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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. If there's a God, every time MM pleads his case, a lightning bolt crashes into the building. Then Ralph may get the message.
  2. Slim pickings. If Marv comes back as GM maybe he can get that young guy Don Shula to coach the team
  3. Dump all the assistant coaches & let the new coach pick his own staff-no strings attached. The fact that Mularkey was willing to keep Jerry Gray & his whole staff after LeBeau chose Pittsburgh over Buffalo was a good indication that we had hired a lightweight as our new coach 2 years ago. Then that lightweight decided to bring in his own strength & conditioning coach and you can see the results when you compare this year's Bills to this year's Bears in the conditioning department.
  4. Ralph, Please add Mularkey to that list!
  5. It happened so fast it was kind of shocking. If anyone else heard him please fill in anything I'm leaving out, or correct me if I have any misinterpretations. It seems he's had alcohol problems, it sounded like his family broke up & he either thought or attempted suicide. He mentioned the Dungy kid's suicide relating it to his own problems. He ended up thanking those who hired him for the radio & was crying as they went to commercial. It was around the start of the 11:30 segment.
  6. The guy just broke down on the air, talked about personal problems, suicide thoughts etc. I've never heard anything like that before.
  7. The Bills knew more about Henry's off field problems than anyone else & knew he had to go. The problem isn't that they chose McGahee to replace Henry. The problem is, there was a healthy running back on the board who was picked a few picks later who has outperformed McGahee-Larry Johnson. Not taking Johnson was the mistake. There was no mistake made in trying to get rid of Henry, a fumbling, injury prone drug user and sex offender.
  8. Buy a one way ticket to Siberia and use it. Happy New Year
  9. Link http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=2274314
  10. It's a little tougher when daddy takes away the two wheeler and locks it away in the shed. All the kid can do is imagine riding the bike as he sits in his room instead of being outside riding the bike. The kid doesn't get any better at bike riding doing this.
  11. Sometimes they call QBs "Coach Killers". We might have a coach who eventually will be labled "QB Killer"
  12. Now I'm not sure JP Losman will ever be a quality starter in the NFL, and the way he's being handled, the bust column is looking more likely. Mike Mularkey obviously has no faith in JP. I don't know any QB, who has not established himself, who has been able to overcome this impediment to his progress. The most recent example here was when QB coach Turk Schonert stopped coaching RJ and jumped on the Flutie bandwagon. The only way I can see JP having any future in Buffalo is if Mularkry is fired and a head coach who is totally neutral gets to evaluate JP in next year's camp. If Mularkey is still around, then Ralph and his GM have to let Mularkey dump JP & find a new QB. Maybe JP IS the next Cade McNown-It was always a possibility with his attitude. He also might be the next Brett Favre, who thrived once he got away from a coach who thought too little of him. If Mularkey stays, the team should do itself a favor and just move on to the next QB Of The Future. Fire Mularkey or fire JP, this team isn't big enough for the two of them. And whoever they get rid of, let's all hope it's the right one. It could just be that they're both busts at their position and in a couple of years they'll both be gone-if that's the case, it might be the best thing and the sooner the better.
  13. The Jets can play for next year because their management plans on being there next year. Here we've got a GM who is days away from being fired and could care less about next year. The coach is a chickens***, who is so desperate save his own job that he can only look at this season. With any luck, Ralph will see through his charade & fire him too.
  14. You're right about the injury part. Personally, I'd never take a RB in the top 5 because that position is the most dangerous due to the hits taken. (Although it did work for the Bills when they took a guy famous for his slashing style)
  15. We're all entitled to our opinions, but NO merit is ridiculous. In order for a high pick to work, you have to assume competent management (which we don't currently have). Mike Williams was too heavy to be drafted that high & Leaf was a major head case who exhibited his craziness at the combine but SD ignored it. High draft choice + competent mgt=success. Think of the 90s Bills without Bruce Smith.
  16. Richard Seymour is a big part of NE's defense. They got him after a bad year. They might not have 3 SB wins without him, especially considering 2 of those wins came on last second FGs.
  17. This sounds just like an argument to start JP next year. How about this, we don't name a head coach for 2006 & let Mularkey fight it out in training camp with his assistants and let the best man win. That's how Mularkey has let the latest QB controversy develop and that's why he must go-he's too indecisive to be a good head coach in the NFL. If JP can't play, cut him & move on, if he can, let him play. Mularkey is jerking everyone around because he won't make a decision & stick with it. This was 1st evident when it took so long last year to replace Henry with McGahee. The guy doesn't have it.
  18. It's official: Bills @ Jets, Channel 6 1pm Sunday Sunday, January 1, 2006 12:00 PM NFL Today 1:00 PM NFL Football: BUFFALO @ NY JETS
  19. I think you should send a copy of you salary cap stuff to Ralph Wilson before he hires his next GM. If guys can go from the broadcast booth to manager & coaching jobs, why can't we get a GM off the internet.
  20. It's been said in many places that TD tried to trade up ahead of Pittsburgh to draft Roethlisberger & got turned down because the guys those teams wanted were still on the board & they were afraid they wouldn't be there at 13. So-he did recognize his talent but was unable to trade up for him. Donahoe basically said as much the day of the draft. By the way, to answer another post here, Mike Williams is not a good example that the draft is a crapshoot-A crapshoot is choosing a guy at pick 4 with a weight problem & trying to justify it to the media by saying he's naturally big. Any college player over 350 pounds should never be a top 5 pick. TD didn't pay attention to his weight & the fact that anyone that big at that young an age usually has some sort of motivational problem-otherwise he would weigh less. It was a pick that a GM with more common sense wouldn't have made.
  21. He's talking Bills. If you have any problems, you may need to download the latest version of Windows Media Player. When I first put it on, it didn't connect me unti I did the new download. http://www.wham1180.com/main.html
  22. How ironic. The Jets lost the 1st one 31-21 to Cleveland.
  23. In 2003 the 4-7 Bills won consecutive home games against the NYG & the NYJ, boosting their record to 6-7 in a futile effort to save a coaching staff before losing their final 3 games to finish 6-10. If the Bills had just lost 1 of those 2 NY games they would have finished 5-11. The 1 game cost the Bills at least 2 positions in the draft. That year, the difference was that had the Bills lost just one more game, they would have drafted Ben Roethlisberger and we wouldn't have the QB controversy that will exist into next season, and we might be a team on the rise, close to Super Bowl contention. So as we celebrate the win against the Bengals, lets just hope we don't rue the day we beat the Bengals (and probably the Jets this Sunday) years from now. Because that one extra win in 2003 altered this team's history for a few years at best.
  24. Lets say this guy has the JP situation totally right, and the current coaches, including Wyche have concluded JP doesn't have the ability to play in the NFL. If that's the case, and they are back next year then they should just go ahead and cut JP. Don't even let him go to minicamp-what's the use, all he will be is a distraction. Once you've decided the young guy doesn't have it, you've got to get rid of him ASAP & start the search for the next QB of the future. Now if they haven't decided that JP is a bust, then what the hell is he doing on the bench! The other possibility is this staff has totally mishandled JP & he has a great future, either with the Bills if this bunch gets fired, or with a team that sees something in him that this staff is missing. Only time will tell.
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