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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. When you make a statement like this, and then defend it later in the thread, you lose all credibility. Vince Young has been a starter in the NFL for most of the past 2 seasons. Craig Nall has never started a game. Craig Nall was cut 3 times by 2 teams last year (including the Bills TWICE who kept nobody rather than him as the 3rd stringer when the season started). There is no interest in Craig Nall throughout the NFL, especially as a starter. If Vince Young was available as a free agent, do you think he'd remain unsigned as long as Nall has after he finished the season on the bench in Green Bay? If you want to name a QB you'd rather have than Young, don't throw a thrice cut 3rd stringer out as an example and expect people to take you seriously.
  2. I just got the new issue of TV Guide. Harold Perrineau is super PO'd that they brought Michael back to kill him on the boat.
  3. If Hillary was so concerned righting the wrongs done in Michigan and Florida, she would have fought hard to make the DNC announce BEFORE the primaries were held that all votes & delegates should count and that all candidates in the race should be included on the Michigan ballot. Since she didn't push for this stuff before, and even took the unfair advantage of being the only candidate left, by name, in Michigan, she has nothing to complain about now. You don't ask to change rules after the numbers are in-you change them when everyone has an equal chance to benefit. Of course, Hillary didn't care back then because she thought she was the queen of the Democratic party and the coronation was a mere formality. I wish Hillary would come out of her sheltered world and realize just how many people would never vote for her in a general election because her negatives are so high. If she thinks she's the more viable candidate and is correct then McCain will beat Obama in a landslide, because if Obama would perform worse than Clinton, the Democrats really have NO viable candidate. The way I view it, Obama has some chance at victory and Hillary has no chance, so no matter what her MAY-JUNE polls say, she can not win in NOVEMBER. Now Obama, being more of an unknown, will either rise or fall based on the campaigns & events between now and November. Meanwhile, there's no way for Hillary Clinton to dramatically rise since so many voters are dead set against her ever being President. Obama gives the Democrats a better chance, if they have a chance at all. If Obama doesn't win in November, then Hillary wouldn't have won either. All in all the three candiates are all weak. McCain-saddled by the negative Bush numbers and age. Obama-viewed as inexperienced, unknown, too liberal, and will lose more votes than he gains due to bigotry. Clinton-viewed as a liar, opportunist and saddled by the hatred built up against the Clintons over the years. Also will benefit among the hard core feminists-who most likely would have voted Democrat anyway(abortion & the Supreme Court-remember?) but loses the anti-women vote (which includes some women).
  4. I read a lot of it this morning, but ran out of time. I think he's pretty close with the whole time thing. I'm wondering whether the author has an in with the writers & they're previewing stuff through him. Edit: Now the link isn't working for me.
  5. They're not flashbacks. The show is still in 2004 (or maybe 1996), Locke is dead in 2007, so there's plenty of time for Locke to be on the show before he dies.
  6. Miami, Baltimore, KC are my top 3.
  7. Too many QBs leaving college before their senior years. Most of the ones who left early busted or underachieved. Ben Roethlisberger is one of the few exceptions.
  8. The Bills let you sell your tickets on ticket exchange. You can usually get above face value. Petrino sold most of his tickets last year & ended up paying very little for the games he went to as a result of his profits from the games he sold. You can look at what others in your area of the stadium are pricing them & decide where to go from there. Pre-seasons are worthless since, I believe, you can't price the tickets less than face. The good news is that this season there is only 1 pre season game to dump. It's too early right now for ticket exchange.
  9. I've always maintained that the only reason sports leagues want to rid themselves of drugs is because they are illegal and the leagues fear that users are more likely to get involved with shady characters and fix games. When you have a league that doesn't command much betting action, such as the Arena Football League, there's little fear of fixing the games for big bettors, therefore less drug enforcement.
  10. I'll give her a pass on this one because she said something similar before & it wasn't taken in the same context because she phrased it much better: She has said much the same thing before. In a March interview with Time magazine, she said: "Primary contests used to last a lot longer. We all remember the great tragedy of Bobby Kennedy being assassinated in June in L.A. My husband didn't wrap up the nomination in 1992 until June, also in California. Having a primary contest go through June is nothing particularly unusual." Clinton said something similar the day after the Indiana and North Carolina primaries. "Sometimes you gotta calm people down a little bit. But if you look at successful presidential campaigns, my husband did not get the nomination until June of 1992," she said. "I remember tragically when Senator Kennedy won California near the end of that process."
  11. You lost me when I realized you true agenda was to go down on JP.
  12. He wants his daughters to get the money, not his current wife.
  13. Add to this the fact that 3 of the 8 games are worthless exhibition games & the deal is a total ripoff.
  14. You do realize that the opening day roster will be 53 and a lot of those 85 players, including the two guys who started the thing will be long gone. Fights happen all the time in pre season practices. I once saw a good one at Giants camp & I've only gone there twice in all the years they've been in Albany. On the other hand, I'd like nothing better than Baltimore always having a worse record than the Bills & never making the playoffs as long as that loser McGahee is there.
  15. The people I work with-I've driven them crazy talking about the Bills. During the Super Bowl years, the 1st 2 years when I'd get back from the game they would leave things at my desk. XXV they put all these newspaper clippings all over my desk. XXVI, they had crime scene tape & an outline of a body with #12 in the middle. By XXVII they gave up, but Petrino went with me and the people on his floor took over-they made up a coffin and scanned his ID photo and put the face on it, they also put a ton of the forms EA5217 all over the place to represent the score. Nobody did anything when we got back from XXVIII. However I once had a co-worker say to me "I never realized how long the football season was until I worked next to you."
  16. How can any worst 10 not include the Cincinnati Bengals? Bad on the field, bad off the field.
  17. Been there, done that. When I went to game 3 last year at NE, I printed out an Edwards 2008 sign & attached it to my tee shirt along with a Bills towel (I wanted to avoid trouble & only wore them inside the stadium). Edwards IS the starter in 08 & there's no need to campaign for him-the time to do so was before Edwards ever played.
  18. It has nothing to do with hating Buffalo. The Bills picked 3 guys in a row in rounds 4 & 5 who he didn't even give a write-up to in his report. That indicates he viewed them as not draftable. He's going off his ratings. If the Bills had picked guys he rated a round or two earlier in those spots and beyond, he would have praised them. It's not about Buffalo, it's about Mel doing a CYA in relation to his draft guide. Remember when he didn't have Fina written up and Fina was calling him out after being picked in the 1st round? Mel doesn't care what the team is, he bases his grades on his own numbers.
  19. JP is having the worst draft-it might have dawned on him by now that nobody is willing to give up anything to acquire him.
  20. Doesn't matter, but the last 3 picks didn't even get a writeup from him in his draft report. Now if we had more Kiper fans they'd be going as ballistic as the idiots who are quoting from other draft sources & declaring that the Bills front office is messing up the draft.
  21. I like doing 3 things at once on draft days-ESPN on the tv, WGR on the computer, message boards on the computer. I'm now down to ESPN & message boards & have lost the best local coverage available, including interviews with front office & players after the picks. I'd rather have my ESPN on my tv go dead than have to turn off WGR's draft coverage.
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