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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. No way in Washington. They have Jason Campbell, who showed as much if not more than JP showed this season. The way he played against the Giants in the last game solidified his stranglehold on the job. Bledsoe refuses to be on a team where he doesn't enter camp #1 on the depth chart. He's could try to sign with the Vikings or Browns since he knows he's better than what they've got and would probably end up starting, but in the end his pride won't allow him to enter a fair competition & he'll unofficially retire after Dallas releases him. Then he'll look to come back with a team that loses their QB during the 2007 season.
  2. I will not be surprised when it is said "Buffalo selects linebacker Paul Posluszny, Penn State" Marv loves Penn State linebackers.
  3. In the back yard with his kids, and when Maura puts one of the kids at QB and asks him to move to a different position, he'll run inside the house & refuse to play.
  4. Years in the league: less than 3-exclusive free agent, can't leave unless team wants to dump you; less than 4-restricted free agent, team has right of 1st refusal & gets draft choice compensation based on where drafted & $ tendered; 4 or more years-unrestricted free agent, but can be franchised or transitioned.
  5. This isn't baseball-you go into the HOF as a football player, no hat, no uniform. Willis is going in the same way I did-with an admission ticket.
  6. It's going to be against either us or the Giants. http://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/817615/detail.html
  7. No, the travel after the game is very important to those of us coming in from out of town. I'll give you some examples: When they moved the Miami game to 4, the 1st thing I did was sign off from work on Monday. It meant a total rethinking of my routine, since I wasn't sure whether I'd be driving all the way home after the game-it's a 5 hour drive. When they moved it back, I recinded my Monday day off & went with my normal travel routine-leaving immediately after the game, no lingering-that means I was gone by 4:15-4:30, not 7:00. Now lets shift to the game that directly affected my plans. I bought a ticket, flight & motel room in Baltimore back in July. 6 days before the game, it gets changed. Now I've got the last flight out of Baltimore at 8:55pm & I had to make a decision-leave the game early, stay another day in Baltimore to the tune of around $200 more, or cancel the trip entirely. I eventually chose to leave the game early & I decided that I will NEVER buyt a ticket to a flex schedule game unless I'm driving to the game & I can control my schedule-something you can't do when you book in advance to get discount rates or book the last flight out & the game gets moved too close to get to the airport in time. Try traveling to games hundreds of miles from where you live & you might understand the problems that flex scheduling presents. Go on the Thruway after the game & you'll see that a lot more people drive in from out of town than you are imagining.
  8. A lot of people travel hundreds of miles to see the games. Add to the group people who are flying &/or scheduling hotels and the flex schedule cuts down on the out of town folks who are willing to buy a ticket late in the season. Bunk, hardly!
  9. Let's add the uncertainty of the time the game will be played into the mix. All of the blacked out games were subject to change due to the flex schedule. So, one way to insure blackouts is to schedule as many games as possible after flex scheduling kicks in. When you have 30,000 seats to sell, it helps to have the time of the game locked in. Let's also add an early snow which cost a lot of people in the metro Buffalo area $ in repairs, cleanup, etc. Those are $ that could have spent on the Bills that went to snow recovery instead. As long as we don't get another 4 regular season home games after Thanksgiving, including 2 of those 4 on holiday (Thanksgiving & Christmas) weekends, we won't be looking at 4 straight bnon-sellouts again.
  10. How can you know from a person's address what team he or she is a fan of? If the Bills were in San Diego, Bob Lamb could get a ticket, but a die hard SD fan outside SD couldn't, defeating their intentions. The whole policy is ridiculous.
  11. If we had drafted him in 1985, he would have either signed with us or have gone to the USFL & then he would have joined us in 1986. The Hall of Famer Jerry Rice may not have joined us as a free agent, but young Jerry Rice wouldn't have had much of a choice. There was no free agency until 1993.
  12. Other than the fact he only has one more year, this trade makes no sense. You don't trade away someone when you have no replacement for him. A-train is nothing more than back-up material & is (I think) a free agent. Unless we get a done deal with the Giants, AFTER acquiring Willis' replacement, it is just plain ridiculous. Now, if we do get a starting RB in free agency, then a 1st round pick for Willis (if any team is dumb enough to make that trade) would be a go. More likely, we let Willis play out his contract, draft a RB in rounds 2-4 and then, with Willis still here, decide if he can be the starter in 2008. If he's not then the 2008 starter is either a FA or a high 2008 pick.
  13. We will have McCargo coming off this injured year. We spent a 1st rounder on him & won't be looking to draft another DT early because that player will also have to take time to develop. Instead, in order to help the run defense I expect Marv to bring in a veteran wide body to add to the DT rotation. He'll be someone who has shown good character & will be willing to be a mentor to McCargo & Williams as they continue to grow. It will also show that we are serious about winning now. Our most likely 1st day picks will be a LB or 2 and something I hope Marv realizes we desperately need-a pass catching TE (Everett should be preparing for life in the real world). After reading Marv's book, defense is what he believes in & will once again be focused upon in this draft.
  14. If he's going to replace Petrino, he better start cranking out some odes.
  15. In today's names that match occupations column is: Dear Abby: My sister lives in Williamsville (near Buffalo) where there is a funeral home named Amigone Funeral Home. (Am I Gone.)-Alaine in Jamestown Alaine probably is unaware that they're not just in Williamsville.
  16. He made the Giants disappear from the playoffs.
  17. He shouldn't waste his time at the car wash to work with Everett.
  18. I noticed & got the answer right, but if I was writing out the answer it would have read "What are the (old) Buffalo Bills. The key was Nickels as in Nickel City.
  19. I had a cyst in my sinus area 7 years ago. They did similar surgery to what your saying. In my case, it was nothing like what the above posters are saying. I think they did it arthriscopically. I had no outward appearance of surgery. Inside my nose was pretty bloodied up & I had to squirt a salt & baking soda solution mixed with water there every day. Additionally there were follow ups with the surgeon where he would go in and get the extra dried blood out. I was able to go to a game in December in Buffalo less than 2 weeks after. Long term, it worked well, but I do get a sinus infection every now & then due to my alergies. The worst was the 1st year when they were tearing up the streets around work & putting a lot of dust in the air. For me there was no option since the cyst was causing stuff to gush out & keeping me awake half the night. If they do it the way my surgeon did it rather than the black eye stuff described above, I'd recommend it. Recovery was not bad, although the 1st week was a little nausiating.
  20. The Bills should definitely go after Mularkey: Sue his @ss for conduct detrimental to the franchise while employed as head coach. Ralph should sue for triple damages of the salary he paid him.
  21. Gregg definitely deserves another shot at a head coaching job: Hey Miami, if you don't want to promote Mularkey, Gregg should be your man!
  22. Unless some team is crazy enough to give us a 1st round pick, or a player we really need, Willis is here for his last season in 2007. His possible replacement will be drafted in the 2 to 4 round area. If replacement succeeds, Willis is gone via FA. If replacement doesn't work, our 1st round pick or 1st FA signee is a RB-Willis is still gone after 2007. There's no way Ralph pays Willis "Disappointment" McGahee before next year. Keep in mind that extentions for Lee Evans & JP Losman will be priorities next year, not Willis. 2007 is Willis McGahee's last year in Buffalo.
  23. That's not the problem as much as watching other people struggle. If you had seen the heavy woman practically dropping as she attempted to walk up to her area, you may understand my dismay. I went up & down the stairs, ramps etc 3 or 4 times before the game so that I could see how long it would take me to get from my seat to the light rail. I even ran to the Camden Yards light rail station after the game. So being too out of shape to get to the upper deck wasn't my problem-it was concern for less fortunate people, something you, and the designers of the stadium obviously, are oblivious to. There was another reason I was pissed-the bad design meant that I could not make a quick exit from the game (one of my specialties), causing me to miss the last 9 minutes since I could not risk missing my flight (which was due to the NFL not caring about fans who make plans based on a 1 pm start).
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