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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. In hindsight, all Donahoe had to do, if he wanted a back, was pick Larry Johnson. He always had to be the story.
  2. Drew was a 2nd rounder-pick 60 of the draft. These guys have one thing in common-none of them was the starter on his team. Each split carries with the team's starter and none have proven that they can carry the bulk of the load, as is expected of a highly drafted back. Fred Taylor in Jacksonville, Deuce McCallister in New Orleans & (since departed) Dominick Rhodes in Indianapolis all split time with these 2006 rookies. Of the 3, Bush would stand the best at being the main back, and Drew, because of his size, will never be a carry most of the load back.
  3. As long as he is not an exclusive rights franchise player, he is a free agent, free to negotiate with any team. Since he is not under contract and is free to negotiate, negotiation can include any discussion-this year, next year, whatever-it doesn't matter what they talk about. What if current Tampa management promises him the moon for 2008 and they all get fired? Then the moon is gone. You can't tamper with a free agent. Tampering with a free agent is an oxymoron. Now, there is a loophole that should be closed. Teams can put poison pills into contracts (like Indy did with Wolford years ago) and the NFL has never closed these loopholes. Just this season, NE put a clause in making all of Welker's contract guaranteed if he plays Z amount of games in the state of Florida. How can the NFL continue to let these poison pills into contracts? Heck, a team like Miami can sign a Bill with a clause that if it snows during a home game his salary triples & is guaranteed. These geographic clauses should be illegal-no ifs, ands or buts.
  4. Does anyone know how many of last year's picks were on the 2006 list? If they didn't have Whitner, then they don't know Jack, and all they are doing is speculating based on a review of our depth chart. If anyone claims they know what the Bills are thinking, they better have a track record of correctly nailing what Marv thought last year. Otherwise, they're no better than you or me, probably worse since many of us know more about this team than someone writing about all 32.
  5. Didn't he used to play cornerback & have hands of stone?
  6. I wonder if she was listening to right wing radio the other day & concluded the obvious? To elaborate, I was channel surfing while driving home Monday & I hear Bill Maher talking about how gay the Republicans are about Reagan & that they want to put him on a stamp so they can lick his backside. (From a clip from his HBO show last Friday) Then I hear some guy named Dean who calls himself a Republican saying how offensive Maher is. I then move on & I hear the same Maher clip. Then Sean Hannity (who has a much bigger audience than that Dean guy) starts saying just about the same things that Dean just said on his radio show. Either they are getting their talking points from the same source, or they are thinking with one brain. If it talks like a right wing conspiracy, it might just be a right wing conspiracy.
  7. 1) His big blowup under Mularkey was with his receivers' coach Tyke Tolbert, Tolbert is still here. 2) Moulds was nothing special when Marv coached him. He was considered a bust his 1st 2 seasons under Marv & didn't start playing at a star level until Wade was coach. 3) He was one of the "leaders" who convinced Mularkey to play Holcomb.
  8. I liked it enough to pencil it in on my tv schedule. I'm not sure whether I'll watch or tape it next week & watch CSI Miami when it's not a rerun. It appeals to me the same way Big Love does on HBO. My guess is if you like Big Love, you'll like The Riches, if you hate Big Love, you probably won't like it. Very similar in hiding truth from the neighbors.
  9. I'll pass on the armadillo, too many fumbles. It might make a helluva linebacker, great run stopper, one bite & the RB goes right down. If Conrad Dobler was able to bite people as a Bill, why not an armadillo?
  10. None of the above. It will be Paul Posluszny possibly after a trade down. Marv loves those Penn State linebackers.
  11. He's not Willis' twin, just a half brother-Willis' daddy got around just like his sons do.
  12. If you're going to post BS, at least make it credible. If you had said 4 years 7.5 million with a 1.4 million bonus, we might believe you. Now you sleep with the fishes with Soprano in terms of credibilty. If the story really was on the news, I'd guess my #s are more accurate & the guy read it wrong. I don't know where the 6 came from, but the 4 in 47.5 was the years, the 7.5 in 47.5 was the $ and they lost a decimal between the 1 & 4 in 14.
  13. I haven't seen one football related idea in this thread. Don't you people have ideas rather than ragging on his non-football related personal life? For example: Hey Willis, where else would you rather be than playing the Argos in Toronto. End Zone Crew, an unfamiliar sight to Willis. Willis, if you're unsure, ask McNair what down it is. Willis McGahee: From stiff arm to just "stiff". What do call the Ravens handing off to McGahee on 4th & 1? 1st down, Buffalo Bills. Let's keep this to football & get this thread back on the right track.
  14. The NFL has a meeting to distribute picks in a secret room. When the Bills turn comes, the cigarette smoking guy from the X-Files comes in and says "No compensatory picks for Buffalo", the NFL guys agree, move on to the next team, & smoking man leaves-until next year.
  15. If we trade up for a back, it wont be pick 12 that is used. More likely something similar as what we did with McCargo last year.
  16. He had a setback in his recovery & probably won't play another down with Houston.
  17. Say we had been able to get the same deal a year ago for Nate Clements. Well, we'd have a guy we drafted in the 3rd round, possibly a 7th rounder if he made the team, and an extra 3rd this year. Instead, we got 1 year of Nate Clements & nothing else. In hindsight, I'd prefer those extra choices to what we have now. Now, Marv realized that there's no way the Bills would pay Willis what he wants, and the only way Willis would sign another contract is if we franchised him, and he'd be pisssed & unmotivated. So he got a lot more than just 1 more year of Willis. I wonder if Marv had to do it again, would he have dealt Clements last year? I think the Clements experience made trading Willis for 3 picks, two of them day 1 picks, a no-brainer.
  18. He may be a blowhard, but it should be entertaining, especially talking about Willis.
  19. The goal isn't to make the playoffs-it's to win the Super Bowl. So if we don't yet have all the pieces to win the SB (It took Kelly 5 years to get to the SB, JP is in year 4) then instead of just making the playoffs next year & getting nothing for McGahee, we replace him & possibly do the same without him plus add a player who might be a piece of the Super Bowl puzzle in 2008.
  20. I can sum up the reasons that we're getting rid of McGahee by quoting Ralph Wilson. During the season he called McGahee a disappointment. Any player that the owner considers a disappointment will not be re-signed to a big $ contract. Since he's in the last year of his contract, and they know they're not re-signing him, they're trying to get as much as possible now & moving on.
  21. Marv must have finally gotten around to reading our board & realized Tuten was still on the roster.
  22. I heard Deadwood will be concluding with a couple of 2 hour shows last year. I assume this is still in the works.
  23. She won't get the nomination. She's the Howard Dean of 2008. If she does get nominated, the Republicans could run just about anyone & win. She's has too many people who will never vote for her to ever win a general election. Sooner or later, the Democrats are going to figure this out.
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