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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. I figured it was worth a shot and the Bills are much lower & available than the popular teams like the Patriots. So I bought 2 Super Bowl futures from FirstDIBZ for $50 each plus $7 fee. If the Bills make the Super Bowl, I now can buy the tickets at face value (I lose the $107 if they don't make it). I first read about this place (it used to be called The Ticket Reserve) in the Buffalo News in a commentary article by Bob DiCesare in the 9/21/05 paper. If you want to check out what some teams are going for, check out the site, go to Pro Sports, Super Bowl XVIII, and click on all team prices. http://www.firstdibz.com/home.html
  2. Unless team management sees a lot more in Hamden than he's shown so far, I can't see a reason for keeping him on as 3rd stringer. Nall was a better alternative at 3rd string going into last season & we cut him. We can keep Baker on the PS if we get an injury. Besides, if one of our top 2 go down, we're going to need a guy who actually has some NFL experience. So the way I see it, we keep 2 QBs, keep a young guy on the practice squad, and if we lose either QB we go to the scrap heap for a veteran, or bring back Hamden like we did with Nall last year if they feel no better alternative is available.
  3. I'm more concerned about the Dolphins than the Jets. Favre may have looked good, but I'm listening to the Miami-Jax game & they are raving about the 2 Chads. They are loving Henne on the Miami broadcast. A year from now, the Jets won't have a QB, but Miami will.
  4. Here's the reason I believe why JP is still here: The team couldn't bring in a proven veteran backup this year, because the maket for one is around $2 million/season. Since JP is already here, and on his rookie contract, you can pay him more than Edwards. However, you just can't bring in a veteran backup for $2 million when your starter is making a lot less-bad politics. So next year, if Edwards proves his worth, he'll get a big $ extension, like Butler did after starting the full year in his 2nd year with the team. With Trent making the big $, you can pay the backup $2 million & not rock the boat politically.
  5. I have two: 1) Bills/Denver game 1990. After the Bills take the lead, the D starts playing soft. In the heat of the moment I yell out "Where's the f'n defense." I had virtually an entire section glaring at me like they would to a Dolphin fan. 2) Bills at New England 2007. Wilfork takes his dive at Losman's knee. JP is on the ground, I yell out "Don't get up!" Definitely unsportsmanlike conduct on my part.
  6. He played in a dome last night. He still hasn't proven he can play in a blizzard or a monsoon, like what he faced last December-the type of weather that happens once in a generation but because it happened in the same month started a myth.
  7. Thanks, this is great! Will the 2 next games be on this as well?
  8. Moon got in more as a political statement than anything else. Bledsoe can't play the "they didn't want me because... card" The irony is that Moon's contention that the NFL didn't want him because he is black and that's why he went to the CFL, before the NFL draft, is bs because the same year he came out of college Doug Williams was drafted in the 1st round by Tampa Bay. Moon just didn't have the guts to prove himself in an NFL camp, which he would have done if he hadn't fled the country and became an NFL Draft Dodger. Similar to his gutless wife beating.
  9. Rosenfels is the backup in Houston. Unfortunately, reports out of Miami have Henne looking good. He's already taking snaps as #2 behind Pennington. Beck is a bust and might not make it to opening day unless they keep 4 QBs.
  10. Please explain the logic in the last statement. NBC had already gained the rights to the Olympics before Obama got the nomination and Obama is paying NBC, not the Olympics or China. So how is advertising on NBC on an event that will be highly rated have anything to do with one's stance on going to China and attending the event? He's not against the Olympics, he's against the Olympics being held in China and a President going to China. As far as I know, the ads aren't being aired in China.
  11. If this isn't the dumbest post ever on this board, it's definitely in the top 10.
  12. Miami-They'll have Henne, who is currently ahead of Beck, plus Parcells doesn't think much of JP Baltimore-They drafted Flacco in the 1st round, no room for JP at this inn. KC-Since I can't see Brody Croyle making it, a definite possibility for JP to go there & compete, but they are unlikely to hand JP the job. Chicago-Same situation as KC Detroit-It all depends on what they think of Drew Stanton-the guy they drafted with our 2007 2nd rounder, who spent last year on IR. Minnesota-It all depends on the season Tarvaris Jackson has. Carolina-If Delhomme plays well, they'll probably draft a QB of the future, if he doesn't the job will be wide open-but I still expect them to use a high pick on a QB. Tampa Bay-Gruden has been more inclined to bring a proven vet in and let a guy like JP come in at a backup salary (like Rob) if JP thinks Gruden can help rehab his career.
  13. If he found out there was no market for him as a starter and he feels comfortable being in the backup situation he knows, he might stay. I doubt it, but I also doubt anyone is going to sign him with the intent that he is their starter, so anything is possible. I would think JP & the Bills will part at the end of this season or sooner, but you never know.
  14. Jauron attends all practices, open & closed. Do you? Jauron is in the locker room. Are you? Your conclusions are based on limited data. When you open your mind, you'll understand that the team's management sees a lot more of these players than you do to base their opinions on. The professionals, when viewing the players 24/7 and going over films have concluded that Trent is the better player of the two, not JP. That's why JP is not the starter. Until they let me into all the meetings, film reviews, closed practices etc, I'll defer to their judgement and not assume I'm smarter than the coaching staff-I recommend you do the same.
  15. Then let him throw on 1st down, otherwise you don't generate a lot of 1st downs when the RB doesn't gain significant yardage. Did you notice that Trent did not throw on 1st down on any of the 3 1st downs the Bills had when he was in there? THe fact that he didn't get more playing time is indicative that the coaches didn't need to see more of him, and felt it was more important to see all 4 QBs than let him satisfy his skeptics. Sure JP looked good, nobody can dispute this. He was allowed to pass 5 times on 1st down. The Bills ran more of a balanced attack, allowing JP to open it up more than they did on the 1st two series. Conclusion: Totally different offensive modes when Trent & JP were in there. On Edwards' 2nd (and last) drive, they were inside their own 20 and Trent was in 2nd & 3rd and long (11 yards) in obvious passing downs. JP never was tested inside his own 20. When Trent gets more playing time, instead of the game plan to let all 4 QBs play, then we can see if he's ok or not. You can't judge him on 2 series & be serious.
  16. I voted other: When JP is able to sneak over to his laptop and post.
  17. Kyle Boller, Joey Harrington, Byron Leftwich. Boller has been in & out as the starter for years now-more opportunities to reclaim the job, jerked around at least as much as JP. Joey Harrington-Detroit shipped him to Miami for a low pick him after 4 seasons, so he didn't get another chance to reclaim the starter's job-less opportunity than Losman, although their 1st 4 years are similar. Counting the in & out of starting in Miami & Atlanta, he's been jerked around more than JP. Byron Leftwich-Once he fell out of favor in Jacksonville, he was gone, same thing in Atlanta-both times given no opportunity to get his job back-just cut. 1st round busts go in & out of the lineup & get jerked around then jettisoned. The fact that they are 1st rounders gives them more opportunities at reclaiming the job than most other benched QBs. Here's another one-Akili Smith.
  18. NFL Network lists it as live tonight, so I believe they have it. Just look for sports bars in the yellow pages. I'm not that familiar with the bars where you want to watch it, but if you go to downtown Albany, there are several bars like Jillians & others. Also I think the Hooters in Crossgates Mall would have it as well as Smokey Bones in Colonie. I'm going to a bowling alley bar called The Strike Zone in Ravena, but that's comparatively pretty far from where you want to be. There are tons of places, just choose one in the book.
  19. More like Joe Namath to the Rams-what goes around, comes around.
  20. The deal smacks of "Kellen Clemens is a bust, we can't go back to starting Pennington and we hope Erik Ainge can sit & develop behind Favre because if Ainge isn't the long term answer, we have to draft another QB next year."
  21. See my post above-the pieces fall apart WHEN HE TAKES HIS PHYSICAL-which all contracts are subject to.
  22. The clip begs the question: What else was he saying before and after this part of his speech was edited & put on the internet and what is the context within the rest of the speech? Of course, those who want to bash him don't want to show that part because it may be a logical part of the entire speech when placed in proper context.
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