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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. Do you really think Marv cares about Willis' lifestyle? I don't. About his attitude-he played last year hurt & if anything his on field attitude was fine. Off field attitude? Marv could care less what his player says in Penthouse-he tossed the question aside when asked. The only items that are moving Marv to trade McGahee are his production being below his future contract demands and the fact he's on the last year of his contract. If McGahee was locked up long term, was performing like Thurman, had fathered a dozen out of wedlock kids, and said the Bills would be better off playing on Mars than in Buffalo, Marv would be glad to have him & would not be looking to replace him. "Lifestyle & attitude" have nothing to do with the attempt to trade Willis McGahee.
  2. I can see it now. Bills acquire Pacman & they bring in OJ to introduce him at the press conference. Pacman says "I know I have a ways to go before I attain OJ status, but I'll be taking my best shot at it as a Buffalo Bill"
  3. I don't think it's odd that a lesbian has never been with a man. I don't know any straight guys who have been with men, because none of us have the desire to try it-why would it be any different for a gay woman? It would be more lame if she was with a guy & then figured out what she liked. Imagine being the guy who drove her to women.
  4. The word liberal, as used on this board, is defined by those who use it as: a person who has a different opinion than me on this particular issue I'm posting about. That's because if you took all the issues that have been called liberal on this board, lumped them all together and tried to find one person on this planet who agrees with every position, you would never find one. Add up the posts with the word liberal used negatively and these people lose credibility-even if they are right in that particular post, they are usually wrong when they attribute the opposite opinion to liberals. As used on this board, there's no such thing as a liberal in the real world.
  5. Executive trainee. I wouldn't be surprised if he's brought in to train under Marv & then take over as GM in a few years.
  6. Anyone who watched all the games & thinks A-Train is even in the same league as Willis either wasn't paying attention or needs to see a good eye doctor ASAP. Thomas is a fair backup & nothing more. Willis can start for a lot of teams.
  7. Dialidol numbers say Alaina Alexander, Amy Krebs, Nick Pedro & Paul Kim are gone. Amazingly, Sundance Head got the most votes for the guys. The guys were so bad that the vote for the worst crowd carried the night. Also shocking was Sabrina Sloan's low vote totals-she won't make the top 6 if the votes continue that way & she could be gone as early as next week.
  8. I was wrong about Leslie-she's here for at least 1 more week. Top 5 women better than any of the men-Melinda Dolittle, Lakisha Jones, Sabrina Sloan, Stephanie Edwards & Jordin Sparks. One of them is the next Idol. I wouldn't be shocked if the guys are all gone with 5 weeks left. Worst performance-Alaina Alexander-definitely gone. Either Antonella Barba or Amy Krebs joins her out the door-probably Amy-really stiff performance.
  9. Seacrest specifically snubbed Simon when he was thanking people (including Randy & Paula). Sundance better be packed because he's so gone. After a great audition, he's been horrible. I don't even have to wait until tonight when the women sing to know that Leslie Hunt won't be around next week. After last night I think the final weeks will be no man's land. The women have to have at least 3 or 4 better singers than we saw last night.
  10. If SD was planning on dumping AJ, why is he the main guy conducting interviews for the Chargers' next head coach? The whole rumor is total BS.
  11. If those addresses above don't pan out, you can send a letter to the Bills Alumni department at One Bills Drive & request his address or if they can forward a letter to Carwell if they don't give out addresses.
  12. I never thought this would ever happen, but I have to correct you on this one (probably the 1st & last time ever). Plunkett was released by the 49ers on August 28, 1978 & signed with the Raiders on September 12, 1978. He was active for 14 games, but never played in any of those games during the 1978 season.
  13. Carr is a more durable version of Rob Johnson. He just doesn't have enough pocket awareness to avoid getting sacked about 3 times more than the amount he should. He also just loses.
  14. The Saints had more time to check his recovery out. He didn't sign with them until 19 days after the deadline to franchise a player, that could make a difference for a guy just coming off surgery. The Chargers, with another high paid QB already on the roster had to make a decision by February 23rd. They decided that Brees would not have trade value due to the injury. It's one thing for a team to risk $ on a guy who they get with no compensation, something entirely different when a team has the #2 pick in the draft & would be unwilling to trade it for a guy coming off an injury. Would SD have taken NO's 2nd round pick? The fact that Miami dropped out of the bidding, traded a #2 (a lot lower than NO's #2) to Minnesota & redid Culpepper's contract because they knew Daunte would recover shows that different docs have different opinions. The Saints docs thought (not knew because the Dolphins rolled the dice & lost on Culpepper) Brees had a good chance of recovering and they were right. But who would have dfealt for Brees & given him the big bucks?
  15. So it's AJ's fault that Brees injured his shoulder & became a medical risk that made it impossible for them to do a franchise & trade deal?
  16. It could mean he didn't want Wade Phillips (or Cam Cameron), who, just like in 1998, was the "obvious" choice. So. instead of firing Marty & getting stuck with Wade, like his mentor John Butler did, he figured one more year with Marty was better than three years with Wade. Once Wade left, there was nothing blocking AJ from choosing the guy he really wants. If it is Ted Cottrell, who a reporter from SD predicted to Mike Francessa would be the one by Friday(I caught this last night on YES around 11 pm last night) he doesn't even have to have a parade of candidates come in, he can hire him ASAP.
  17. To all those people who have already declared McCargo a bust every time he makes a big play he should point to his foot & say "screw you"
  18. I'm predicting Steve Mariucci. Getting fired by Matt Millen & Ford is a plus, not a minus, on someone's resume. Proven regular season winner who has won 3 playoff games with the niners. A QB guy to further the development of Rivers.
  19. When the smoke clears, neither Hillary Clinton nor Rudolph Guilianni will be their party's nominees. It's too damn early for front runner to mean anything. Where did all those early front runners like Dean, Hart, Muskie, G. Romney, and Connally end up-not the nominee.
  20. It's too bad that in Parade Magazine (2/11) someone asked how Barbaro was doing & they replied as if he's still alive. Those people really have to make Parade more current or not answer questions like that one when the horse's chances were 50-50 at best when they went to print.
  21. Something I've heard John Murphy say more than a few times. especially on 3rd down.
  22. It really doesn't matter what CBS, Mel Kiper and all the other people who mock the draft say. The only thing that counts is the name on the card that is sent up to the podium in April.
  23. Then all those folks (led by Jerry Sullivan & the WGR boys-the ones who really annoyed me on this issue) who use his off the field stuff as a reason for Marv to dump him for virtually nothing in return should not use his 3 kids or say they're offended because they feel he's disrespecting Buffalo as an excuse for their true feelings. They should just say what you said above and leave the 3 kids & the Toronto stuff out of it. Instead they use that stuff to demand that the Bills give Willis away. The dumbest ones are the "Waive Willis" crowd.
  24. PFW isn't that thrilled with Okoye. In the Senior Bowl analysis they called grouped him with the enigmas & said there are scouts who grade him as a second rounder.
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