn't have room for him). So now add a #2 operating as a #1 and give him an injury and maybe he's now equivalent of a #3 TE. Euhus was a rookie who showed some promise in the #2 TE spot, never proving anything beyond that and got hurt. Now, post injury, he's playing like a guy who doesn't belong in the NFL. Neufeld doesn't belong in the NFL, period. Everett may be a player or may be a bust-we don't even know if he can play in the NFL. Injuries have very little to do with the lack of talent at the TE spot, it's about as limited as our O line. A bunch of 2nd stringers in starting roles in an attempt to get away with the position on the cheap side.
  16. Renegotiating Bledsoe before last season & then cutting him cost us at least 1 or 2 players. It never made any sense to draft a QB with a #1 and then have Bledsoe potentially counting millions in dead space on this year's cap if they decided to go with JP in 2005. Of all the TD moves this was the worst, since Bledsoe was acquired with a built in way out of no cap jail on his contract. TD created a lot of unneeded dead space this season.
  17. I've never seen a worse group of TEs ever assembled on the active roster. Our only hope of the TEs is Everett-who has never played a down in the NFL. Besides OL & DL, Donahoe better get a decent TE in FA or the draft, because no reliable TE is really hurting the offense.
  18. I'm color blind (distorted really, I see plenty of color) and I could see the dot in green, but the pink dots behind never disappeared.
  19. Great original post! I just wish that the management* (*since I still don't know who made the decision to go to Holcomb) over at OBD would have understood the situation as well as you do. ...and that if not for his injury, they may still be starting Holcomb at the expense of the next season(s).
  20. With the exception of the 2002 disaster, TD has done a good job drafting decent players. This is especially true at CB & RB. Unfortunately, you have a limited number of picks and to be successful you have to choose the right combination of draft choices and NFL free agents. The main problem is, he has totally screwed up the lines-where the games are really won. With the exception of Sam Adams, he has chosen to use the draft for the DL and been mediocre in his DL selections. He has not properly addressed the DL in free agency, losing Pat Williams (a choice I agree with because of age/size of contract) and not finding a younger free agent to replace him. For example, he was nowhere when Indy signed Corey Simon-probably concerned it would cause him to have to write off Nate Clements-a player who will probably leave anyway. The OL is totally on TD. He tried to use the draft and free agency to fix it, but has failed miserably. Realistically, it's his free agent decisions that have caused the line to be so bad. The one giant draft mistake was Mike Williams, a player who was too much of a weight risk, if nothing else, to be the 4th player in the draft. No matter what you think of his career in Minnesota, the leaner Bryant McKinnie was the obvious choice over fat Mike. Or they could have picked Roy Williams and spent the Miloy $ elsewhere. He keeps trying to get guard finds in the middle rounds and hasn't come up with anyone yet, although we've got a Geisinger fan on this board. We could live with the Williams failure if TD hadn't bombed on free agents who occupy 80% of the OL. Villarial may be ok, but Teague has never been anything better than adequate, Anderson shouldn't be in the NFL, and Gandy would be best suited to the Mike Price role instead of starting at LT. Look at the good teams and you don't find a street free agent starting at LT. He's adequate at best, just like Teague. The answer has to be start shelling out the big $ for both OL & DL. I don't care if it's for NFL free agents or draft choices, but if it's Unrestricted FAs, don't keep signing other teams late rounders like Teague (7th), or former/current street FAs like Gandy /Anderson and hoping they'll outplay their pedigree. Stop trying to put an OL together on the cheap. The one exception, Williams, being a bust. If they can't get a top DL prospect in the draft, spend some $ on the UFAs. While this year's UFAs may be a limited group, they better have a good DL by 2007 (ouch).
  21. Mularkey asked the question before today's game and half the team answered "on the other side of the field" The offensive linemen answered "nowhere else Mike, if it weren't for the Buffalo Bills, we'd all have to get real world jobs"
  22. Wilson was active for at least a couple of games earlier in the year & played on special teams in those games.
  23. When the D lets the other team score at will, your RB doesn't get many carries, especially when you blink & it's 21-3.
  24. Taken from the book You Might Be An Alcoholic If...
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