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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. Marv should have put a clause in Wells' contract that if it didn't snow in the home city before the season ends, the contract is guaranteed at 10 times the 2006 salary for the next 10 years.
  2. Hopefully, the league will wake up & hire some competent arbitrators who were supposed to put an end to this nonsense when Indy signed Will Wolford.
  3. Why 3 3rds, if I recall correctly, Henry got us a #1. So we have 2 #1s. Another overstimation of someone's trade value.
  4. Delhomme looked pretty good in his start against Dallas on national tv & was never heard from again in a Saints uniform.
  5. I want to know the guys reaction when Carolina signed Jake Delhomme to a very similar deal after he was buried on the bench by Jim Haslett in NO. If he was against it, he was wrong; if he was for it he's a hypocrite. Either way he's wrong.
  6. They better move to #1 if they are really interested in Leinart, because if they either trade to #2 before the draft, or wait until draft day to trade with NO, somebody, like Tennessee will leapfrog them & make the trade with Houston. Both Houston & NO don't need Bush or Leinart. Therefore, anyone counting on Houston keeping the pick & taking Bush so that NO gets the dream trade instead of Houston is putting their faith in the media consensus that Houston will take Bush. Houston will gladly trade the pick to 3 or 4 & take D'Brick because Carr, Davis & D'Brick is better than Carr, Bush, Davis & a hole at LT. I hope the Jets are thinking this way, because if they think they can make a trade with NO & get Leinart, they are sadly mistaken because in the blink of an eye, Tenessee will be trading up to #1 if they have any indication the Jets will move to #2 to ace them out of Leinart.
  7. With Todd Collins & Mike Pucillo on the same team 19-0 is a lock. No champaign for Nick Buoniconti & the old Dolphin boys this season.
  8. When the head coach of your team doesn't understand your logic, it is a disaster for the team & the player involved. Unfortunately, by jerking JP around, Mularkey destroyed the confidence of his team in its young QB. As a result, some players aligned themselves with Holcomb like some did with Flutie years ago. This will cause nothing but trouble as long as either JP or Holcomb is the starter and the other guy is still on the team. Best case scenario-JP wins the starter's job, Nall beats out Holcomb for #2 & Holcomb is sent elsewhere. Holcomb cannot be on the team if JP is the starter due to the irreparable damage that Mularkey created in the locker room with both guys here. Nall being #2 is the perfect excuse to ship Holcomb elsewhere. Next best case scenario-Nall wins the starter's job & the players support Nall while Holcomb & Losman hold clipboards. Worse case scenario-Holcomb starts with Nall & JP 2 & 3. As long as Holcomb is the starter, this team has no future at QB.
  9. The Jets will trade picks 4 & 29 to Houston & draft Matt Leinart. Everyone in the media is saying Bush to Houston-they signed Davis to a big contract last year & they need D'Brick, not Bush.
  10. This year no, he has to be in Buffalo learning the new coach's offense, but... If he's not the starter in 2006 and doesn't get to play much then I'd say why not for 2007-lets see what he can do. It might be his last/best chance to impress. I originally thought we'd cut him if he wasn't the starter, but after reviewing Clumpy's page, I see he's an affordable 3rd stringer & actually costs more cap $ to cut. By the end of the 2006 season, if he's on the bench they have absolutely nothing to lose sending him to Europe.
  11. The scariest thing is I'm listening to WGR right now & Bulldog is basically saying everything I've said in this string about JP. After reviewing Clumpy's page, I have to believe the Bills will not cut JP unless they view him as a locker room cancer because keeping him & his meager salary saves cap $. The salaries per Clumpy's page, if I have interpreted them correctly (I've added salary & other bonuses) Holcomb $1,325,000, Nall -$600,000, Losman $448,750. However, cutting JP after camp costs the same as keeping him & creates over $2.4 million dead space on next year's cap. I think there is enough film on Nall from his regular season mop up games in 2004, his pre-season games and especially his NFLE games. Whatever the Bills saw, to be paying him more real $ than either Holcomb or Losman means he's here to compete for the starting job. Real $ 2006 salaries : Nall: $1,900,000 ($1,300,000 bonus + $600,000 salary); Holcomb $1,325,000; Losman $448,750. Incentives probably will increase Nall's salary if he's the starter.
  12. I have a drink about once every few years and I already hit my quota on Petrino's last day working in Albany, so yes I'm serious. I believe that Jauron & Marv will treat JP no differently than Holcomb, or even Woodbury. The only QB on their roster that they have chosen is Craig Nall. As a result, if JP doesn't wow them in camp, they will cut him. If or when they do cut him, this board is going to go nuts that he wasn't given a chance. I'm saying if they do cut him, they will have done so with enough data that they will be proven correct. If he wows them, then he starts and its a moot point. But if I had to predict how it will end, my guess is Marv/Jauron have seen enough to be very skeptical that JP will ever make it and are prepared to cut him if he doesn't win the starting job, which I think will be tough for him to earn. On Parrella: he walked out his rookie year, came back & spent the season with the Bills. He was cut not because he was a head case, but because he was not suited to play nose tackle in the Walt Corey 3-4 defense.
  13. Nall gets $1.9 million this season, with incentives average over $2.0 million a season. 3 year deal with ability to re-negotiate if he's the starter. Sounds a lot like when Carolina signed Jake Delhomme.
  14. While I agree with you & Jim Kelly, Marv may not. When he was asked about playing unproven players in games one morning on his WGR gig this season, Marv said you play the players who give you the best chance of winning on Sunday & develop players in practice during the week. Remember how few rookies got major playing time with Marv? A lot of top picks like H. Jones, Fina & Moulds were practically invisible in their rookie years due to Marv's philosophy (and team depth). JP may never get a shot at another 7 games unless Jauron/Levy think he's the best QB this season among the 3 guys battling for the starting job.
  15. No, Acorsi & Coughlin both had a hand in drafting Manning & had seen enough of him to name him the starter. My criteria is that if a new coach & GM determine that a guy who was drafted high by a prior coach & GM is a bust, they have no vested interest in keeping him around. How many times was TD accused of keeping players around just to prove he was right? On the other hand, they have no business cutting a guy with talent just because they didn't draft him. That's why Clements was franchised. M. Williams would have been cut regardless, because his time ran out.
  16. The Bills current management has no ties to any player brought in by Donahoe. Therefore, no matter where TD drafted him, if Marv/Jauron don't think a guy can play-he's gone. Marv cut Parella, a 2nd round pick after 1 season & 1 camp to keep undrafted Ed Philion (bad mistake but...), he's not afraid of bad PR for cutting a Donahoe pick.
  17. Players are cut in training camp every year with a lot less opportunities than JP has already received in 2+ years in Buffalo. Does that mean that every guy cut is a mistake? JP has been here long enough for Dick Jauron & Marv Levy to at least be able to form some kind of opinion on him from film, talking with him & talking with his teammates. If after pre season ends & Jauron decides he's seen enough to let JP go, nobody should be saying he didn't get a fair shot. 27 players will get cut, many of them with a lot less data than the Bills have on JP. I hope it doesn't come to this, but if JP is cut, and Jauron & Marv agree, it won't be because of an evaluation that was too abrupt. Sometimes, it's easy to spot a bust. If JP is cut, I can guarantee that he'll never be a quality starter in the NFL.
  18. GB may have had the greatest group of QBs ever assembled at one time. In the early 1990s they had Favre, Brunell, Warner & Detmer in the same camp. Two Super Bowl winning QBs, a solid starter for years and a good backup who won the Heisman. I can't think of 4 QBs together who had better cumulative careers.
  19. Mularkey put the game plan together for the fish.
  20. They put new software in at work & while I can get to the TBD home page, The Stadium Wall comes up "access denied". I don't know if this affects Petrino, since he's now working in Newburgh. That's right, John Petrino has been promoted & has transferred to our Newburgh office, so when he moves, he will no longer be PIA.
  21. I have to believe the column was written & sent in before the Reed signing.
  22. I never said use a 1st, 2nd & 5th to draft him. We were suppose to trade down, get extra picks and draft him around pick 20.
  23. They still need a proven QB. As a Bills fan you should know how bad QB play can turn a potential playoff team into a 5-11 team.
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