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Everything posted by Albany,n.y.

  1. You still haven't defended her. I tried to get you to do so, even attached an article that stated what you claimed you didn't know & all you did was still claim ignorance. I asked you to do so in a rational non slur manner & you can't as the above post proves. The reason I asked you to is because your original response to my statement that she doesn't understand the 1st amendment was to BOLD & ENLARGE my point about her not understanding the 1st amendment & respond to it LOL. You are too ignorant to get information to support you contentions and too irrational to respond in a non slur way-that is not a slur since your ignorance is proven by your 1st bolding & enlarging the original statement of facts & then de facto claiming ignorance by stating you don't know what she said and choosing not to educate yourself on the facts to issue a rational response and you keep up the slurs as proven by your post above. I have no more time for you since I'm too busy to respond any further & before you say anything else stupid-it's because I have a funeral to prepare for.
  2. You can't respond to my challenge, can you? I'll repeat it-Defend Palin's ignorance of the 1st amendment, in a rational manner without slurs. As Joe Friday said-Just the facts! YOUR PROBLEM IS -YOU CAN'T.
  3. I'm certain of 2 things: 1)Obama knows there are 50 states. just like McCain knows he is no longer a prisoner of war when he addresses his audience as "my fellow prisoners". 2) Sarah Palin doesn't understand the 1st amendment. Getting back to the FACTS, since you bolded & enlarged my point on the 1st amendment-How can you defend Palin's ignorance of the 1st amendment-You can't! http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/sfgate...;entry_id=32193
  4. By definition Middle Class means above the lower and below the upper. This covers a large range of incomes and cannot be defined by any one income number. So it doesn't matter what # someone says since middle class is also different based on geographical differences-middle class in Buffalo is poor in NYC & LA. So the only important # is at what income do your taxes go down, stay the same, or go up. Obama has been quite clear on those #s and has a calculator for all on his website. Just because FOX News and its viewers are too friggin stupid to do the math, doesn't mean that the Obama tax plan has changed. This is the same news organization that supports a candidate for VP who doesn't even know the definition of the 1st amendment regarding freedom of speech. The reason moderates and those more left than us think the supporters & viewers of FOX News and their VP candidate are stupid is because they just are, and every time they write or say something it confirms that fact.
  5. You left out a very inportant fact: Not only did the Bills not have Bennett for the 47-6 beating by the Colts, they also didn't have Kelly, Smith, Smerlas, Reed, et al because the team that lost 47-6 to the Colts was the friggin' strike team with Dan Manucci & Willie Totten taking most of the snaps at QB. You can't seriously compare the 2 Colts games & attribute the difference to Bennett.
  6. And McCain isn't? Come on, get real, nobody gets the Presidential nomination of either party without being a lying fraud. What do you think of Palin, she seems to be a pathological liar. When they said she abused her office she claimed they cleared her-her lying is clearly a disease, she needs help.
  7. Here's a stadium chart. You don't need to click on the seat to see where you're at. The only concern I would have is being that close, I'm not sure if the players block any of you view & I'm not sure how good the angle is for the yardage gained on running plays. I was once down in row 1 or 2 in the old stadium in Foxboro and had these problems, but row 6 might be ok. http://www.buffalobills.com/tickets/stadiu...ting-chart.html
  8. He has sucked everywhere (Jets, Vikings, Chargers) he's gone since he left the Bills. He's fallen big time since he was a head coaching "hot assistant" candidate back in his Bills days.
  9. Strained Achilles, not sprained. Jauron clearly said strained in the post game news conference. Here's KFFL's take: Bills | Reed injured Week 8 Sun, 26 Oct 2008 13:13:22 -0700 NFL.com reports Buffalo Bills WR Josh Reed (Achilles') suffered a strained Achilles' during the team's Week 8 game.
  10. We lost at Miami 30-7. The next week we beat the Jets to start an 8 game winning streak. That season the team played one more game in Florida, at Tampa, just like this season.
  11. I think the rule is ridiculous as it is currently enforced. Why do the Seahawks get to name an assistant coach (Mora) as their 2009 head coach, yet if Jim Haslett completely turns around the Rams, they are not allowed to hire him without some kind of mock set of interviews? If the NFL wants to be consistent-Void Mora's contract! The interview process will be a joke. Say they bring in Fewell for an interview in St. Louis. They ask him: How many games did you win as head coach with our team last year? He says zero. Then they ask Haslett: How many games did you win as head coach with our team last year? He says six (or whatever it ends up as). They say "You're Hired" There has to be factor in there for reason and logic. Under the current rules, Jeff Fisher, one of the elite coaches in the game today, would have had to compete with guys who had no knowledge of the Oilers after his interim season. Bill Polian would have had to gone through a set of sham interviews before hiring the one guy, Marv Levy, he was going to hire the moment he was named GM. Fix it so that you can hire guys who have put their time in & produced for your organization and stop the nonsense of the current system that allows Jim Mora to be named head coach without producing a single win as head coach of the Seahawks, yet does not permit a successful interim coach to be given the job without sham interviews of guys the organization has ZERO intent of hiring.
  12. That's really not true. Ralph was set to bring Donahoe in, Donahoe didn't want Wade as his head coach-all you have to do is look at the quotes from Donahoe & Gregg Williams to see how poorly Donahoe thought of Wade-so Ralph did the dirty work to save Donahoe from coming in & firing the head coach. The insubordination crap was just Ralph trying to get out of paying Wade. No matter how you cut it, Wade was done the minute Donahoe was picked-which while technically was after Wade got fired, was de-facto before Wade was fired.
  13. More like Peters/Dockery/Preston/Whittle/Walker I think if Fowler comes back, Preston, not Whittle, goes to the bench.
  14. I'd say the Bills are #3, not the Patriots. The Patriots don't have a local radio station, the Bills do. The Giants are clearly #1, they even have their camp here. All of the Giants & Jets preseason games are broadcast locally on TV.
  15. After many years on the air, last Tuesday's episode was, IMO the best episode ever. Without going into details in case some of you still haven't watched it on tape/DVR I was amazed how deep this one went. It should be very interesting since they can kill off anyone they want the rest of the way. I can't imagine the big 3 strike team guys all surviving when the show ends. Shane is dead man walking.
  16. Dan Quayle had delusions of grandeur too, he got his @ss kicked in the primaries. Sarah Palin will suffer the same slap in the face by reality if she really thinks she can ever be the Presidential nominee.
  17. Here's my prediction: All prisoners are removed from Gitmo to make room for the 2 prisoners who will occupy Gitmo the next 4 years: Rush Limbaugh & Sean Hannity. Since they'll be acting like they're broadcasting from Gitmo, they might as well physically be there.
  18. And JP Losman is going to be great with his next team because he's got a 101.3 QB rating this season. Well, at least you're consistent. You would have made a great crewman on the Titanic.
  19. While Donahoe screwed the pooch on some key moves, he did bring in the current Bills, some hits, some misses, but they're still on this year's roster: Evans, Peters, Moorman, Lindell, Parrish, McGee, Schobel, Greer, Reed, Kelsay, Denney, Preston, & Losman. That's almost 25% of the roster. His main problems were he bombed on 1st round picks Losman, & Mike Williams and sent a 1st rounder to NE for 3 mediocre seasons of Drew Bledsoe, wasting three 1st round picks in 5 years and he picked two horrible head coaches. He also gambled & lost on the McGahee pick, but remember, he stole that pick from Atlanta for Price and Marv & Brandon cleaned that one up, resulting in Edwards & Stroud on the current team. Overall, Donahoe's bad use of 1st rounders & poor coaching hires, combined with his gestapo management of stadium behavior (I once wrote "Fire Mularkey" in the snow on the roof of the end zone boxes & security made me erase it) made his firing necessary, but he was not as bad as some other GMs in the same timeframe, like the guys who ran the Dolphins totally into the ground.
  20. Going back to Clayton's spot on WGR Thursdays at 5, he's been all over the place when it comes to Edwards. Last year, after the 1st two games people started talking about replacing JP with Edwards. Clayton said if the Bills did that, it would set the franchise back 3 years. Towards the end of the season, he had totally backtracked from that statement. So, since Clayton talks about the Bills with WGR every week, he knows exactly how long it took Edwards to get into the lineup. He's just a spinmeister, as bad as a politician. He can't say "you know, I was totally wrong about the Bills QB situation early last season", so instead he starts revising history to match his current opinion.
  21. By the end of preseason 2007, I was raving about the next great NFL quarterback to the people at work. After I got back from opening day I must have been pretty po'd that the Bills were still starting JP and let everyone at work know. One of my friends at work took my words and wrote them down & asked me to sign them. Here's what he wrote for me to sign: "9/10/07 Trent Edwards is Joe Montana, Dan Marino & Tom Brady all in one player." At that point I objected, since it didn't explain my opinion properly. I then wrote in why I felt that way: "The coolness of Montana, The release of Marino, The mind of Brady." I then signed it. It is sitting in a co-worker's desk & I have a photocopy hanging on my wall at work and have copies at home as evidence that I saw the greatness before he ever played in a regular season game. 13 days later I went to the game in New England and after Edwards entered the game & drove the Bills right down the field I told a Patriots fan that the moment Edwards entered the game was the Bills'equivalent of when Tom Brady replaced Drew Bledsoe for the Patriots in 2001. Ironically, it was September 23, 2001 in Foxboro when Brady entered the game to replace an injured Bledsoe and it was September 23, 2007 in Foxboro when Edwards entered the game to replace an injured Losman.
  22. No need to wait, here's what Mort's answer would be: Tom Donahoe was a real visionary. He drafted Willis McGahee knowing that when McGahee would be in the last year of his contract, the Bills could trade him for a franchise quarterback. Marv Levy was just lucky to reap the benefits of Tom Donahoe's brilliant plan. Now you might ask: Why did Donahoe's Bills trade three picks for draft JP Losman? Well, the guy started 31 games and if he wasn't behind center during those 31 games the snaps would have continuously hit the ground and resulted in a lot of turnovers. You can't play NFL football without a quarterback, Tom Donahoe knew that.
  23. The local CBS station is committed to the Jets. They now show all the Jets preseason games, or have them on their sister station. So no matter how bad the Jets game is, head to head Albany will always show the Jets this season. On to another post reply-the Bills express ended a few years ago. The US government was threatening not to fund Amtrak and the Bills Express was a casualty of Amtrak's uncertain future. After that season, Amtrak continued, but the Bills Express did not.
  24. Somewhere Chris Mortensen is thinking up a story showing what a genius Tom Donahoe was for drafting Willis McGahee so that he could later be traded for the pick that we used on Edwards.
  25. A good to great tight end helps. Look at teams that throw to the TE in the red zone, then look at our sorry group.
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