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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. They were down 31-17 when Royal fumbled. How does 31-17=3?
  2. He completed a pass for a 1st down you moron! Next time you want to comment on a play 1) watch the game 2) if you're watching pay F'n attention 3)Know what the he** you're talking about or STFU
  3. The DEs would have been off the field a lot longer, so who knows.
  4. Towards the end of the game the guys on CBS said when they asked the players what the difference is in this team vs past Bills teams, the answer was Trent Edwards. They even mentioned how Aaron Schobel even said that. Nobody can say the Bills were exposed-JP was exposed. Every time he has played since the Cincinnati game costs him more $. Games like this will cost him a job in the NFL. Finally, I'd like to know what JP's QB rating was. It was pretty high early and if it stayed high enough to look good the next person who mentions QB ratings needs a good bi**h slapping.
  5. I disavow everything I said earlier about Rosenfels-3 turnovers at the end of the game.
  6. Hamdan is the emergency QB. I consider that as an inactive. You always get 7 guys & the 3rd string QB, otherwise you get 8 inactive position players.
  7. Parrish McGee Omon McIntyre Bell Fine Ellis Hamdan
  8. Don't be so negative-Their stadium is half full.
  9. That's what we have in Albany. The 1st half I watched the Giants. It looks like it's not much of a contest, so I've switched to Indianapolis/Houston. Every time I see Sage Rosenfels, he's outplaying his team's starter. How much longer can Houston play Schaub when they're better with Rosenfels. Schaub is out with a virus. Next week it might be food poisioning courtesy of his teammates.
  10. He's back in, everything looks ok. Good-we need him full strength when he plays the other AFC East teams later this season.
  11. Looks like a knee injury on 1st drive of the game.
  12. This thread is as stupid as the ones that predict the Bills will win/lose by 20 before the game is played. Then the people of the opposite opinion bash the prognosticator. Either way this thread can be bumped on Election Day and we'll see who the real idiots are.
  13. Ok so we independents can call Obama by his full name & McCain as John KEATING McCain-he wasn't convicted of anything, just told that his part in Keating 5 was BAD JUDGEMENT! So maybe McCain's full name shouuld be John Bad Judgement McCain. Now anyone who thinks Sarah Palin was a better choice than Tom Ridge is just a talking point partisan hack, or is so focused on the abortion issue they don't give a damn about one's ability to assume the Presidency or any important issue like national security or the economy. The fact that Tom Ridge is not the Republican VP choice shows why many of us view the Republican party as one hijacked by a bunch of religious zealots. Now of course, the Democrats have their own left wing hijackers, but when it comes to intelligence the Democratic ticket has it over the Republicans on both halves of the ticket. Sarah Palin isn't Dan Quayle- She's Bart Simpson-Underachiever & Proud of it.
  14. I don't think of OJ at all when I see his name on the wall. It's just another bunch of letters positioned a certain way against some concrete.
  15. Worst team in football? The Giants were 5-4 when Warner was benched in 2004. You should at least grasp the fact that a 5-4 record does not make you "the worst team in football" before making the Warner argument. The story is that the Giants, the team you called "the worst team in football" started the 2004 season 4-1. After dropping 3 of the next 4 games, Tom Coughlin decided to give up on trying to make the playoffs and point to the future. He switched to Eli Manning in part because he was in his 1st season of a multi-year contract and knew he could look to the future without risking his job. The switch was not favored by the veterans on the team who were looking to make the playoffs. His decision was vindicated as the Giants won the division in 2005 and have made the playoffs in all 3 seasons that Eli Manning was the full season starter and of course, won Super Bowl XLII.
  16. More like "Visions of Super Bowls dance in my head"
  17. Anyone who says David Kreig should be in the Hall of Fame needs to take that football class they give at Ralph Wilson Stadium. That's just absurd!
  18. That's why he was beat out in St Louis by a former 6th round pick who was on a couple of practice squads
  19. Well look at the past. Teams have given up #1s for a body of work a lot skimpier than Trent Edwards currently has. Do you remember back in 1998 there was this backup on Jacksonville who commanded a 1st and a 4th from a team that was scammed by one great game. Then the team, that shall remain nameless, gave the QB a 5 year $25 million contract. How about Matt Schaub in 2007 for a swap of 1sts (picks 8 & 10), a 2nd and I think a 2008 2nd. Then a big $ contract for Schaub with Houston. Also a 2005 1st, and 2004 2nd & 5th for the rights to draft JP Losman in the 1st round of the 2004 draft with no NFL experience. Face it, if a team offerred a 1st for Trent, the Bills would say no and laugh in their face. Anyone who could get Trent for a #1 would be accused of the biggest heist since Denver traded for John Elway.
  20. I will bolster your case with this. The 11-13 guys I mentioned were outright busts. The team that let them go basically had to go back to the drawing board and start all over again after they failed. I believe that Trent Edwards is a rare talent that the coaches knew had to be put into the lineup as soon as they could. Therefore, the JP situation may indeed be different because none of these guys were replaced because the team found someone anyone near the talent of a Trent Edwards to replace each of them with. So in that case the JP situation is different than the cases I have cited. JP may indeed be a good starting NFL QB, I don't know, because in my opinion the Bills found greatness and replaced a question mark in JP with someone who will be an elite talent. That does give the JP situation a different angle than the busts I listed. On a side note, it was evident early the Bills knew they had something special in Edwards. Here are some quotes from the 9/9/2007 season preview edition of Pro Football Weekly before Trent ever took a snap in a regular season NFL game. page 4 "" According to daily observers at Bills camp, rookie Trent Edwards has clearly been the most impressive quarterback thus far. J.P. Losman undoubtedly remains the starter heading into Week One, but considering that he was drafted by the old coaching regime, coach Dick Jauron has no particular loyalty to him. Edwards-a Stanford product-was given a glowing endorsement by the late Bill Walsh prior to the draft and apparently everything Walsh highlighted about the youngster has come to light. Edwards quickly supplanted Craig Nall as No 2 on the depth chart and his numerous preseason repititions could carry over to the regular season if Losman struggles." page 6 ""Bills QB J.P. Losman had an impressive end to the '06 season, but third-round pick Trent Edwards was clearly the top quarterback through camp, which could spell trouble for Losman should he falter."
  21. Anyone who seriously thinks Sarah Palin will ever be a viable Presidential candidate do a search on the following: "James Danforth Quayle" + Presidential Campaign + 1996
  22. Well based on the fact that Kerry Collins had already taken Carolina to the NFC Championship game in his 2nd season in the league and just needed to stop drinking so much, plus the fact that 8 years ago Collins led the Giants to the NFC Championship, it's not so outrageous that Collins could lead a team to a 4-0 start. It's not like Tennessee is 16-0. Since the salary cap era, name me another 1st round QB, who lost his starter's job with the team that drafted him and ever amounted to anything with another team. The best ones after Collins, the exception to the rule are Tommy Maddox and Trent Dilfer-2 QBs who didn't exactly go on to greatness. Heck, Dilfer wasn't even re-signed after his team won the Super Bowl because it was the defense, not Dilfer who got them there. There is a ton of data that says it is highly unlikely that JP will ever be a successful starter in the NFL. These are all the 1st round QBs who lost their starter's job and never succeeded in the NFL since the salary cap & free agency came into effect in 1992. Only Collins, Dilfer and Maddox ever had even a modicum of success after losing their jobs and getting let go by their draft team. Here's the guys drafted from 1992 on who didn't: David Klingler, Rick Mirer, Heath Schuler, Ryan Leaf, Tim Couch, Akili Smith, Cade McNown, David Carr, Joey Harrington, Patrick Ramsey, and Byron Leftwich. Statistically, if you only include Collins, thats 1 in 14. or 7.14%, or a 92.86% failure rate-and the 1 had a drinking problem-JP has no known off field problem that he can fix. If you consider Dilfer & Maddox successful, then it's 3/14 or 21.43% or a 78.57 failure rate. Could JP be the exception-I wouldn't bet on it. Since the salary cap era, 16 years and counting, when a team jettisons a former 1st round QB pick, getting little or nothing back in return, they are almost always right. Dumping a 1st round QB pick is done only after the team has determined that the guy is a bust-you just don't invest that much time & money for another team to profit from your former 1st rounder. To call 16 years of data that indicates JP won't ever be successful nonsense is ignoring reality. People can like JP & hope he's the exception, but the odds are really stacked against him.
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