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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. I'd call Baskin a moron, but that would be insulting the handicapped. Numerous errors including Gregg Williams as Redskins Offensive Coordinator, Mike Sherman became Ray Sherman. Speaking of Sherman, Baskin must love the taste of a certain part of Sherman's anatomy. Outright lies-No way Whitner was a 2nd round pick that was taken #8. Trying to prove his own opinions without any facts by restating prior opinions. A moron never could have written that piece, a moron would be too smart for that.
  2. You're welcome. I just don't think it is smart to use drum up the base issues, because the majority doesn't belong to any base and will eventually get tired of the politicians wasting their time and our money and will vote all these bums out. Then in a few years we'll have to vote the bums out that replaced the other bums. Maybe it's as simple as Politicians=bad.
  3. These are not real issues. They are BS drum up the base issues that do not have any affect on anyone's life. A)Flag vote, that really keeps everyone safe. Total non-issue. B) Gay marriage vote? Why does anyone care unless 1) They think homosexuality is a choice & 2) They feel guilty because since they consider it a choice, at some point they have considered it. If you're not gay, it has no affect on your life. If you are gay, it gives you another choice that you don't currently have. So really the only ones who should be concerned about gay marriage are gay people who want to be married. If a gay couple moves next door, is it going to affect you, I think not. Maybe you'll have to teach your kids that some people aren't the same as you, but what's so bad about that as long as you don't teach them to hate. C) We're not leaving Iraq during this presidency. When the next presidential election takes place, the candidates will be on record of their plans for Iraq and the voters can choose accordingly. Once again, due to the fact we're not leaving, a total non issue.
  4. It worked in the AFC Championship game in Miami in 1993. Will you please stop this "Frank Reich should have started" nonsense. Kelly won the game, give it up!
  5. In order for us to win the super Bowl within 3 years, they all have to turn out well, otherwise we're not winning it and the whole point is moot. If only half work out, TD was a total waste of 5 years & good money.
  6. While I'm not so confident about this season, I'm prety optimistic about future seasons-and it doesn't take much for one year's also ran to be the next year's champion. So... say we win the Super Bowl in a year or 2. Most of the key players will be TD acquisitions: Losman, McGahee, Evans, Peters, McGee, Spikes, Crowell, Schobel and maybe Clements. TD's biggest problem is he was a disaster picking head coaches, which is what really doomed the team in his era. I really believe good coaching would have brought out much better results with the guys TD put in uniform. We would never have gone far with TD, because we'd always be poorly coached, but I think if these guys form the basis of a championship team, you have to give some of the credit to TD.
  7. That stuff is true (although I'm not sure the gay couple he moved in with had AIDS). It's the context they take it in that shows what hard right social conservatives will say about him to scare the Republicans voting in Bible-Belt primaries. It won't be much different than the racist nonsense they pulled on McCain in the 2000 primaries-and it worked!
  8. The perfect solution-Rudy becomes a Democrat and gets the nomination. Here's an example of what's already out there on the web bashing Rudy: Giuliani is completely pro-abortion, and even supports the barbaric practice known as partial birth abortion. But that is just the beginning of his extreme left-wing positions: Giuliani is pro-Sodomite, pro-Third World immigration and anti-Second Amendment. Every year as New York's mayor, Giuliani marched in the Sodomite parade down Fifth Avenue with all of the transvestites, the sadomasochistic freaks wearing Nazi helmets, and the child molesters of the National Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA). Rudy Giuliani dresses in drag as JFK/RFK mistress Marilyn Monroe Giuliani himself dressed in "drag" - he wore a dress, a wig, makeup and lipstick - on more than one occasion. Giuliani's sexual escapades are as bad as those of Bill Clinton. Giuliani married his first cousin and then pulled all types of strings to get the marriage annulled by the Catholic Church. (Catholics are not allowed to divorce, and so "annulment" of a marriage is sometimes used to end an unwanted union.) Rudy Giuliani's sexual escapades are as bad as those of Bill Clinton Giuliani then married his second wife, Donna Hanover, who starred in the evil pornographic and child-molesting play, The Vagina Monologues. In the play, a grown woman has a lesbian, child-molesting relationship with a 13-year-old girl. An uncaring mother and a cheating husband made for tabloid fodder during the messy Giuliani-Hanover divorce - Television personality Donna Hanover starred in The Vagina Monologues, a play about lesbian pedophilia, and played Jimmy Carter's sister, Ruth Carter Stapleton, in The People vs. Larry Flynt, a loving cinematic tribute to the infamous porn king, depicted in the film as a “free speech” crusader Giuliani then openly cheated on his second wife, parading around the city with his adulterous mate, Judith Nathan. Giuliani even wanted to bring his adulterous mate into the Mayor's official residence in Gracie Mansion to openly live with him. He did not care that his young son Andrew was living there and would have seen his father together with his adulterous partner every day. A supposed Catholic, the openly unfaithful Rudy Giuliani sought a divorce from his second wife Donna Hanover - He is shown with Hanover meeting Pope John Paul II Finally, Giuliani sought to divorce his second wife. This time, he did not seek an "annulment," he openly sought a divorce. When the Giulianis separated, he moved into the apartment of an AIDS-infected homosexual "couple" whom he had befriended.
  9. Jets | Teague out with ankle injury Fri, 16 Jun 2006 10:42:57 -0700 Randy Lange, of the Bergen Record, reports New York Jets C Trey Teague (ankle) will miss the team's minicamp with what sources are calling a serious ankle injury. C Nick Mangold is working as the first-team center. When will they ever learn, when you leave Buffalo, your career is over
  10. Meadow already left for California. She has no bargaining position since all they have to do is have Carmela talking one sided on the phone with her. Of all the characters, she's the easiest to write out. Paulie can die of prostate cancer or get whacked without him being seen. Remember, the NYC guys are looking to hurt Tony. So maybe Paulie & Silvio go to a car & it blows up outside the Bing. None of the holdouts is essential to the last 8 episodes.
  11. I can't imagine the Sabres or Bills leaving and fans donning old Sabres/Bills gear and going to bars to support the old team. In Hartford, they found a group that dresses up in Whaler gear & is supporting Carolina in the NHL Stanley Cup finals. If the Bills left and made it to the Super Bowl, it's more likely there would be a giant bonfire on Super Bowl Sunday, burning old Bills gear, not wearing it. http://www.timesunion.com/AspStories/story...?storyID=491382
  12. I watched it this afternoon because I had to stay home while my chimney was being rebuilt. Their appearance together was a total non issue. It turned out to be typical showbiz manners-Carlin had his time, he moved over one spot while Ann Coulter spoke and he kept his mouth shut because it wasn't his turn anymore.
  13. The people who run Time Warner Cable in the Albany area think a football is round. We have all this crap on the sports tier, which I pay extra for, and no NFL network in sight.
  14. I don't think a decision has been made, but I think that Nall was brought in to replace either Losman or Holcomb, depending on the circumstances. While I believe that Holcomb can be on a depth chart ahead of JP, I don't think he can be on a depth chart behind JP. Here are the scenarios as I see them: 1) Losman wins the starter's job. Backup-Nall, 3rd QB Young guy, no Holcomb Reason is because after last year JP can't play with Holcomb as his primary backup & Holcomb is a perfect #2, not #3. Obviously this is pure speculation, but it's what my crystal ball says. 2) Nall wins the starter's job. Two possibilities: If JP is #2, Holcomb is gone. If Holcomb is #2, JP may stay-but it's his last year here and he's only kept to avoid a massive salary cap hit. Best young QB ends up on practice squad. 3) Holcomb wins the starter's job (a scenario I see as unlikely, but if the other two guys stink in preseason, he's the only other choice). If Holcomb wins the job under the scenario described, Nall is the backup & JP is #3 due to cap reasons or gone if Marv is willing to bite the bullet. Once again, this means JP is gone before 2007. Basically, JP is the starter this year or is gone before 2007. If JP wins the starter job, Holcomb is gone unless Nall plays bad enough to get cut, an unlikely scenario. Nall will not be #3 under any of the scenarios I foresee.
  15. Of course it's speculation-that's why the 1st 2 paragraphs start with "I think" I'll be glad to provide a link when the final cuts are announced, or when Holcomb is traded, whichever comes 1st.
  16. I can only think of 1 reason we're loading up on all these 3rd string QBs. Dick & Marv have seen enough of Nall & Losman to know that if either wins the starting job, which is very likely, there's not a need for Kelly Holcomb, since either Losman or Nall is adequate enough to be the 2nd stringer. However, I think the main reason is because, even though Marv was in Chicago during Johnson -Flutie, he saw the damage that Wade Phillips did, making it impossible for those two to co-exist on the same team and knows that Mike Mularkey, by his actions last season, has already poisoned whatever relationship Losman & Holcomb could have possibly ever had. As a result, Marv knows that there's no way to enter the season with one of those guys as the starter and the other his backup. If JP is the starter, his backup will be Nall, not Holcomb, and the team will need a 3rd QB. The fodder can fight it out in practice & may the best man win. If Nall wins the job, there's no need for both Holcomb & Losman on the team-and Holcomb is much easier on the salary cap to cut. Mularkey already divided the locker room last year with his QB games. Marv & Dick Jauron are not about to let that happen again this year and if all three remain healthy, Holcomb is the odd man out. There's no way they'll allow the Holcomb supporters to undermine JP, like last season-when the inmates ran the asylum. Although its not his fault, Holcomb is the final victim of Johnson/Flutie, thanks to a meathead former head coach.
  17. If Losman & Nall show enough, and JP is the starter, Holcomb will be elsewhere on opening day. You don't need 2 vets as backups when 1 has 1-2 years left in the NFL in what is basically a build upon year, if not a total rebuild year. No matter how many games played in (or not played in), Nall is a veteran.
  18. When Tucker took over in 2004, I though he played well, much better than others before & after him. If he didn't have a bad back, there would have been no need to sign Bennie at all.
  19. Let's say JP wins the starter's job this year and goes on to be entrenched as the starter for years to come. I believe the most important day was when Mularkey left as coach. It would have been very difficult for JP to sucessfully play for a coach who totally undermined him at the end of last season and wasted his season last year. With the slate totally clean, and a new coaching staff, I say JP rises to the occasion, wins the starting job and is our QB for the next decade.
  20. "He wasn't moving and I was afraid that he had died. ... He wasn't really speaking. He seemed dazed but he was resisting the effort to make him stay down," said Ford, who didn't realize the motorcyclist was Roethlisberger. Pretty stupid statement as presented in the article-he wasn't moving, she was afraid he had died, yet he was resisting the effort to make him stay down. Pretty feisty action for a dead man.
  21. Personally, I don't know why some people in the media are so upset with this. If they want to kill themselves, let them. Only problem is they ruined some good linen. Let's put some rope in each cell to make it easier on these guys and stop ruining good bedsheets.
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