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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. I never thought Youboty would make the team, I even joked about a positive drug test for estrogen. I was wrong, Youboty is a major cog on this team.
  2. He'll be signed to a new contract before next year's camp, probably before the draft. The Bills have been good at paying productive players who exceed their rookie contract. We're talking a franchise QB here-they always paid Kelly, they'll always pay Trent.
  3. We never had a return game like this during the Super Bowl years. We had great coverage units with Tasker & Pike, but nobody to be a threat every time he touched the ball like Parrish, McGee or McKelvin. In 1990 we had Al Edwards & Chris Hale returning punts, Don Smith & Edwards for kicks In 1991 it was Edwards for both and Cliff Hicks taking over for Edwards after he had a disasterous punt return game. In 1992 It was Hicks & Hale on punts, Kenneth Davis & Edwards on returns In 1993 it was Russell Copeland on punts and kicks with Beebe & Davis occasionally returning kicks. If we had a kick return game like the current Bills, we might have won 2 of those Super Bowls.
  4. It was actually McGahee, Spikes & Holcomb for Edwards, Stroud & Steve Johnson (+ the departed C.J. Ah You)
  5. If Tyler Who Thigpen is their top QB option, yes. When Huard comes back the Bengals, Dolphins, Rams & 49ers bill be battling them for the top, or bottom, spot.
  6. Go to the Zone & look up the post that will give you the access codes before the game starts. He doesn't want it posted on other sites.
  7. Because he's the best O-lineman on the team & the guy who played in his place doesn't feel comfortable playing that position.
  8. It's just you. They said on the pregame show that Walker was uncomfortable playing left tackle & is very happy to be back at RT. You don't punish the team when one of the best players comes back from a holdout. If you're old enough, think back to the OJ & Cribbs& Thurman holdouts. The Bills put them back in when the holdouts ended.
  9. Either in college or the pros, Gill has a heck of a coaching future. After Jauron retires with 2 or 3 Super Bowl rings, could Gill end up coming back to Buffalo (because he'll be gone pretty soon-enjoy it while you can UB) as coach of the Bills?
  10. A smart person would have said straight out "How do you define what you're calling the Bush Doctrine, there are several interpretations." However Sarah Palin is not a smart person, in fact, she came across as someone who does not have the intellectual prowess to handle a national office. It's not media elitism that prevents Sarah Palin from intelligently answering questions-she's just not very bright.
  11. The Bills are hotter than the temperature on the field.
  12. Who was the defensive genius on the sidelines for that Washington game?
  13. The ones responsible for the billboard need to learn how to spell the name Brett.
  14. Losman's career is virtually Rob Johnson revisited. I guess it will take JP getting waived by his next team to convince you. That's ok, from the data you do have a 5-10% chance of being right. My thinking is more along the lines that it wasn't the management that failed JP. It's more JP was failing the management and they were always looking to find a better replacement. 1) JP's 2nd season-I was with you all at the time. I hated Mularkey for putting his job security over the team and felt that to put in Holcomb, to win 1 or 2 more meaningless games was hurting JP and the team. Looking back on the situation, I now see what Mularkey & his staff were doing. They saw enough of Losman to believe he wasn't good enough & yanked him before the vets exploded the locker room. They felt they couldn't win with JP and went with a bandaid-Kelly Holcomb. That couldn't stop the bleeding (losses), but they felt it was futile to have JP in there. 2) JP's 3rd season-It would have been interesting to see what would have happened if the same staff that was there in 2005 was still in place-the ones who didn't trust JP with the starter's job. Fortunately, we will never know. So Marv & Jauron come in & what is one of their 1st moves-signing Craig Nall to compete for the starter's job. Now we know by now Nall is not starting material and by 2006 neither is Kelly Holcomb. So JP wins the starter's job by default. He plays well in about 3-7 games (depending on your view, but 7 is about the limit) and the fans thought JP was entrenched and would be the Bills' QB for the next decade. Now the guys who see the players every day in practice, gameday & subsequent film study show more by their actions than their words. When all the so called experts expect the Bills to fill an obvious need such as D back with pick 92 of the 2007 draft, the Bills surprise them all by picking a QB. This is the same group that signed Nall in a subtle attempt to replace JP the previous year. 3) JP's 4th season-From the 1st exhibition game & reports in practice, there are signs that not only has JP not moved forward, but he is playing more like the bad JP, not the good JP of the previous year's 3-7 games. In the 1st exhibition game, JP & the starting O are expected to play a few plays & get out of there. Unfortunately, JP & the O play so poorly that they are kept in a lot longer than planned. It cost the team an opportunity to get all QBs in the game. Do you remember how PO'd Nall was when he didn't play? As the preseason goes on, JP still is not showing much. Meanwhile Trent Edwards starts to light it up against the 2nd & 3rd stringers. By the end of pre-season, Trent has shown the most of the QBs & Nall is released. If there had been an open competition, Trent Edwards would have been the opening day starter, not JP Losman. Now the 1st 2 games JP flat out sucks, there's no other way to put it. Now JP gets injured & in his 1st start Trent edwards leads the Bills to victory. Now by the time JP is ready, the team has already found a guy the trust more. Once again, I go back to the fact they are the ones who see these guys 24/7. We all know how the rest of the story turns out. So, looking back-was JP handled poorly? Maybe, but the guys who see these guys 24/7 have been looking for something better for virtually JP's entire career, that should tell all the fans something. No matter how bad you think Mularkey and his staff were, they still now more about football & talent evaluation than just about everyone who is a member of this board. When Marv & Dick came in they too did just about everything they could to find JP's replacement. Once again-they know more than we do. Is this messing with someone, or is it more watching a guy & concluding he's just not good enough. Now JP has had his moments and does have 30 starts, so having him around as a 2nd stringer, in a league where decent backups are few & far between, does make some sense. Let's get to the final part-the ridiculous notion that JP was benched for financial reasons & Ralph is just being cheap. Did JP lose money by losing the starting job? I'm not so sure he did. 1st of all, the Bills don't think JP is a multi-million dollar talent. They view him in his proper place-a veteran backup who has started 30 games with limited success. Now if JP had played enough games for his salary to be higher than it is, it wouldn't mean he'd be getting it. If JP had played enough to earn the extra $ for 2008, I'm 99.9% sure that the Bills would have cut him, before they paid him starter's $ to be the backup. Also, Ralph & the team know darn well that whoever the starter is this year, a big year means a major contract extension for next season. So it really doesn't matter who the starter is from a financial standpoint. If Trent succeeds, which I fully expect, he's going to be paid about $7 million next year. Otherwise the Bills will be paying big $ to a 1st round rookie or a veteran acquired by trade or as a free agent. It was NEVER about Ralph pulling strings to save $.
  15. It's not 1 game. I said we're going to the Super Bowl before the win against Seattle.
  16. Yes, but Weis is still on the sidelines coaching & will be doing the post game press conference. Brady left his job immediately-what a wuss! Weis>Brady
  17. He can't match Lori. Lori watches every game, knows the roster, knows who will be playing, knows how to evaluate the roster moves one season & even 1 week to the next. This guy is lucky if he's seen any Bills games other than when they played against his team when he was with them. He's just another national guy trying to evalute a game by looking at a few highlights and some stats. Lori is there, he's not -there's no comparison between the two when it comes to expertise on the Buffalo Bills. More Lori, less national analysis. GG-I don't know if the link is down or just slow. I opened it a while ago, and minimized it when it was going too slow. I then opened it about an hour later after I forgot about it & it was there. I loved the bickering by the fans below the article. One guy said Peters wasn't playing & called another one a moron for saying Peters would play.
  18. It won't matter. Ch 6 is now the Jets station-they, or their CW affiliatem showed all the Jets preseason games. If the Jets are 4-11 going into the season finale vs 3-12 Miami, ch 6 will still show that game over Bills/NE. Although, the hype over the 15-0 Bills trying to equal what NE did in last year's regular season almost insures that the game will be flexed to Sunday night.
  19. Do you know that in 65% of the games where JP got sufficient enough playing time (I eliminated the mop up/injured early games), he did not complete a pass that resulted in a gain of over 50 yards. I don't have the tapes, but I'll bet that most of those 50+ yard completions did not travel over 50 yards in the air. In all probability, most were a 30-40 yd pass that included 10-20+ RAC yards. Some might have even been screens.
  20. The following recent players, some you have mentioned, were successful by or in their 2nd season in the league-no matter what they did as rookies: Mike Vick (although we all know what derailed his career) Carson Palmer Jay Cutler Brett Favre Peyton Manning Eli Manning (even though the myths say otherwise, he led the Giants to the playoffs & was good enough to be entrenched as the Giants' starter) Tom Brady-won Super Bowl Donavan McNabb Ben Roethlisberger-won Super Bowl The following QBs "needed more time" after their sophomore seasons & never were the answer to the team that drafted them Kyle Boller JP Losman Rex Grossman Joey Harrington David Carr Alex Smith Patrick Ramsey The following QBs, who were supposed to be the QBs of the future are heading in the same direction as the needs more time group, and most likely will be busts: Matt Leinart Drew Stanton (still has time to progress this season before it's too late, but he's still far down on the Lions depth chart) Brody Croyle John Beck Tarvaris Jackson (starting, but for how long?) Kellen Clemens Jason Campbell (starting, but for how long?) Vince Young may be joining this group very soon. The only current QBs who struggled by the end of, or after their 2nd season in the league after being given the chance to be their teams' starter and righted themselves are Drew Brees & Kerry Collins. Todd Collins, after 10 years of pine riding may soon join these 2. The rest of the league's starting QBs may have bounced around a little, or sat for years behind an established starter before being given their chance, but once they were given an opportunity to start, the seized the opportunity & never regressed. Expecting a QB who has already had a shot at being a starter and failed to "get it" after his 2nd year in the league is a pipe dream. By the end of his 2nd year, you know one way or the other. That's why I'm amazed by the fans who still think JP will become an established starter when he leaves Buffalo. The odds are very much against it. In today's (salary cap era) NFL if you're a high QB pick you either fast track it to the starter's job or you're gone. Other recent flops who didn't show enough by the end of year 2 & ended up on the scrap heap (although some are still in the league as backups) include: Cade McNown, Akili Smith, Ryan Leaf, assorted Dallas baseball players (Henson, Carter, Hutchinson), Chris Simms, Chris Redman, Tim Couch, Jim Druckenmiller, Tony Banks, and of course the guy a lot of us thought just needed more time after he'd been in the league over 5 friggin' years ROB JOHNSON. It's actually the failure of Rob Johnson that got me onto the research above and why I'm quite convinced that JP will never be a quality starter in the NFL. The data supports my position.
  21. If Trent drives you so crazy, don't watch. However, that means you'll be missing Super Bowl XLIII. So a pass comes up short and you're seriously bummed? Please read today's article about the perfect passes that Trent threw & re-think your position. Trent puts his receivers in a position to catch the ball exactly where it's supposed to be thrown. Does he miss on some throws? Sure, even Jim Kelly missed on some throws & he's in the Hall of Fame. Guess what-Jim Kelly even had bad games-just think of some of those games in Pittsburgh & KC. There's no such thing as a perfect QB, but Trent Edwards is a HUGE upgrade over JP Losman. It's really time for the JP fans to give it up. Now to my answer to the original question. My definitive post on the subject got lost among the 2007-8 lost posts. Back in August of 2007, while JP was struggling in preseason & Trent was lighting it up, I wrote a post that was titled OK, I'll say it now. I wrote that "when the Bills play their next playoff game, Trent Edwards will be the starting QB" It didn't sit well with the JP fans, especially after he had played well enough in 3-4 games in 2006 to make them think he'd turned the corner & the light went on. All I saw was a dim bulb that flickered brightly once in a while and by the end of pre-season I couldn't wait until Trent replaced JP. I was fortunate to be there when JP went down in New England in game 3 and the Trent Edwards era began. The following week when the Jets gameplanned to stop the run & Trent came out throwing I knew my days as a depressed Bills fan would soon be coming to an end. The only way to describe it was I felt totally rejuvinated as a fan, knowing the Bills were now moving in a positive direction-something I never felt with JP starting.
  22. When the Bills weren't in a conflicting game, I used to get a chance to watch the Giants/Redskins games. One game I saw the Giants just rip apart Gregg0's D. It was very enjoyable watching the game. I remember all the fans who were saying Gregg would be a good to great coach when he got another chance at being a head coach. Well the Redskins were smart enough to fire him rather than name him HC, and we never see his name anymore as a HC "hot list" candidate.
  23. Gregg used to coach in Buffalo, he knows the Bills. He has been preparing for this moment for years. He's studied every move of Steve Fairchild & JP Losman. Gregg is ready! Sometimes a team changes Offensive Coordinators & Quarterbacks-Whoops.
  24. I think this game is a virtual lock to get flexed to Sunday night.
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