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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. That's because you are a fan who has to look for negatives when they don't exist. Anyone who says he can't play in poor weather has no real data to back it up. Just look at the QB stats on the other side of those games and realize there are certain conditions that NO QB can play well in. According to your logic Ben Roethlisberger can't play in bad weather because last week the Steelers couldn't score more than 10 points because it was rainy & windy. I remember another night game, 11/26/07 when nobody scored until 1:19 when Pittsburgh beat Miami 3-0. Therefore you should be all over the Roethlisberger can't play in bad weather bandwagon. By the way 2 weeks later, the Bills, led by Trent Edwards, beat Miami 38-17 with Trent Edwards throwing 4 TD passes-IN POOR WEATHER!
  2. Even if I don't think he's very good, JP with 30 NFL starts is a much better fit to beat teams like the Browns, Chiefs, 49ers, Dolphins & Jets, the teams we play in weeks 11-15, than Hamdan who has never started an NFL game. JP is an insurance policy worth more than a 2nd day pick-the best he would yield. If Brett Favre's trade started at a conditional 4, nobody is giving the Bills a 3rd for about 80% of one season of JP. If JP was signed for 3 more years, then they'd have a better shot at your pipe dream.
  3. When someone said "It's the economy, stupid." Sarah Palin said "You talkin' to me?"
  4. Another reason stats are so meaningless. Elway was a lifetime 56.87% passer. JP Losman is a career 59.14 % passer. So according to your logic, JP Losman is better than a 1st ballot Hall of Famer-GTFO.
  5. But will you be here on Sunday night, or just disappear into the wind after you get your behind kicked. The Raiders would love to play the Jills, they might even have a chance to win. Unfortunately the Raiders will have to play the Bills and watch the best QB of the class of 2007 widen the gap between him and the guy the Raiders thought was the best QB-JaMarcus Russell-the guy who will be driving Trent's limo in a few years.
  6. Albany is Giants country. I've been here over 20 years & I never expect the Bills to be shown when the Giants are on the same network & time. You can go to a bar, or go to the game. If not, you still have 103.9 FM. Or you can try the internet feed that the guy who posts on the Zone provides.
  7. Simms is on Tennessee. Culpepper announced his retirement because his knee never fully recovered. So yes, Frerotte is their best hope.
  8. Looking back, Mularkey may have been a lot smarter than we thought. It's not mismanagement when a coach recognizes a guy is a bust & that player is hurting the team's chances of winning games. The Vikings can win more games with Frerotte and to a coach who is not entrenched, that's what matters. Funny thing about bad play-calling. When you have a QB who is a bust, the OC gets a lot of heat. First Gilbride was an idiot when JP couldn't cut it (yet he went on to become the OC of the Super Bowl Champs), then Fairchild was hated in Buffalo. Now Turk Schonert is a genius because JP is on the bench. If the Vikings had Edwards instead of Jackson nobody would be questioning the OC in Minnesota. I hope you were kidding when you bagged on the Vikings OC.
  9. Henne was looking good in preseason, and Ratliff was the best QB behind Favre-he was tons better than Clemens (with two Es). If the Jets hadn't acquired Favre, Ratliff would have been their best QB, not Pennington, Clemens, or Ainge. Albany had the Jets preseason games on TV and Ratliff was lighting it up.
  10. That's not true. Miami drafted Chad Henne in the 2nd round and is developing him to be their QB of the future. In fact, if Miami doesn't start winning, Henne will be starting very soon. The Jets don't have the guy they planned to replace Pennington working out, because Clemens is a bust (to JP fans that means "he just needs more time for the light to come on & the Jets will regret letting him go"). But, they may have found a gem in an undrafted FA from last year who made their roster after spending last season on their practice squad, Brett Ratliff. Also, the Jets have 2008 draftee Erik Ainge.
  11. They don't even suspend players who can pass a drug test after being arrested for coke. Matt Jones wouldn't be playing if the NFL was suspending guys who just get arrested.
  12. As long as we're ranked #1 on February 2nd, I don't care if they rank us 32nd today.
  13. Years ago, before IR became a season ender, teams would stash guys on IR who they didn't want to waive but weren't ready to play at the beginning of their rookie years. The inactives were part of a compromise that ended player stashing since if you put a guy on IR, his season ends and unless you're the Patriots, he's prohibited from practicing. The Polian Bills were masters of this art. they put late round guys like Carlton Bailey & Keith McKeller on IR while they got them NFL ready by mid-season. McKeller played in strike games while on IR. One time the move bit them. They stashed CB Martin Mayhew on IR for the entire season & Washington scooped him up on plan B. Polian was livid according to the news stories when washington "stole" Mayhew.
  14. I hope this satisfies all the stat boys who have expressed skepticism about him because his rookie #s , in spite of 2 of his games last year being played in once in a decade weather storms, didn't meet their standards.
  15. Last year after week 2, I was one of the fans in favor of a QB change. So I turn on WGR that Thursday and I hear Clayton say that if the Bills put Edwards in, it will set the franchise back by three years. Clayton has backed off big time from that statement, which was made before Trent's 1st regular season NFL pass, but I called it the dumbest thing he has ever said, and I believe it still is. In a decade where two 2nd year QBs have won the Super Bowl, it's impossible to set a team back 3 years by inserting a rookie QB in. Just look at the Dolphins-last year they inserted a rookie in, they got enough data to know he wasn't the answer & moved on, drafting another QB & signing a stopgap. Even that didn't set the Dolphins back by three years. Obviously he was thinking that the Bills had invested over 3 years in JP at the time and it would take Edwards just as long to reach the level JP was already at, but he ignored the progress that good QBs make by year 2, let alone year 3.
  16. I would guess the play was: if a receiver is open, hit him, otherwise take the sack. The clock always stops on a change of possession.
  17. When Trent Edwards started getting noticed in camp last year, my first reaction was (after thinking about players like Brady & Montana) maybe it's finally our turn.
  18. The original post is insane. You ALWAYS try to go up by 4 when you're ahead by 1. It makes the other team's task more difficult plus a fieldgoal DOESN'T BEAT YOU! The Patriots were up by 9-no friggin comparison! Even a Jets' TD doesn't beat them.
  19. Worse than Bledsoe-he may turn out to be Namath in LA or Unitas in SD
  20. Please stop drinking the same stuff they serve at WGR. The Dolphins game was played in bad weather last year, Trent played great. The Browns & Giant games were once in a generation storms. It was still raining when Trent got the rust off against the Seahawks. Trent has put on extra muscle weight since last year.
  21. Ok, I'll play devil's advocate. I can't say for sure Fairchild sucked. I can say that Fairchild never had a QB he trusted. 1st JP, then a rookie-he felt he had to play conservative to protect both. We'll never know, but if Fairchild had the 2008 version of Edwards, he may have opened things up as much as Turk has done.
  22. Actually, the present front office is 2-0. Marv left after two 7-9 seasons that were rebuilding years. Just like most great architects, Marv then left and let the inhabitants enjoy his finished product. Brandon & staff put the finishing touches on Marv's work with Stroud, Sp Johnson & Mitchell. Great teams can usually look at a draft or two that brought the team to greatness. The 2006 & 2007 drafts with Marv's input may go down among the best in Bills' history. In 2006 they got 4 current starters on day 2. In 2007 they got 3 potenial Pro Bowlers on day 1.
  23. If so, I'm sorry to the TV guys. I didn't think they caught it, but then it's tough to listen to 2 things at once. The radio guys were a few seconds ahead of the digital cable feed, so I knew about the tip before the TV guys could say anything & I must have missed their explanation. Once again, sorry Steve.
  24. I don't know-they barely beat the Chiefs & then beat a team that barely beat the Dolphins. Don't count the Patriots in yet. The Jets run D was flat out bad today & Favre was no great shakes either. Earlier this week Fred Smerlas called the Jets frauds. He was right and that still doesn't mean the Pats are any good. Will they win next week? Sure, how can they lose to the dreadful Dolphins (boy saying that feels so good). Cassel looked very shaky in the middle of the game before the Pats runners took over. Lets see how he does against SD, Den, Ind, THE BILLS, Pittsburgh, Seattle (when they should have their players back) & even Arizona. I see 7-8 losses there. Just remember-we get the Browns & Jacksonville, who we already beat; the Patriots get Pittsburgh & Indy in their place. The Division is ours!
  25. I had the radio on with the TV & was listening to both. On one play Murph & Kelso were right on when the TV announcers (Tasker & the other guy) were oblivious, even though the tv camera showed why: This was on the play Greer got the flag that they then announced was no penalty. TV viewers never got the explanation even though the cameraman showed Mitchell signaling that the pass was tipped. Instead while they could have been explaining why, they showed Del Rio disagreeing with the ref with no correct explanation for the viewers. Murph & Kelso called it right away, tipped pass, no pass interference.
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