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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. I'm listening to WGR & suddenly a hockey game comes on-and it's not even the Sabres! Why switch from the draft to a non-local hockey game?
  2. Paying their professional scouts & not listening to the amateur who wrote the s##t you posted from. It's amazing that you read someone's draft analysis & think he knows more than the guys who get paid to watch & sometimes actually talk to these players.
  3. You don't fill needs on day 2. You take the best player on your board. You fill needs & the TE or C you take busts in training camp. You have to stick with the board and if a guy sticks out on your board, you trade up & get him rather than waiting your turn. Day 2 is a total crapshoot & you never pick by position this late-that's why you pay your scouts & don't go on the internet to find out who the fans want. Anyone who is criticizing a 4th round pick or lower is being ridiculous.
  4. What I hate about this draft is the Jets & Patriots are each going to get a very good player.
  5. Even though we'd never get it, you believe that having a disgruntled backup QB, who may never play a meaningful down next year and then plans on leaving after the season, is better than receiving a 3rd round pick, when there are veteran options no worse than him to replace him? I'm glad you're not negotiating anything a 1 Bills Drive.
  6. I remember watching the draft in 2004 & when the logo switched from Dallas to the Bills I was celebrating because I knew it was for JP Losman. That's why I'm not qualified to be Bills GM & as it turned out, neither was Tom Donahoe.
  7. As long as the Republican party sucks up to the radical right wingers, moderates will look to the Democrats as an option. The problem is the Democrats are too far left and the Republicans are too far right-so moderates usually decide by the candidates involved & don't care about what letter they have after their name.
  8. Walt Patulski now does speeches for groups. A couple of days ago one of my co-workers stopped my my desk & told me he had attended a speech by a former Bill-Walt Patulski. I told him that Patulski is more successful in the business world than he was as a Bill. Here's a link to Walt Patulski's Touchdown To Success website: http://www.waltpatulski.com/
  9. Lageman had a solid career in the NFL. He played 6 years with the Jets & with the exception of a year he was injured, was a starter. He then signed as a free agent with Jacksonville. If anything, the Jets were right about Lageman, who on draft day was going to go a few spots lower according to reports-so the Jets had to take him where they did or lose him-and Mel Kiper was totally wrong for saying they don't know how to use the draft when Lageman was picked.
  10. JP is going nowhere until we have his replacement lined up-that means a VETERAN backup, not Hamden, not a rookie. With just about all the decent veteran backups gone, JP stays unless the Bills work out a trade for a vet or a vet gets released and agrees to terms before JP is traded. A draft choice is meaningless without a backup to go with it. About the only way I see JP leaving is if he's traded for a QB with NFL starting experience, and not some way over the hill type like Trent Dilfer.
  11. What he really means: When free agency started, we found out that a good veteran backup gets between $2 million to $3 million per season. That's tons more than our starter. Since he's already under conract & Edwards won't rock the boat this season, there's no cost benefit in getting rid of JP, so he's staying another year. Next year, when we have to replace him, we'll extend Edwards at starting rates and then we can bring in a new guy at $2.5 mil a season as the backup. It's politics & salaries.
  12. That's not 100% correct. The last 5 years of my father's life were spent in a wheelchair. I was able to take him places & park with his permit on my car. They go with the person, not the vehicle-since he didn't have a vehicle. Now during those years I found 1 thing worse than someone who parks in a handicap spot-a person who parks in the blue space next to a handicap spot. I had a real tough time getting my father's wheelchair to the passenger door when some idiot parked next to my car in the place reserved for the person in the wheelchair to get in and out of the car. Anyone parking in handicap spots deserves whatever the police (or an angry citizen) can give them.
  13. Jim Kelly met with Hamas? I hope he found a good WR & TE when he was over there.
  14. I never thought he had a chance, the same as Carly-It's AMERICAN Idol, not Australian Idol or Irish Idol. The foreign born singers will always get fewer votes than their talent. Just look at how many people are up in arms over immigrants-then you expect them to vote for immigrants on American Idol?
  15. Either God is telling her to get out or she tourched it herself for sympathy & the tears will be flowing soon. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080411/ap_on_...ton_office_fire
  16. John Beck is the answer for the next decade in Miami, why draft Ryan at #1? ...and with Beck entrenched for the next decade, I want to see a George Wilson play every season & years of 1-15 long after Tuna has given up & returned to his natural habitat-Saratoga Race Course.
  17. The Bills need a veteran QB, not a 3rd round rookie. Johnson will probably go on to have a good career, Trent Edwards will go on to have a great one.
  18. I quit AT&T years ago after they called me up, had me change my long distance to 5 cents a minute & then billed me 10 cents a minute, claiming that calls within NYS weren't included. When I told them I specifically asked if NYS was included since, at the time, all my long distance calls were to Long Island or Buffalo, they must have checked the tape, since they did refund my money. I still changed my long distance service the same day & never went back.
  19. I couldn't find a video clip of this, it's even worse than just reading the words, the way she pours on the fake emotion. Does anyone actually believe that was her reaction 40 years ago? At times her voice broke, as when she recalled learning of Dr. King’s death when she was a student at Wellesley. “I was a junior in college, and I remember hearing about it and just feeling such despair,” she said. “I walked into my dorm room and took my book bag and hurled it across the room. I felt like everything had been shattered, that we’d never be able to put the pieces together again.” http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/05/us/polit...baTjc6MkrDF06ww
  20. I thought Teddy Bruschi invented all the cities, including Buffalo.
  21. Ralph did put the hit out on JP, but it wasn't financially motivated-he told Wilfork "That JP is horrible, please take him out of the game so my team can put a real QB in there." Ralph's plan worked and a real QB came in the game & is the starter for the next decade or longer.
  22. When I worked at Dunkirk Ice Cream Lou Sabin would bring his QBs in to practice in the frozen warehouse. After he left, the team moved training camp to Fredonia to be closer to the warehouse. That move to Rochester really messed things up.
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