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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. They're being mailed the end of next week. Earliest date 8/3, latest 8/7.
  2. I bought a ticket to the 12/31 game @ Baltimore today and I'd like to know if any tailgate will be taking place before the game. I went through Tickermaster & unless you want to pay $195 + fees, only single seats are available through the team & Ticketmaster. I got the last $50 seat, some $55 singles were still available.(Sales started 7/28) I'm sure others will get 2 or more seats from brokers at lower prices. Let me know if anything pre-game is planned.
  3. For the record, Holcomb does have an * next to his name indicating his status may change from backup to starter.
  4. In the latest edition of Pro Football Weekly, they rate the backup QBs. Kelly Holcomb was rated 15th BACKUP. For the record, in order, these are the guys rated above our noodle armed QB: Griese, Schaub, Frerotte, Garrard, Garcia, J. McCown, Harrington, Boller, Fiedler, Dilfer, Ramsey, Feeley, Wright, Batch. Being rated worse than Joey Harrington is pretty bad.
  5. I think if Losman or Nall can play average or better this is an above 500 team with a chance to challenge for the championship within a year or 2. If the young QBs bomb, we're in for a very long season, with the team drafting a QB and being another 2-3 years away at best. I think one of the young QBs emerge, and we are at least fighting for if not in the playoffs this year. I base this on the fact that there are some talented players, we haven't taken a step back, talentwise, from last year and the coaching was so bad last year, Jauron & staff have to be a huge upgrade.
  6. Bush 2004 Condi 2008 All I could think of was: Go ahead, make my day!
  7. He's headed to Rochester along with Head Coach Mike Sherman, they're even carpooling to save gas.
  8. Jerry Butler. He was hurt more than some of the other Bills top receivers, but when healthy, he was as important to the team as anyone. Last play of his career was a touchdown that he broke his leg on.
  9. We will win the division with average steady QB play. The coaching was that bad last year. There's a lot more talent on this roster than most realize.
  10. Just like they do in Nebraska, when there's a crime in Cincinnati, instead of a mug book, they hand the witness a Bengals' program or yearbook and have witness point out the suspect.
  11. I gave up a little after 6, I think someone stiffed someone. Being a Bills fan, I'll blame ESPN.
  12. For some strange reason, and I don't know if this rule still exists, if a player signed with another football league, the drafting team maintained his rights. If he did not sign a football contract, he goes back in the draft. Examples: Tom Cousineau (CFL) Jim Kelly (USFL)-Bills retained rights. Bo Jackson-TB lost rights after 1 year. Henson would have gone back in the draft if he didn't sign (after Houston traded his rights) with Dallas.
  13. Bastards are dragging it out. It's now 5:09 with no Tripplett for a while.
  14. What should worry fans in NO is that not signing Bush and the fan backlash could be used as a ploy to get the team out of NO. If Bush is getting lowball offers, he'd be crazy to sign. The nonsense that #1 picks shouldn't care about the $ because it's an honor to play in the NFL is ridiculous. Whatever your profession is, if your employer was attempting to pay you say, 20% less than you can get from the typical employer, would you work or continue to work there because you consider it an honor to work there? -Get real!
  15. Since you obviously know more about the NFL than Marv Levy, I suggest you send your resume to Ralph Wilson who upon seeing your qualifications as a personnel expert will hire you and demote Marv to your assistant. Also tell everyone that you think a guy who calls himself Pyrite Gal is cute and see how popular you are in the locker room.
  16. I think Losman & Nall have an equal shot because Dick & Marv are not tied to TD's decisions. It has nothing to do with salary. Whoever impresses the staff more in camp will get the job. If they both impress it will be Losman due to his greater mobility, not his salary. Holcomb is a last resort if Losman & Nall both fall on their faces. If Losman & Nall both impress, Holcomb will be traded before the season starts. The only way Holcomb stays is if he's #2, which will mean either Losman or Nall bombed in pre-season. If Holcomb is the starter, Losman & Nall are both on double secret probation and have little chance of being with the team in 2007, unless Holcomb goes down and one of these guys has a good or better run in his place.
  17. Davis is signed to a 1 year deal. Unless 2 receivers get injured, he's gone.
  18. He was older & had a weaker leg by then, he had plenty of range during the Bills Super Bowl days.
  19. If Polian was GM he would have called him in, told him he was putting him on IR until he was in the mood to play. Polian used IR like a fiddle back in the days when IR rules were different.
  20. For the record, it was Nick Mike-Mayer who we kept over Gary Anderson. Mike-Mayer was cut after game 2. When the strike ended, Herrera was his replacement & played the final 7 games of 1982. It was the last year I lived in WNY & I remember the whole fiasco as if it was yesterday.
  21. 52 As long as you won't give me an age range, I refuse to click on the survey. If I answer it, you've got me as old as Bill In Livonia .
  22. You might get an honest politician at a local level, but when you get into the $ it takes to get elected to high office, these people are always having to make some kind of sleazy compromise. By the time they get to run for President, they've lost just about all their honesty. The last 2 Presidents have been compulsive liars. One a Democrat, one a Republican-it doesn't matter which party they come from. The most honest President in recent years was Jimmy Carter, who got chewed up & spit out as President. I actually believe that guys who are President think that honesty is a character flaw. Ever hear someone say "He's too stupid to lie" ? These guys think "I'm too smart to tell the truth"
  23. Dallas is only 1 year younger than the Bills, so I wouldn't count them. Tampa Bay fans have suffered as much as we have. Both teams have been the league's laughingstock at points in their history. Both teams lost the top pick in the entire draft. We lost Cousineau to the CFL, but fortunately retained his rights long enough to trade him for Kelly. TB lost Bo Jackson to baseball & he went back into the next year's draft & became a Raider with no compensation. We lost Kelly & Cribbs to the USFL. TB lost their franchise QB at the time, Doug Williams, to the USFL. We had a longer run than TB's Super Bowl Champ, but they have the ring. All I want is 1 Super Bowl win & all the bad years will be worth it.
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