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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. His arm is still not 100% and he's in what will probably be a losing battle with Jared Lorenzen, AKA the Pillsbury Throwboy, for the 3rd string job.
  2. My point is that the coach might know a little bit more about what his team needs than you or I. If the coach doesn't place that much emphasis on winning, I'm trusting him to know more than we fans do.
  3. Then why did Jauron put in Kingsbury with the game on the line? He obviously didn't place much meaning on getting the W.
  4. You must think Marv & Dick Jauron suck too, because Marv never tried to win exhibition games and with a chance to win on Saturday, Jauron switched to Kingsbury rather than try to win the game. It's pre-season, it's about player evaluation not winning & losing. It doesn't count. It's more important to not cut a future star by playing 10 future cuts of the 11 guys on the field than trying to win a meaningless game. It's more important tyo keep your starters healthy than to win a damn pre-season game. Anyone can go 4-0 in preseason if they play their 1st stringers long enough against the other team's scrubs. Rich Kotite once went 5-0 in preseason & 1-15 when it counted. I guess you would have been on cloud nine that preseason if you were a Jets fan.
  5. This year is an abberation. Most years you cannot pick up a veteran who is any better than Kerry Collins because teams don't get rid of starting QBs. The fact that both Brees & Culpepper were coming off career threatening injuries made this year's offseason unique. Add to that the lunacy of new coach Childress getting into an ill-advised feud with Culpepper and this offseason became a one time thing. The only other option is the draft, and statistically, the earlier the round a QB is taken, the greater chance of success. A 1st rounder may have a 50% chance of success, but a 6th rounder has only about a 10%* chance of making it, and other rounds fall somewhere in between. *Based on Charlie Casserly's comments when he drafted Drew Henson in the 6th round. I have not run my own statistical check on his statement.
  6. As long as it's not Kelly Holcomb throwing in the towel, the towel has a shot of reaching its intended destination.
  7. Nice TD pass Kelly: To Ken Lucas of Carolina.
  8. Not if their scouts had as many flaws in his game as some of the draft reports I read had. They were not about to risk having 2 #1 QB busts in 3 years. They decided this was not the year that a 1st round QB was worth the risk-that doesn't mean they had one iota of confidence in JP. All it meant is that they didn't have enough confidence in Leinart or Cutler to use pick #8 and have to sign either to a contract typical of a top ten QB pick.
  9. Due to cap reasons, keeping JP no matter where he is on the depth chart, is a must this season. I was laughed at by many here last week for predicting Nall would be the starter by our home opener-I stand by that prediction and your post shows exactly why I believe that Nall will get a shot fairly early in the season.
  10. I haven't figured out how to link it, but CNN has a home video of her talking about things. It's under the title Stars Behaving Badly. Her IQ must be around 50.
  11. Why cut a guy when we can get an 8th round pick for him?
  12. The Bengals organization has been drafting thugs for years, long before Marvin Lewis got there. The most successful player who overcame his rap sheet was Corey Dillon, considered by many as the best RB the year the Bills drafted Antowain Smith. The Bills would have never drafted Dillon. When you draft thugs who are 1st round talents that slip to later rounds you are gambling they won't get arrested or worse. The Bengals are always looking for value without regard to background. Since its been going on so long, it is the ownership that not only condones it, but apparently encourages it. It basically comes down to the fact Brown is a cheapskate who thinks these guys who are rated higher on talent than where they are drafted are bargains. It's gotten worse since Lewis' arrival because he wants talent and has bought into the Bengals gamble on greatness philosophy. It also goes back to the days when the Bengals had the fewest scouts in the NFL and didn't bother with background checks.
  13. 6 months is a pretty big opening. People get invited to the White House all the time. Really, all Saban had to do was say was he'd be willing to go to the White House any day after the Super Bowl, or have dinner with Bush any time he's in Florida next year after the Super Bowl. You'd have to be an idiot to completely blow off the President or accept the Dolphins head coaching job to begin with. Saban is the Dolphins head coach.
  14. If Bush wanted to have dinner with Saban, he could have invited him any day (except the draft) during the offseason. So obviously, Bush had little interest in having dinner with Saban, or he's an idiot for not realizing a coach's schedule. I guess he's really interested in having dinner with Saban.
  15. If your starting number is <5, you might be an alcoholic
  16. He lied about his age for years until Rick Telander outed him in SI.
  17. It was 5 tds 17 ints according to the 1986 Bills' media guide. He also was cut during the season, so it really wasn't the worst season for a starting QB, maybe the worst part season for a Bills starting QB.
  18. My basic premise is that the 2 guys currently standing plain out suck. The problem is Nall will be playing catch-up due to his lost time with the injury. As a result, one will be the loser of the 2 man battle. The other will stink out the place in the 1st 2 games. By the time of the home opener, Nall will be put in as the starter because he will be healthy and had not yet proven that he's any worse a choice than Losman or Holcomb. I'll explain a little further than I have so far: By the end of pre-season, I suspect that Levy & Jauron will have basically given up on JP. He'll be on the roster because as a result of the salary cap, he's too expensive to cut since most of his cap $ are his signing bonus, not his 2006 salary. By the end of game 2, Jauron will have had enough of Holcomb. Since the premise is JP has been tossed aside, the only possibility to replace Holcomb is Nall. The only possible QB of the future will be Nall. Nall will be installed with the idea of the team finding out if they have a QB or not. The most important thing to remember is that of the 3 QBs only Nall was chosen by the current administration. This is not a merry go round scenario. It is the team choosing to find out if Nall, the guy they brought in because of their lack of faith in Losman & Holcomb, can do the job they thought he could when he was signed. Nall will start as long as he's healthy enough to play. JP will be gone by next season.
  19. Has to be Marangi. The people called for him from the stands. When he finally played, he basically cut himself.
  20. What you have said is basically my point. The way things are going, JP has been too erratic to be considered starting material. After about 2 weeks of Holcomb, I think Dick & Marv will feel 1) We can't win now with Holcomb 2) We'll never win with JP. 3) Let's give the ball to the one QB that we (Dick & Marv) brought in & see if it's even possible to win now. If not, "win now" is not possible, suck it up, we won't get fired going 2-14 and rebuild within a year or 2. Just because you want to win now, doesn't make it possible if you don't have a NFL caliber starting QB. I have no idea on Nall, but Dick & Marv thought enough of him to give him a chance to compete for the starter's job. I think at some point they'll turn to him as the starter, my guess, and it is a guess, is that time will be after the first 2 games with the record 0-2.
  21. The way camp is going, our only hope at QB might be the one not sucking-the one not playing.
  22. From what I've read, so far, Holcomb & Losman are not doing anything to inspire confidence in camp. The way I see it, it doesn't matter who plays better, because better of two losers isn't really better than nothing. Due to his injury, I doubt Nall will be able to win the starter's job by opening day. On the other hand, if the opening day starter is truly (as I believe it is) the lesser of two evils, the guy who doesn't start is basically considered as not NFL starting material. I see the 1st two games as the starting QB getting exposed. Heading into the home opener, the staff, seeing the team is headed nowhere with the "winner" of Losman/Holcomb as the starter, and the loser deemed not capable of starting, turn to Nall, who is healthy and has finally caught from the lost camp time. In the best case scenario, Nall will lead the team to victory, start a winning streak and be the QB for the future. Worst case scenario is Nall sucks too. Losman/Holcomb "loser" is given a shot after Nall bombs and if it's JP and he fails, the Bills draft a QB in 2007 with their top pick.
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