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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. Six new assistant coaches for a guy on shaky ground-this should be interesting. Maybe Mike can call Gregg for his latest list of assistant coaches, since Gregg won't be needing it this year.
  2. But I wanted to be GM! I'm just jealous of Marv. I was hoping Ralph would mess up & want Harv, not Marv.
  3. Let's just bring Lou Saban back to complete the trio of grump old men.
  4. Maybe you need some of Ralph's Prozac
  5. I'm as afraid of Marv as GM as I'd be with any former NFL head coach with no NFL front office experience being named our GM. If it wasn't Marv, this board would be going crazy over the hiring of someone with Marv's lack of qualifications. In the 1960s, Ralph Wilson felt comfortable hanging with Harvey Johnson too.
  6. The Heat have a much better basketball team than the Bills have a football team. I think the difference is Riley saw they were a contender and felt that he couldn't live with himself if HE wasn't the guy on the bench when they won their next championship. Here, I think Levy just wants to coach again and he knew if he helped to retain Mularkey, MM would be an easy guy to replace whenever Marv feels he can justify it. Levy did this in 1986, with the help of his buddy, Bill Polian. From the moment Polian was named GM, Levy was going to be Bills coach. Now I believe, from the moment Levy was named GM, Levy was going to be Bills coach.
  7. In Marv's last season as Bills' Head Coach, there were a lot of posts against Marv. One theme was -he's only hanging around so he can set the record for oldest coach in history. I wonder how many of those posters are praising Marv today, after 6 straight years of no playoffs. Me, put me in the skeptic column. I don't know what Marv will be doing to sign free agents & how he's going to handle the draft...but the main problem I have with Marv is that I think he still wants to coach & I can see Stan Van, err Mike Mularkey suddenly finding a need to "spend more time with his family" in the middle of next season and Pat Ril, err Marv Levy suddenly returning to the sidelines and wishing poor Mike the best with the extra time he can devote to his family.
  8. I'm looking forward to it. Too bad they're starting just after the football season, I'm not a hockey fan.
  9. Thank you. The only thing I disagree with you on Young is that I think he's an intriguing RB prospect, where he can ocassionally throw an option pass. Those sidearm throws won't cut it in the NFL.
  10. The Bills have NEVER, I repeat NEVER sent any player they spent a draft choice on to NFLE in the history of that league. They certainly won't be sending JP there. They don't believe that anyone, other than a street FA (training camp fodder) belongs in NFLE. Their best use of NFLE has been signing punters Mohr & Moorman AFTER they were able to scout them as free agents kicking there. Mohr was before it went exclusively Eurooe.
  11. I might bring "Fire Mularkey" to opening day.
  12. One thing that was obvious is that Ralph is in full control of his faculties and that any of the morons on this board who call him senile should STFU.
  13. If Dwight Adams returns full time to OBD, Bills Babe returns full time to TBD. Tell him to call Marv ASAP.
  14. Anyone who listens to Marv on his WGR Monday morning show has to remember his answer to whether Mularkey did the right thing starting Holcomb. For those who didn't listen, Marv completely supported the Holcomb decision stating you play the player who gives you the best chance to win and you develop the guys who are not ready in practice, not on gameday. JP's in for a long season next year in Buffalo, and probably a short stay thereafter. I can't see JP making it here under the Levy/Mularkey management. The last time Marv let a young, inexperienced QB take the reigns, it was his last season as a head coach.
  15. Marv & Ralph have already done this stuff before, albeit in different, but consecutive years. In 1986 Marv's buddy Bill Polian was hired as GM, but didn't fire Hank Bullough until the team was into the season. The year before Marv got there, Ralph & the team hired Hank Bullough as a coach in waiting until they could fire Kay. I expect to see the next Bills' Head Coach as one of the two coordinators, getting himself familiarized with the personnel & evaluating whether JP has the goods as an NFL QB. As a result, the team will suck next year, Mularkey will be fired in mid-season & our coordinator will be promoted to Head Coach. If the new coach determines that JP is not an NFL QB, then we will either draft a QB or trade/sign one. I think Holcomb will start, probably the entire season or until he gets hurt, because Marv in his WGR show has said many times that he supported Mularkey starting Holcomb because he believes you play the guy who gives you the best chance to win and you develop your players who are not ready in practice.
  16. When I was driving home, WFAN was saying Edwards is gone from the Jets for greener pastures in KC.
  17. The Texans are already allocating players to NFL Europe, if he's staying, can we send Mularkey over there to learn more about coaching? Texans | Halterman allocated to NFL Europe Tue, 3 Jan 2006 17:39:45 -0800 The Houston Texans have allocated TE Aaron Halterman to NFL Europe, according to the Associated Press. Halterman ended the season on the team's practice squad. Texans | Davis allocated to NFL Europe Tue, 3 Jan 2006 17:38:23 -0800 The Houston Texans have allocated DE Jason Davis to NFL Europe, according to the Associated Press. Texans | Harris allocated to NFL Europe Tue, 3 Jan 2006 17:33:51 -0800 The Houston Texans have allocated DE Elliott Harris to NFL Europe, according to the Associated Press. Harris ended the season on the team's practice squad.
  18. Flutie's future is in the announcer's booth or on the pregame shows. He'll have the best of both worlds-not anywhere near the hours an assistant coach logs (so he can spend time with his family) and a position in football that keeps him visible. I don't know whether his forum will be college or pros, but he'll be the Madden of his (broadcasting) generation. He's got everything it takes to be the next star football color man. Plus he'll never show up drunk at a game.
  19. Keeping Mularkey would mean no new assistant coaches would come with the exception of a guy who like Hank Bullough in 1985 would be hired as a head coach in waiting if things bombed in early 2006. Therefore, if you're looking to replace both coordinators-forget about it! If you want to hire any decent position coach-forget about it. If the Bills want to have a decent staff under their head coach, they must have a different head coach than Mularkey, because no desirable assistant coaches are coming here to work for a guy who could be fired within a year. Thje good ones are either looking for stability or a job that will lead to a move up the ladder on the way to a head coaching job. If Mularkey stays, we're not going to get anyone worthwhile to come here to work under him. Therefore, Ralph really has no choice, if he wants to shake up the assistant coaching staff, other than firing Mularkey within the next 24 hours.
  20. Gregg Williams taught me something about football too-that he's not NFL head coaching material. I think I've learned the same thing about Mularkey these past 2 years.
  21. Jerry Gray was spotted at the airport-hopefully it's a one way ticket out of town.
  22. A small cell phone hidden and left on with Clayton listening on the other end.
  23. I'm sick of the Patriots act. Aren't 3 out of the last 4 Super Bowls enough?
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