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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. The guys could easily pass as brothers: Phil Angelides: http://www.flickr.com/photos/angelides Richard Belzer: http://www.tv.com/richard-belzer/person/1964/photos.html
  2. A gay conservative -what a surprise
  3. The guy they wanted at that pick was JP Losman.
  4. This game reminds me a lot of the 1988 game. We were a little more advanced in 1988 than this year, by about a year. We were 4-0, went to Chicago & got dominated in a 24-3 loss. The bad news: we weren't ready to beat a strong Bears team in Chicago, the good news-we won our next 7 games and started the season 11-1. I don't think the 2006 Bills are good enough to beat the 2006 Bears in Chicago at this point in the season. A year from now, maybe-just not today. We're on our way back, just not this far yet. I'd say the Bears are the best team in the NFC and we'll know a little more why they are after Sunday.
  5. Fox has the doubleheader, so Ch 6 can only have 1 game & doesn't want to go head to head with ch 23 when the Giants are on. Bad news, but not unexpected.
  6. If time is a priority, you're definitely parking in the wrong place and going the wrong way. It shouldn't take much more than 2 hours to get to Rochester. I've got a 5 - 5 1/2 hour trip, never leave the game early-but I'm very familiar with all routes & can change paths if necessary. I'll only talk about the trip home, since the trip there depends on when you are arriving. I park in the stadium lot, lot 5-it's the best for a quick exit east. I park as close to the exit as possible-that way you don't get backed up in the lot. If on a day like yesterday, there's no traffic when the game ends, I take 20 east to milestrip-left on milestrip to 219 north, on to the Thruway & stay on until Albany. If it's a more typical game, the Thruway is the worst place to be-even worse if you get on at Blasdell-you have an extra set of toll booths to jam you up. I go straight east on 20, it turns into 78 & I pick up the Thruway in Depew-past the 190, 290 & toll booth jams. If you're going to enough games, buy a map of the Buffalo area & plot out alternate routes. I've used Union as an alternative on some occasions. With stops, I'm usually home between 9:30 & 10:00. On a really good day I'm home by 9. My best time is around 4 hours 15 minutes, but that was an overtime game where I beat all the traffic out by leaving as soon as the winning kick sailed through the goalposts. Contrary to some opinions-the stadium lots are a lot quicker than private lots because 1)You get to your car faster than most of the crowd leaving the game & 2) The police stop traffic & let you out periodically-a private lot can take forever-especially if it's down on a sidestreet off Abbott.
  7. I have it down to 2 games. Carolina over Cleveland, or, and I hate to say it, but, Chicago over the Bills.
  8. I can only judge it by the traffic flow, since I was moving around to get near my friends & couldn't get a good read on the crowd. Usually I do not even attempt to get on the Thruway when I leave the game, due to the huge amount of early leavers at most games who jam up the Thruway before I can get there, and go straight up north on Southwestern to the Thruway in Depew. There was nobody on the road when I left the stadium lot & I usually encounter that only it an overtime game. I park by the exit at drive 5 & nobody was on Southwestern, so I got on 219 to 90. Now, since there was a traffic slowdown around the Galleria, it may be those who left were a good 10 miles or more away from those who stayed, staggering the jams. I think yesterday was atypical in that thousands more stayed than usual. That may mean many of our fellow fans leave way too early, but most of the time the mass exodus takes place long before the end of the game. Knock the early leavers, but yesterday was an abberation in that most of them actually stayed.
  9. With the Villarial injury, now might be a good time to sign a veteran for at least backup depth at G. I'm guessing that Greg Jerman or Aaron Gibson is at 1 Bills Drive by the end of the week, but if there's a better veteran out there, Marv has to get it done (I hate those sign this cut guy posts & have given people s**t for them, but we have a real need right now). We can waive Merz, put him on the practice squad (cutting the OT who is there now) and get some possibly needed depth.
  10. I left after the game ended and had no traffic until around the Galleria area going east on the Thruway. We raced to the car the second the clock hit 0:00 after I had moved over to where my friend's seats were at the 2 minute warning. Enough people stayed to permit me to leave the stadium lot with ease, no traffic on 219 & none past the 190. I think the empty seat thing was overated by most, probably fueled by the D&C article. Most games are emptied out a lot sooner than yesterday. Yesterday was the closest thing to full at the end of the game, with the possible exception of overtime games. Not all people leave the game, just because they leave their assigned seat. I often move to an area closer to an exit where my car is parked if Petrino isn't there. While it might appear to the people next to me that I've left, the truth is I've just moved to another part of the stadium. Security also gives people some slack in the last 2 minutes & people end up standing at the entrances where they can see the game-I noticed a bunch of people standing & watching in the last 2 minutes-they weren't in their seats, but they were still inside & watching the game.
  11. Glenn sat with me for most of the game, I got there around 11, but I was with a friend and his 10 year old daughter who saw her 1st NFL game, so I couldn't get to 1:5 because we had lunch at Subway in the Mobil station, they bought some souveniers on Abbott, droped them off in my car & then we went into the stadium. I'm hoping to get there early enough for the Pats game.
  12. Mularkey is living his own version of "Groundhog Day". He is on a team that finished fast against bogus opponents, got rid of the starting QB who won those games, optimism abounded... and then the team had a horrible offensive line and fell flat on its face! Bennie Anderson is the equivalent of the guy that Bill Murray can never save, no matter how hard he tries.
  13. McKinney can't be any good, Tom Donahoe says Mike Williams is better.
  14. As dumb as anyone who thinks that it will affect one vote. Next time please ask how dumb they think you are, not we.
  15. There's a good chance I'll be driving out Sunday morning, so I probably won't make the tailgate. See you in the stadium, Glenn.
  16. I took Philly in my pool at work-I put it in Monday because I didn't see any other game that stood out like this one. I got lucky last week-I had it between the Bills & Miami & picked Miami-then I got lucky again as they barely won.
  17. Jaguars & Chargers games are home games in cold weather against warm weather teams-we can win one of those. Colts & Bears are so much of a sure thing I might have to take the Bears in my suicide pool if I make it past this week, I've already used Indy.
  18. Funny things on identity mistakes: Stevestojan thinking Spiked Lemonade is Ice-Ice is on the Zone with his zip code added, Spiked Lemonade can spell & has indicated in other posts he's been around WNY while Ice is in Oklahoma. Best one-someone over on the Range thinking Crap Throwing Monkey is Alaska Darin, obviously that can't be because CTM's posts are from Washington DC, and Darin's are from... yet that never caused them to use logic when CTM was posting in their thread and it was obvious who he is over there.
  19. No, the Bills should warn any drunk jerk off that he (or she) will be arrested and banned from the stadium. Fans of aqny team who buy a ticket should expect to be able to enjoy the game without being hassled. I've gone to Bills away games and I do not expect some drunk A-hole to be hassling me. If they do I will call security. I once wrote everyone from the Patriots to the Commissioner's office when Pats fans were throwing beer cans at me for rooting for the Bills in the old stadium. I also convieniently left out the part where I screamed at the top of my lungs at a security guard that fans were throwing beer cans at me & if I got hit by one "I'll sue your f***ing stadium"
  20. What will TB give us for Kelly Holcomb?
  21. Since I don't believe there is a Devil, Chavez was calling Bush a fictional character. Therefore I pass it off as the rantings of a madman. Just as I would if Bush referred to the Devil or Satan in describing any "evildoer"
  22. I don't understand this facination with which unis the team wears. If they had the ugliest uniforms and went 16-0 I could care less. I wouldn't even know what a "pretty" uniform is, nor would I ever want to, I'll leave that to the gals. I'm there to watch their performance, not their clothing.
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