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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. Larry Felser is on WHAM & just jumped on the pile. He's been comparing JP to Rob and said Rob had better games than JP has had so far. The discussion turned to Leinart because host Bob Matthews has advocated since the day of the draft that the Bills blew it not drafting Leinart. Felser, who has always disagreed with Matthews on this one has started to turn towards Matthews opinion and says Leinart has been very impressive.
  2. 49ers | Nolan frustrated with Jennings' lack of playing Wed, 18 Oct 2006 11:26:01 -0700 Matt Maiocco, of the Santa Rosa Press-Democrat, reports San Francisco 49ers head coach Mike Nolan has become frustrated with OL Jonas Jennings (wrist) due to his nagging injuries that are keeping him off the field. Nolan has said OL Adam Snyder is competing for playing time at both starting tackle positions, including the one currently held by Jennings. "I've got to get the best guys on the field," Nolan said. "I think competition makes you better."
  3. Turn on WHAM, there are no written links when Marv speaks on the radio.
  4. He said that the reason he left was that he had a sick kid & had a blowup with one of the coaches when he came back. Judging by the amount of patience Jauron & staff have shown Youboty, I don't think they view leaving to see a sick kid as a character flaw.
  5. We had a guy like that here for 9 HOF years. He may not have always been happy, but he was considered a God around Buffalo...until he killed 2 people.
  6. If Clements gets hurt we can't trade him tommorrow or Tuesday, that's why. There's no reason at 2-4 & rebuilding to keep Clements here any longer knowing he's gone for nothing after another 10 games.
  7. He got the penalty for holding on and picking him up off the ground by his hair after they were out of bounds. I just saw the replay.
  8. Next time it snows, or if the snow hasn't melted yet, take a look around and see which streets are plowed and which ones aren't. The priority is about the same for electricity repairs. Just think of when it snows a couple of days before a game & the Bills put out a call for citizens to help shovel the Ralph for some small $. Try to get some of those same people over to someone's house to help him get his car out of the driveway & see how many people show up. NFL football has priority over just about every homeowner, tenant etc who lives in WNY when it comes time for cleanup or electric repair. Some people may not like it, but when you can generate $ in revenue because 70,000+ people are showing up at your place, all you have to do is snap your fingers & stuff gets done.
  9. Don't be surprised if Nick Saban bolts from the Dolphins and ends up at the U. I just hope that if that happens, the Dolphins promote their offensive coordinator to head coach.
  10. Last week was the 1st week there were no Yankee games (when I've been home)when the Bills are on at the same time. I tuned in 1300 AM WTMM & found no pregame show. Then at 1, the NE Patriots came on & I found the Bills at 103.9 FM WQBK. I just checked the radio listings in the Sunday paper and they list the Bills game on 103.5 & 103.9 today. They show that 1300 is now broadcasting the national games: 1-Cincy @ TB & 4:15-KC @ Pit. Also I don't think there are any pre or post game shows on the FM stations. Support for the Bills is slipping in the Albany media. Just 2 weeks ago, they showed the Ten-Dal game instead of Min-Bills on the Fox station. Now we're moved to the radio network station's backups. Fortunately, the Bills are on local TV today & we can watch the game without having to go to a bar. Petrino is coming up & we're going to a friend's house who has a 50" tv. I'm just glad I only have 8 games a year to put up with this stuff. If I didn't attend half the games, it would be making me even crazier than I am now. Plus today, I assume because of the storm, I can't get WGR or 97rock on the stream for the pregame stuff.
  11. You can't be serious. There's no way the stadium would be without power a week from now. There's a thing called prioritizing and guess what-if there was a game tommorrow, there would be power at the stadium by tommorrow, because an event like a Bills game has enough clout to get the National Grid, NYSEG or whoever has the power franchise out there to make damn sure there's power.
  12. I saw a lot of Braves games during the 1971-2 season and a handfull thereafter. The last Braves game I saw was in 1978 when the Braves played Portland sometime around February. The Braves also had their camp at Fredonia 2 of the 4 years I was in college & we saw them come into the gym & their practices. I remember Dave Wohl sucking up to Ramsey & trying to hang with Ernie D. Freddie Hilton was the odd man out, he was not a Ramsey favorite. A friend and I asked Freddie if he was going to make it (the year he got cut) and Freddie just gave us an I don't know answer even though it was bleak.
  13. You and all the other Negative Nancys who don't understand that Detroit is in no medical condition to win this game. Take a look at Miami's O-line and now think that Detroit wishes they had Miami's O-line. Now take away Detroit's best receiver. Are you starting to get the picture? Or do I have to fill your half empty glass?
  14. No impeachment hearing will be held on GWB until Cheney is booted a la Spiro Agnew. Therefore the premise of this poll is retarded.
  15. Baker played huge for the Bills when we beat the Vikings
  16. I have that game on tape somewhere in a drawer. Funny thing was I had it on 4 hr mode with pregame, the game went into overtime & I had rewind and tape the ending over the pregame show. The best sign there was "Play like you'll never play again" since it was already announced this was the last strike game.
  17. I heard Paul Hamilton say McCargo was on crutches yesterday. I then found a post on another board saying thje Buffalo News said he hurt his ankle & was on crutches after the game. I hope this isn't a long term injury.
  18. Gets his team 1st & goal in a position to tie after getting sacked twice, then throws a pick returned for a TD. Bledsoe-the ultimate tease at QB.
  19. Under normal circumstances, there's no way, down 40-0 that you leave your starting QB in the game when the team that's ahead has already pulled their starter. However, due to last year's incompetence, I feel Jauron did the right thing by leaving Losman in there. He made the statement that JP is the guy and did not want to open even a pinhole of a QB controversy by letting Holcomb or Nall come in and look good in garbage time. If Mularkey hadn't royally screwed with JP last season, JP doesn't need his coach to make the statement this season & he is pulled from harm's way in garbage time.
  20. I don't know if he's looking at coaching or the front office, but Vincent is taking steps to insure that his NFL days don't end when he takes the uniform off. Don't be surprised if he ends up in a team's or the league's front office, possibly the Bills.
  21. I was at the game. We parked in one of those lots on California where it was all muddy & I dropped my program in the mud. The program took days to dry & is clearly in the worst shape of any of my programs. I just looked at it & it's all wrinkled & faded.
  22. I'm surprised nobody mentioned there's a black guy in the photo with Foley-more proof that he is a Democrat!
  23. If Joey bombs on Sunday, Marv should get on the phone & offer the Dolphins Kelly Holcomb for a 2nd round pick. The Dolphins have given #2 picks for A.J. Feeley & Culpepper, Holcomb will sound like a bargain compared to those two-especially after Mularkey hears about it & begs Saban to give him Kelly Holcomb to save the season & his job (Groundhog Day 2?)
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