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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. To all the people who think the holdout is trying to hide an injury: WAKE UP! Don't you people realize that before they give him any negotiated $, he's going to take a physical. So therefore, your premise that he is hiding an injury while trying to get more $ is completely absurd. Please show some logical thinking.
  2. This post proves, once again, why when the teams meet early in the week they look at film. The coaches don't review the prior game by quouting stats to the players and eliciting their comments. In the case of JP vs Trent all one has to do is WATCH the 2 play and there is no comparison-Edwards towers over Losman. Maybe after the season, when Trent puts up big numbers he will silence all the stat-boys, as JP sinks into statistical oblivion. One more thing. Anyone who uses the JP was injured in his 1st season is jumping the shark in their post. Speaking of facts, JP missed the 1st 4 regular season games in a season where he wasn't expected to start a game to begin with. So how does missing 4 friggin games turn into a season killer? Just to set the record straight, JP did play in 4 games that year, so the statement In '04, his rookie year, he was injured early in the season and never started or played. is factually inaccurate. Who can forget JP's first appearance, totally unprepared as he entered game 9 in New England. So JP had 12 weeks in the season to beat out Shane Matthews for the 2nd string spot and could never do it, he spent his rookie season 3rd on the depth chart, available for 12 games, and never could move up over Shane. Meanwhile, Edwards was so impressive in pre-season, the Bills cut their veteran 2nd stringer and elevated Trent before the season even started.
  3. Talk about irony, I loved the trade-I wanted to draft JP that year, even posted the reasons to draft JP in the 1st round the morning of the draft. (Among the responses, the best was Ice's, who wrote something like not only no, but f no and called JP a coach killer) I was PO'd in 2005 when Mularkey jerked JP around. The turning point for me started in 2006 when I just didn't see the same progress some were raving about, but was still confident that the guy showed glimpses of greatness and could be the starter. When did JP lose me? -preseason 2007-1st I noticed something during exhibitions that I did not expect-JP showed all his negatives & virtually none of his positives, like he was a different player than the good JP during the 2007 Houston,Jets & Miami games. Then I noticed Trent Edwards looked light years ahead of JP in exhibitions. By the end of pre-season I thought the switch to Edwards in 2007 was inevitable. In fact I wrote another post that got flamed in the middle of pre-season stating that when the Bills make their next playoff appearance, Trent, not JP, would be the starter. So I've come full circle on JP, started with me rolling out the red carpet for him & now I'm the guy in the front row of an angry mob holding the pitchfork & the giant matchstick.
  4. Chances of Edwards failing for any reason other than injury-2%.
  5. Lets see chances of a blizzard, a monsoon and playing a meaningless game without Jason Peters (he WILL be there) on the road that made him look a lot worse than usual causing the stat boys and JP fans to go wild, are about 0%.
  6. Putney Swope? You do realize than many of the people on this board weren't even born when Putney Swope came out & have no idea what you mean. For those of you who don't know, Putney Swope was a satirical movie about a black man who got elected to take over an ad agency because the guys in the boardroom couldn't vote for themselves and nobody thought anyone else would vote for the black guy, so they all voted for Swope. He then kicks just about all the whites out & runs the thing into the ground. I hardly think there is any comparison to the Obama nomination. I doubt it will end with Antonio Fargas setting the White House ablaze.
  7. Mike Mularkey, Gregg Williams, Hank Bullough, Kay Stephenson, Jim Ringo, John Rauch, Harvey Johnson, Joe Collier, and Buster Ramsey all had good intentions. I don't believe it has made their terms as head coach of the Bills any easier to remember.
  8. JP reminds me of Rob Johnson-always injured (3 of 4 seasons cut short by injuries), no pocket presence, no football intelligence. Meanwhile Edwards reminds me of a combination of Joe Montana (coolness under pressure) Dan Marino (quick release) and Tom Brady (intelligence).
  9. He found out the women in Baltimore weren't as good as the women in Buffalo, and we know how he feels about the women in Buffalo. So he's in Miami trying to catch up to Travis Henry.
  10. Why doesn't McCain submit his writing to the NY Post? I'm sure they'll be glad to print it & disparage Obama in the same paper.
  11. JP gets injured too. 1st year-broken leg in training camp-he didn't need a game to get hurt. 2nd year-gets injured in his 9th start (game 13) & is inactive with injuries the next week & doesn't play in the final 2 games. Year 3-his 1 full season out of 4 -that's 25% healthy the entire season. Year 4-Gets injured in game 3 and loses starting job for 1st (of 2) time that season. So, before you get confident that JP will start a game, let him make it out of practice healthy & maybe, just maybe he'll start week 16 when the Bills decide to rest Edwards for the playoffs.
  12. I'd love to see JP starting for the Jets or Dolphins. It won't happen in Miami since Parcells doesn't think JP is any good. So, say he ends up on the Jets -JP may come back to Buffalo and clean up the city after the Super Bowl Championship celebration wearing a Jet jersey-that's the only way he could ever haunt us.
  13. Disclaimer: I used the scores provided in the player link posted above, I think they're right but have not independently verified them. Well, here's the problem with the nonsense that you've been spreading as your proof that JP puts more points up: Lets look at team points to show how truly dreadful JP was as a scoring QB last year. Against Cincinnati, the Bills scored 33 points. Aside from that one game, the TEAM never scored more than 14 points in the other 5 games that JP was the QB for the entire game. Are you happy with a guy who against every other team he played, except the dreadful Bengals D, the team couldn't muster more than 14 points? Cold fact, with JP playing the entire game, the Bills averaged 14.50 points per game, inflated by the 33 Bengals points-otherwise, in the other 5 games, JP led Bills averaged a meager 10.8 points. Subtracting the high & low games, elevates the point total to 12.75. The median points produced in the 6 JP exclusive games was 13.50 points. Meanwhile with Edwards taking all the snaps (8 games), the team averaged 18.125 points per game. The team scored 38 against the Dolphins (the same team JP led Bills could only muster 13 points against-I'll give you home vs road, but that much difference?) Take away the high and Trent exclusive Bills scored an average of 15.286 points-including the 0 in a friggin blizzard! Now subtract both low & high and Trent Bills average 17.83 points. The median points produced in 8 Trent exclusive games was 18 points. Well now lets see Trent's best three team led point totals: 38, 24, 21 =83 points. JP's: 33, 14, 14=61 points. The three worst are Trent: 17, 9, 0 =26 points. JP's 13, 10, 3 = the same 26 points. You can play with stats that show JP's offense may have put up more points, but the team clearly scores more with Trent Edwards playing than with JP playing. Have you ever considered that maybe the team scores more with Trent than JP is because even when he doesn't score, the fact that Trent keeps the team moving downfield helps set up the points scored by ST and D. You can try to subtract those points and I don't know if you even have a valid argument since I'm not going to look up how many strictly offensive points were generated each game, but the bottom line is Trent led Bills teams score more than JP led Bills teams and there's nothing you can twist to deny that fact. Oh and another thing, when you're more efficient as Edwards is, you don't get into the need to convert on 3rd down. Maybe JP was statistically better because he is more experienced at forcing 3rd downs.
  14. It's good to see that most people are being realistic enough to realize there is no panacea going to be found in Washington.
  15. The article in today's Buffalo News, posted on the main page says Kelly retired in 1998. Twice they reference 1998, even referring to the Bills wanting to start Todd Collins. Why can't the local paper get their facts straight? Kelly retired early 1997, Todd Collins got waived in 1998-the 1st year of the Flutie-Johnson QB controversy. Not only poor writing, but poor editing as well.
  16. Leonard Burton, the trade was a total loss for both teams.
  17. The easiest way to assure no 2nd trade is to make sure Favre has signed a restructured contract with enough signing bonus $ that trading him would cause a big cap hit.
  18. If that's true, the Bucs were Tampa-ring and will be losing a pick or two & get fined. I doubt those reports are true since most of this stuff is done with the agent, not the player talking with the tampering club. Stuff like this goes on, but not player & team brass.
  19. It hasn't made many newscasts. Luke Kruytbosch, the track announcer who has been at Churchill Downs and was the caller of the Kentucky Derby for the last 10 years died at age of 47. http://sports.espn.go.com/sports/horse/news/story?id=3487272 Edit: Here's the Buffalo News article which calls him a former Buffalo resident: http://www.buffalonews.com/135/story/392152.html
  20. My 1st paragraph refers to the fact that Tom Donahoe brought in guys like Bledsoe, Milloy, etc for the quick fix and didn't make the playoffs because he really had no long term plan. He saw a veteran & jumped up and got him. His most ridiculous move was restructuring Bledsoe in his final season instead of not picking up his option. He chose not to make him an in season lame duck, which as it turned out he was anyway. Also, when you get the I want to win now mindset & choose the wrong guy, like Leon Hess did with Kotite, you go backwards, not forwards. I believe Favre is the wrong guy. I firmly believe that Edwards will outplay Favre this season & will be shocked if he doesn't. After a couple of bad seasons, Favre squeezed the lemon dry last year and my guess is he has little left, sort of like Joe Namath and Johnny Unitas at the end. One more thing-Bob Matthews is always like the kid in a candy store-he always wants the name without much deep thinking on the subject. He wanted Shockey earlier this winter and has echoed the thoughts of Coach Dickerson whenever a name becomes available. I take today's article with a grain of salt.
  21. I have the Gameday programs from every Bills regular season & playoff home game since the game I missed in 1990. This includes, of course, the comeback game. Last year I missed the Patriots game & had someone get me the program. I've already sold the 49ers game ticket with the contingency that they get me a program. I was very disappointed when they stopped selling the real programs and switched to the little free ones, but I've adjusted to them. I also have all 4 Super Bowl programs in plastic with my ticket stubs. The interesting thing about the Super Bowl programs is that for Super Bowl XXV, there were 2 different programs distributed. One had the 4 teams in the conference championship games without a recap of the conference championship game and the one sold at the stadium the day of the game had just the Giants & Bills, with the championship game recaps included.
  22. Sounds like the guys at ESPN who think that Tom Donahoe was a great GM because he wanted to win now. I remember an owner firing a young head coach (who it turned out was better suited for college) when he said "I want to win now" after he fired Pete Carroll and brought in his "win now" coach, Rich Kotite. We haven't made the playoffs in years because of that "win now" philosophy. Now when we're actually ready to both win now & in the forseeable future, some of you want to throw it all away for a shot at one or 2 years of Brett Favre at age 39 and maybe 40-an age where a guy can fall off the face of the football map a few games into the season. I can't change your minds now, so all I can say is watch Edwards & Favre for the next 2 seasons and you'll understand why wanting Favre is a mistake and you'll all be grateful that Favre didn't end up a Bill.
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