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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. Try it by clicking on "Listen Now" after the audio streamer appears on your screen. I've found if I don't do that it doesn't play.
  2. Marv brought in Gale Gilbert after his troubles in Seattle with women and brought in Reggie Rogers after he got out of jail. Don Smith ended up & jail & C. Bennett got busted for nonconsentual sodomy with a woman in Buffalo & served time after his Bills days. Marv is not looking for a team of choirboys.
  4. No, that was Willis "there's nothing to do in Buffalo so I have to go home to Miami and knock up three women" McGahee who has suggested it's cool to be a baby-daddy rather than a husband and a parent.
  5. I'll be satisfied with Jay Cutler doing a repeat of the David Carr opener against the Bills in 2005. No need for a Harrington-esque zero performance.
  6. It's a mail order draft publication, not a magazine-it was finalized in late March. He doesn't have any problem with Willis' speed, it's his missed tackles he has a problem with. The biggest problem I have is that guys shouldn't be moving up in the draft based on padless workouts. The production on the field is what matters the most & I believe the Bills' scouts rate in season production over combines & campus workouts. As I said, I don't know what the Bills scouts think of the guy or any other potential LB candidates. The point is, if Willis is available & the Bills take Posluszny instead, they may have a sound reason and this board shouldn't go ballistic because of some on-line draft materials we've read. The Bills hire professionals to evaluate players & although we may disagree, we really can't say the team was wrong until after the on-field results are in. Sometimes that takes years, making draft day critiques totally meaningless.
  7. The only RB who would be worth taking in the draft over Turner is Peterson. Chances are he won't be available at 12. So, I'd weigh the cost of acquiring Turner & get him as long as I don't give up too much. My proposal to SD would be our 2nd & Baltimore's 3rd for Turner. That leaves me with my #1 for defense (LB), Turner as my 2nd & I've still got my own high 3rd. Now if I can move up & get Peterson for my 1st & 2nd, I've got to consider it if I feel I can get a decent LB in the 3rd. My choice would be trade for Turner if I can get him for 2 & B's 3, draft a LB in the 1st and go best player available in the 3rd.
  8. Unfortunately, under my proposal, the answer is yes. I would qualify it under the government being accountable for the incompetence of its prosecutors. If they can't hire competent prosecutors then it's their own fault they lost the case. The idiot who got coaxed into asking OJ to try on the glove should have had to pay OJ's fees out of his own pocket so he'd never do anything that stupid again.
  9. I don't know the law, but considering how many dollars the innocent have to spend on legal fees, true justice in all "Prosecutor gone wild" cases should include restitution of all legal fees to the accused. If the law is truly "innocent until proven guilty", then all innocent should not have to pay legal fees when a prosecutor decides to make a name for himself. If the burden of proof is truly on the prosecution, then the price of presenting a case where the defendant is found not guilty should not include the financial ruin of the defendant. If the municipalities had to pay for all not guilty verdicts, maybe they would be a little more careful before they present cases for trial. I can't imagine what it would be like to be falsely accused of a crime and have to go bankrupt in order to prove it. If your government wants to hire prosecutors who either pursue too many cases or are too incompetent to win the case, it should have to hold the defendants harmless. Not guilty & financially ruined just isn't justice.
  10. OK all you "we must draft Patrick Willis" folks. I was reading Draft Insiders Digest this morning while getting my car serviced & I saw that Coyle does not share your Willis enthusiasm. He has Willis 35th best prospect, 13 behind Paul Posluszny. Although he ranks him #1 among ILBs, he describes him as a 1st round bubble player who "Despite his big tackling totals, he overran and missed more tackles than you would expect from a blue chip prospects (sic). Most of the mistakes were out of being over aggressive and being out of control at times." He also does not list the Bills as one of the teams interested in him (lists Browns, Colts, and Texans). Now I don't know what Marv & the boys at 1 Bills Drive think, but if they agree with Coyle & Willis is available at #12, they will not be selecting Willis.
  11. Marv drinks heavily the morning of the draft & just pulls names out of his @ss. That's what I heard last April on this board after our draft. Draft day drinking goes on more than you think... In 1996 Bill Parcells was pretty loaded by the time the 3rd round of the draft came along. He was in the Patriots war room & shouted "I'll have another brewski" right at the time the Patriots went on the clock. The guy at the draft raced up and turned in the card with the name Tedy Bruschi, and the rest is history.
  12. It's a good thing for Imus that he didn't attack the WNBA gals. He'd have the gay rights groups after him too.
  13. He's still doing his show on WFAN in the mornings. They did not suspend him in NY. He's not really suspended, it's more like the syndicators pulled the plug on his national broadcast for 2 weeks. Suspended people don't go to work as scheduled and keep doing their jobs, Imus is still doing his show, just not on MSNBC & CBS. Edit: On my local newscast, they said his suspension starts Monday. So it might be next week-I'll have to listen to WFAN next Monday to be sure.
  14. You only keep 1 punter on the roster. Brian Moorman is the punter. Most punters are late picks or undrafted free agents. I don't understand your post at all. It looks like a post from Ieatcrayons.
  15. They pick the guy they plan on taking. We don't know who he is-but Marv does.
  16. He was resigned to the fact that once the Bills signed three offensive linemen on day 1 of free agency, they weren't interested in him.
  17. The market for a RB who can leave a year from now has already been set. NYJ switched #2s with Chicago & the Bills got current year late 3 & 7 and next years 3. That's it. Giving up anything more than a switch of #2s & another pick to SD makes no sense.
  18. They haven't run the trains in years. They stopped when Amtrak funding was threatened & never brought them back. The Bills Express used to go from Albany/Rensselaer-Schenectady-Utica-Syracuse-Rochester-Depew with buses going to Orchard Park from Depew.
  19. I think management viewed Takeo's leadership in a negative way after he bitched about the status of Vincent when they IR'd him. They saw him as undermining the youth movement in a rebuilding year & possibly a negative force if the team decides it needs one more year of rebuilding in 2007. From the off season moves, the team is not looking at contending for the Super Bowl this year, hence it's still in rebuild mode.
  20. If he goes anywhere to be a backup, it won't be on a team with a young QB who took every QB related snap last season. He's much more likely to go to Cleveland or Detroit if he doesn't end up in Oakland, he's not coming to Buffalo. Just because one idiot throws the Bills in the mix in a national column, doesn't mean the Bills have any interest in him. The dark horse team is Baltimore if he wants to go the Steve Young route. McNair is a year or 2 away from done, amd they appear to be ready to dump Boller's after his contract is up in a year.
  21. Yep, in a few years Matt Schaub will be as hated in Houston as RJ is in Buffalo. The big difference is that the year before the RJ trade, the Bills cou;d not have stayed put in the draft & drafted a Vince Young. The combination of not drafting Young & then trading for Schaub will make things even worse for Schaub in Houston than RJ ever had it in Buffalo. Every time Schaub screws up, people will realize how they could be cheering for Young, making the Flutie fans look like chopped liver-which is what Schaub will end up being in Houston.
  22. I think she's in the delivery room. You're a little late with the news.
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