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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. He was the starter for all 16 games in SD in 2001. This obviously invalidates your question.
  2. Bowen is not eligible for PUP, he was healthy when camp opened-it's IR or the roster-most likely the roster. I don't think any of the vets listed as cuts would be a surprise. In fact, I'd be shocked if Coy Wire is in Buffalo in September.
  3. I have no animosity towards Rob Johnson & I don't undrestand why people around here do. When he was here he tried his best both on and off the field, and on the field between the injuries and having a better QB on the team the same time he was here for the 1st 3 years, he just didn't live up to expectations. Don't blame Rob Johnson-blame the team's management, from John Butler's trade for him to Ralph's willingness to give hin a big $ contract. It was obvious reading his bio & stats before the trade that he was prone to sacks-which after enough of them will lead to injuries. The week of the trade, I started a string titled "Rob Johnson, the sacked man" He had a very poor sacks to pass ratio before the trade. The bottom line was that Rob Johnson wasn't good enough to be a long term starting NFL QB and Bills management made a mistake thinking that he was. Don't blame Rob for a lack of talent or the Bills management error.
  4. Giants | R. Johnson might be released from team Sun, 27 Aug 2006 13:50:21 -0700 Mike Garafolo, of the Newark Star-Ledger, reports New York Giants QB Rob Johnson was not seen in the team's locker room Sunday, Aug. 27, and might have been released by the team.
  5. Lorenzen will definitely make the Giants. The battle for the roster spot is between Tim Hasselbeck and Rob Johnson-2 guys previously cut by the Bills.
  6. I watched the whole movie several weeks ago and then read an article in the local paper about it. I will pose the following question on a one topic question that the guys who made the film admitted they don't have an answer to: In the film they claim that the passengers of the Washington & Pennsylvania planes got off after the planes landed. WHERE TF DID ALL THESE PEOPLE DISAPPEAR TO? The only possible answer would have to be that the government executed them all to keep them silent and then permanently destroyed their remains. Well, the guy making the film don't have the balls to say that, because if they tried to say that, everyone wopuld realize what total BS their whole conspiracy theory is. Now I'm not a conservative, and I think Bush is a horrible President, but to believe the total nonsense in this movie is simply moronic. Add that to the fact we have eyewittnesses right on this board refuting what the movie is saying happened in Washington and this film's credibility shrinks from 0 to sub zero. If these guys want to be believed, they better come up with the answer to where those "missing" people went or simply STFU.
  7. He'll see the field when the Browns bench Charlie Frye. Unless KC picks him up 1st.
  8. It's too late for Bledsoe to leave, because all starting jobs are pretty much set, Bledsoe will have to stay put this year and hope Romo fails. He'll probably demand his release AFTER the season.
  9. I'll be at my parents house this Saturday and I'm wondering if there are any places near them that carry pre-season games on the big dishes.
  10. Risin, I just can't buy into some of these premises: If the Bills felt he was starter material, they'd be giving him a hell of a lot more action, injury or not. They couldn't give Nall more playing time this week because they had to set their plan considering the entire team, not one player. Nall has been limited in his competition by his injury. Right now JP is ahead of Holcomb by merit and Nall by default. There are two exhibition games left-plenty of time to extend Nalls playing time if he showed anything in game 2-which he did. My guess is the Bills realize he is a backup at best, and his only real competition is Kelly Holcomb. I don't think they know yet what they have in Nall, and they certainly haven't seen enough of him off a few OTAs and the time he's been healthy in camp. Once again, they've got 3 more weeks before the season starts, plenty of time to properly evaluate Nall for the short term, but to claim they have enough data to realize he's a "backup at best" is absurd. If JP is allowed growing pains in a new offense, why not Nall? Why can't fans accept the fact that the coaches feel JP gives us the best chance to win? I don't know if, short term, this is true. Nall may actually give the team the best chance to win on any Sunday, 2006. But JP may offer the potential to get better throughout 2006, after costing us some games in a rebuild year, and be the best chance we have of winning a championship in the next 5 years. Do you think they would honestly shaft Nall (the ONLY guy they signed of the current group, besides Cliff), in order to see if JP has it? They're not shafting Nall, he got injured and fell behind-that's life in the NFL. Since he is behind, it gives the team the opportunity to see if JP has it, because realistically Holcomb is no long term answer, and the team is looking for the long term answer-be it Losman, Nall or a 2007 draft choice. My guess is, the coaches realize JP is their best chance at a future stud QB, and Nall is his future #2. Just because we're intrigued by what we saw, doesn't mean the coaches haven't seen all they need to see. [B]I'll agree with this up to a point. Right now, Losman has the most physical talent of any QB on the team. Therefore, it is logical that the coaches realize JP is their best chance at a future stud QB. However, if Losman falls flat on his face, the team may decide that a good QB, which Nall may end up being, is better than a bust QB, since a team can still win without a stud QB. [/b] Marv and DJ had zero connection to JP coming in, all three QB's started equally, maybe they were biased to Nall if anything. At the end of the day, JP proved he was the man for the job, and after hearing Jauron make excuses for JP's play, I'm convinced they think he is the clear cut #1. If JP was clear cut #1, Jauron would have coronated him immediately after the game. JP's inconsistencies, combined with Nall's showing something, has postponed any coronation. JP will probably be the opening day starter, but let's see him play a while before determining if he is truly better than Nall. Enough of this Nall is god BS, as fans there is no need to act smarter then we are. We only see these guys once per week, the coaches watch them 6 days, I'd say they have a pretty good grasp on who should be starting, and who should be carrying the clipboard. The problem is, they haven't seen Nall 6 days a week, he's been hurt. Of the guys who they have seen 6 days a week JP 1) has outperformed Holcomb and Kingsburry and 2)Offers the best chance of becomming a great QB because of his physical talents. However, that is all potential and JP could be the next Favre or the next Rob Johnson-only time will tell. I can guarantee you one thing-if the Bills are 0-6 and JP's been stinking out the joint, then gets hurt & Nall leads them to 2-3 straight victories while showing steady yet unspectacular play at the position, the team won't be giving JP his starting job back. I love ya Bill, but your hatred for JP is killing me. P.S.- I know you don't "hate" him. I don't think Bill hates him, but from my conversations with him in the parking lot, I believe he thinks JP needs to be humbled a little bit more if he is to reach his full potential.
  11. Sort of like the guys who thought they could "liberate" Iraq and the citizens would welcome us with open arms. Unfortunately those open arms are guns and ammo.
  12. The thing that really hurts when watching Carolina is that the Bills & Carolina were about the same in 2001, with Carolina a little worse, the difference between the 2 teams being a 1 point home victory by the Bills over the Panthers. Then Carolina hired John Fox as head coach, drafted Peppers 2 picks before Mike Williams, signed Jake Delhomme to be their QB, did some other things the Bills didn't, and are now light years ahead of the Bills. Imagine if we hire Fox instead of Gregg Williams and who knows where we are today.
  13. The death watch has already started on the next owner, and we don't even know who that is. Mark my words, the day this team changes ownership, a new death watch will be posted (Even if I have to do it myself in a self fulfilling prophecy )
  14. If he was arrested without much evidence and allowed to turn this into a media circus, heads will roll in Boulder. I have to believe there's some evidence they're not saying linking him to the crime, otherwise they'd be totally incompetent for letting this guy pull his 15 minutes of fame. It's more likely that he never told the police that he drugged her & the leak is bogus news, or the chloroform was something that the officials were keeping from the public so that they'd know facts some nut couldn't "confess" to.
  15. Nance is a guy who the team has no room for this season. However, the Bills are doing what smart teams do if they like the guy. but feel he's a year or so away from contributing. That is, do not expose him much in pre-season, maybe even cut him in the 1st round of cuts (like they did with Peters 2 years ago) and sign him to the practice squad after he's cleared waivers. The worst thing you can do, if you think the guy can contribute a year or 2 from now is give him enough time in preseason to catch someone else's attention. The only possible problem is that unless they've fully explained the situation to Nance & he feels that his best shot is in Buffalo, Roethlisberger will be lobbying the Steelers to add Nance to their practice squad.
  16. Holcomb is not going to retire. Where else can he make half a million $ this year? When the preseason began I felt if Losman & Nall outplayed Holcomb, or if was even close between the 3rd guy & Holcomb, Holcomb would be traded for a mid round pick. Instead, I now think Holcomb will be released -but some team will pick him up-probably a team in need of a #2 that plays an offense that Holcomb is familiar with. While his lack of arm strength was a known, the unknown going into camp was that the Fairchild offense would be totally baffling to Holcomb. A veteran having this much trouble adjusting to a new offense is totally unacceptable-and the reason Holcomb has basically played his way off the team. Kingsbury will start the season #3, with a possible push from Ochs if he can be ready when the PUP players have to be on the roster or IR. I'm not sure what the rules are for a player injured in Europe, but I'd guess he'll be on PUP when the season starts if he can be ready by November.
  17. If you trust your scouts, general manager, and whoever else has a say in draft picks, you won't be afraid of the risk/reward. If you don't trust those guys, you better get some guys you do trust. Bailing out of the 1st isn't an option.
  18. Blood doesn't make Bledsoe squimish. The problem was all the Bruschi blood he received was lost when he was hit in the Jets game. Having already used up that year's supply of Bruschi blood, Bledsoe was not permitted to return as the starter that year. It turned out that Brady responded so much better to his transfusions than Bledsoe, the Pats decided that wasting precious Bruschi blood on Bledsoe wasn't worth it & traded him to an unsuspecting Donahoe, who as we know, did not possess any Bruschi blood.
  19. I couldn't have said this better myself! I'll add 1 more thing-what has Schaub done any different than what RJ had done when we traded for him?
  20. From your title I thought you were talking about SDS, and I thought you were blind.
  21. Why do you continuously spell Holcomb's name wrong. If you think you're being funny, you're not-your posts look moronic.
  22. Moulds was at the end of his Bills career and was looking to get released outright. Meanwhile, Marv held out and appears to have traded Moulds for a guy who will start for the forseeable future. Not only a good trade but great use of the draft. It's more than 1 game on Williams, it's the entire camp and the fact he's already been promoted to starter.
  23. No, I haven't found anyone who wants to go to Giants practice. The problem is they start too close to when I get out of the office & they are now limited on weekends due to exhibition games. Petrino hasn't been around here much & when he is he's too busy to go to Giants' camp.
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